“Cream pancakes!”

As soon as the voice fell, the stone statue in front of Ethan immediately split into two halves, revealing a spiral staircase.

Following the stairs, Ethan came to the principal’s office again. Everything was no different from the last time.

At the end of today’s Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall conveyed Dumbledore’s intention to see him and told him the password to open the door.

This is how the current scene happened.

Ethan also had some guesses about Dumbledore’s intention to see him this time.

Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, contacted him again, which was most likely related to this matter.

Apart from that, Ethan couldn’t think of why. He had been quite honest during this period and had never had a conflict with anyone. He just wandered around every night and visited the Forbidden Forest.

But it was not a violation if he was not caught. This was the unspoken rule of Hogwarts.

“Professor Dumbledore, here I come!”

Ethan woke up Dumbledore who was resting with his eyes closed, without any awareness of disturbing the old man.

“”Sorry, I’m old, and I always fall asleep easily at this time in the afternoon.”

Dumbledore put on his glasses on the desk, his eyes still a little dazed.

I’d be foolish to trust you, this old guy is very bad.

Ethan was sure that Dumbledore knew it the moment he shouted the password and the stone statue opened the door.

Although Dumbledore is not young anymore, wizards are quite good at surviving. If he doesn’t want to die, he can easily outlive this generation of young wizards. (Not to mention Nicolas Flamel and his wife, the Daily Prophet reported that there is someone who can live longer than them, Armando Dippet, who is 300 years old and still serves as the headmaster of Hogwarts, that is, the headmaster when Voldemort was studying.)

“Sit down first, what would you like to eat?”

Dumbledore had already taken out several kinds of desserts, the most eye-catching of which were those cockroaches that were still moving.

Ethan had seen a pile of cockroaches many times, but he had never eaten it once.

However, Dumbledore liked it very much. It can only be said that he was a 747 fanatic of sweets.

“No, thank you!”

After taking the grape juice, Ethan refused the desserts.

“Ethan, what do you think of Harry’s performance during this period?”

After putting away all the desserts, Dumbledore asked slowly.

“Just like a normal Gryffindor student, nothing special, except that he was targeted by Professor Snape.”

Ethan carefully recalled Harry at this stage and found that he had been more well-behaved since Christmas, except for the occasional night outing.

The rest of the time he basically played with Ron, played wizard chess, and talked about Quidditch, which were all normal Gryffindor hobbies. He also occasionally went to see Hagrid, but other than that, there was nothing wrong with him.

“Don’t you think his life is too easy?”

“How could it be? Aren’t all of us students like this?”

Ethan looked at Dumbledore in confusion, not knowing what he was up to.

Talking to me about Harry?

I am familiar with Harry, but the one I have the best relationship with is Ron.

The clown turned out to be me. I thought he was asking about me and Quirrell, but it turned out he was concerned about Harry.

“Is that all? Are you sure?”

Dumbledore looked at Ethan with a smile on his face.

“Well, I am a little restless!”

Whether it is sneaking into the Forbidden Forest or going to the Room of Requirement almost every night, these are not things that a normal little wizard should do.

“I want you to find something for Harry, otherwise such a comfortable life will wear down his will.”

Dumbledore finally told his purpose.

Harry had just started school, and everything was under his control at that time. He encountered the three-headed dog during his night walk, and Hagrid accidentally revealed the news of the attack on Gringotts and Nicolas Flamel, or Snape’s targeting of Harry, which led to misunderstandings.

According to this development, Harry will eventually discover that the secret hidden in the corridor on the fourth floor is the Philosopher’s Stone, and because of misunderstanding Snape’s affairs, he finally thought that he wanted to steal the Philosopher’s Stone. After all, it is always easy to speculate about people you hate with the greatest malice.

Until the final showdown with Voldemort, this is the script Dumbledore prepared for Harry in the first grade.

Because Harry has his mother With the magical protection of Harry, Voldemort himself could not cause any harm to him. It can be said that this is the best opportunity to hone Harry, the savior.

Only after defeating Voldemort can Harry have the courage to fight him in the future.

However, things have gone wrong now. Going home for Christmas was beyond Dumbledore’s expectations.

Now Snape is still targeting him, but Harry seems to be indifferent and has lost interest in the corridor on the fourth floor. This is not okay.

In order to get things back on track, he found Ethan.

After all, it is not easy for him and the professors to intervene in this matter, otherwise the principal or the professors will encourage him to violate school rules and speculate about other professors?

“”Principal, I’m just a first-year wizard, I can’t help with this matter!”

Ethan said reluctantly. He didn’t want to play the savior game with Dumbledore, let alone be a babysitter.

Strength is the root of everything. Improve your own strength and be able to protect the people you care about in the future. It’s enough to do these things.

Although it was Ethan’s fault for making Harry comfortable, Ethan would not admit it. Do you have any evidence to prove it?

