The Room of Requirement, the dragon hatching room.

The hot white flames continuously emit high temperatures. Ethan, Cassandra and others have sweated so much that their wizard robes are soaked, but they still stay here and don’t want to leave.

“”Ethan, it should hatch today!”

Hermione looked at the shaking black dragon egg with excitement on her face.

This is a fire dragon. Any child who knows that there are fire dragons in this world would want to raise one. Even the extremely obedient Hermione couldn’t refuse, although she was also afraid of being discovered.

“It should be almost done.”

Three days ago, the fire dragon egg began to shake slightly, and it was particularly strong today.

It has been more than six months since Ethan got this fire dragon egg. After such a long time, all the eggs should have hatched.

“Ethan, have you decided where to keep it?”

Penelope looked at Ethan with some worry. It was a serious crime to secretly raise a dragon. If he was not careful, he would be expelled from Hogwarts and imprisoned in Azkaban.

“Keep it in the Room of Requirement first, and take it back with the Traceless Expansion Spell Box during the holidays, and then keep it in the Forbidden Forest. I now have enough time to expand the space in the box, but it is still far from enough to accommodate the fire dragon.”

Ethan sighed as he spoke. How big is Newt Scamander’s suitcase?

If the dragon only needs to survive and not consider other things, the area does not need to be very large, just like the tiger cage in the zoo.

But if you add the activity area and the predation area, it will be incredible.

An adult dragon needs a hundred square miles of territory (one square mile is 2.58 square kilometers).

Even if there is no need to consider the problem of predation in Newt’s box, the activity area is still necessary, at least ten square miles to avoid connecting with other magical animal territories and be able to stretch the body and move around.

You know, there are quite a few magical animals in his box. XXXXXXX knows that there are Zouwu, Winged Demon, Poison Sac Panther, etc. Although the dragon was not released, Ethan does not believe that Newt does not have such a classic thing, and XXXX and the following are more, among which the thunderbird needs an activity area that is not smaller than the dragon.

In order to fit all of them and establish an independent ecological environment, Ethan estimates that at least half of London will be needed.

“”Look, it’s cracked!”

Qiu Zhang shouted, attracting everyone’s attention.

A long and thin crack appeared on the dark eggshell. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it at all. It’s too subtle.


In the quiet room, the sound was particularly obvious.

The long and thin crack suddenly expanded and spread, as if it was going to split the egg in two.

The hot white flame was also absorbed by the dragon egg in an instant, so that at this moment, only the dragon egg was left on the concave stone platform.

A dark tail broke through the eggshell first, and the tip of the tail like an arrow was still dancing in the air. It seemed that it was also holding back.

With a whoosh, the tail was retracted, and a large piece of the eggshell that had just been pierced by the tip of the tail was pushed open, and a wrinkled dark dragon head stretched out with a small piece of broken eggshell.

Then the eggshell shook violently twice. , and it completely cracked, allowing the Hebridean Black Dragon cub that Ethan had been waiting for for a long time to completely break out of the shell.

The whole thing is a bright black color, with small spikes on its back, a sharp tail like an arrow, wings like a bat, purple pupils, and small bulges on both sides of its head.

What surprised Ethan the most was that it actually had two front legs.

The fire dragons in this world, except for the Welsh Green Dragon, only had hind legs, and fought on the ground like a free-range chicken.

(The Welsh Green Dragon that Furong drew in the movie had four legs, and the other dragons that appeared had only two hind legs.


Of course, the wings can also replace the role of the front legs to help the fire dragon run, just like the Ukrainian Iron Belly that Hagrid raised.

Dennis said at the beginning that this was an authentic Hebridean Black Dragon egg, and this shouldn’t happen, right?

Did the green dragon cheat, or did the black dragon cheat?

“Ethan, I remember you said this is a Hebridean black dragon egg, and the appearance is right, but what’s wrong with the legs?”

After Hermione knew that Ethan had a fire dragon egg, she also looked up a lot of information, but she had never seen such a strange fire dragon.

“Maybe they are mixed blood. There are records showing that fire dragons will mate with each other and give birth to precious hybrids.”

“However, although the Hebdi Black Dragon and the Welsh Green Dragon are both in Great Britain, they have different habits and their sizes are too different. Are they really hybrids?”

Penelope also fell into deep thought. The Hebdi Black Dragon is 30 feet tall when grown up, while the Welsh Green Dragon is only 18 feet tall when grown up. In the eyes of the Black Dragon, even if the Green Dragon is grown up, it is probably just a cub who has just reached adolescence, like an adult of 1.8 meters and a child of 1.2 meters.

However, Ethan is more inclined to believe that the bloodline has mutated. In fact, except