Otherwise, it would be a false accusation.

It affected Hermione. The trio could not be put together, their ability to make trouble decreased, and they lacked a brain.

It affected Draco. Although he still paid extraordinary attention to Harry, there were no night duels, fewer conflicts, and he was not able to join the Gryffindor team. The odds-on team also reduced his chances of training.

Finally, there was Snape. Because of what Ethan said, Harry now felt that he was paying off his father’s debt.

Snape could target him if he wanted, and it wouldn’t hurt him anyway. After all, his father had succeeded in getting him out of the blue, and Snape, who loved his mother, was still single, a thirty-something over-age single.

With this in mind, although Harry still didn’t like Snape very much, he didn’t think he wanted to kill him. At most, it was revenge for his father, which was not too bad. He was just a little narrow-minded, so he naturally wouldn’t doubt anything anymore. (ccfb)

“I think you have a way, and I won’t let you help me for nothing.”

If Ron was smarter and had fewer problems, he wouldn’t come to Ethan. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) But

Ron can’t accomplish anything big.

If I dare to tell him anything, this thing will be ruined.

“”It’s not a waste of help to explain it in detail.”

Ethan was excited when he heard that there was a reward. The White Devil would definitely not be stingy!

As long as the reward was in place, it would not be impossible to cooperate with Dumbledore to play Harry.

“I see you are quite interested in alchemy, so do you know who has the highest achievement in alchemy now?”

Dumbledore has a lot of chips to impress Ethan, but he can’t show much.

“Nicolas Flamel!”

Ethan said affirmatively.

The highest achievement of alchemy is to turn stone into gold. Isn’t this the function of the Philosopher’s Stone? The only one who can do this is Nicolas Flamel.

“”Yes, if you do me a small favor, I don’t mind helping you once and introducing Nico to you!”

Dumbledore smiled and nodded.

For a wizard who likes alchemy, it is absolutely impossible to refuse Nico Flamel’s guidance.

“In this case, Harry’s problem will be handed over to me, and I will definitely make him rejuvenated.”

Ethan immediately made a promise. It is not difficult to find something for Harry to do.

This is the guidance of Nicolas Flamel, which can be regarded as the standard of time travel.

Any time traveler who does not learn a few tricks from Nicolas Flamel would be embarrassed to call himself a time traveler.

“I believe you can do it, especially the spirit of adventure, which is what Harry lacks the most at the moment.

Dumbledore believed that even if he didn’t explain it clearly, Ethan would understand what he meant.

Ethan had been to the fourth floor. Although he didn’t go under the trap door, he must have guessed it.[]

And Hagrid is a big mouth. Ethan has been in contact with him for so long, and he must have revealed a lot of information. With Ethan’s wisdom, he must know what he should know.

In addition, the problem of Quirrell, both parties have been in contact.

In this game, the professors knew that Quirrell had a problem, but they didn’t know what the problem was. Voldemort also knew that Dumbledore had noticed him, but wealth and honor are sought in danger, and he is immortal, so he is not afraid!

The only ones who were led from beginning to end were Harry and his group.

“I understand, the corridors around.”

Ethan gave Dumbledore an understanding look.

If Hogwarts wanted to take risks, the Forbidden Forest was the best choice, but this year a new map of the corridor on the fourth floor was opened. Anyone with a decent brain would know that this was specially opened.

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries, and Ethan was ready to retreat, but he remembered something and turned to Dumbledore and said:

“Headmaster, Professor Quirrell demonstrated the Killing Curse to me after the last Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and he also said he could teach me how to use it. I wonder if I should go?”

“Child, don’t learn these things, and don’t get in touch with Qi Luo. I should have reminded you earlier.”

“”If there is any knowledge about magic that you don’t understand, you can come and ask me.”

Dumbledore’s face became serious.

He had been letting Quirrell go, even if he had contact with Ethan, but he didn’t expect him to be so bold. It would be fine if he talked about the three unforgivable curses publicly, but he even dragged the little wizard into the water.

Magic is the power of the mind, and the three unforgivable curses are the best in the dark magic. It’s not that you will become bad after learning it, but with learning and using it, your personality will become more extreme, and your emotions will also shift to the dark side. It’s easy to do wrong things if you are not careful, and it will be too late to regret it then.

Ethan was quite ruthless last time, but he also had a sense of propriety. Those little snakes in Slytherin only suffered physical pain.

If Ethan learned the unforgivable curses and the situation of that day happened again, he might lose control of his emotions all of a sudden and throw Ava to his classmates!

In this case, the situation would be out of control, and it would be an extremely bad result for both sides.

“I understand. I will pay attention.”

Ethan nodded and walked out of the principal’s office.

Ethan didn’t want to contact Voldemort in the first place. He was just a remnant soul, which could not bring him any benefit at all.

As for his knowledge of dark magic, most of it was useless to Ethan.

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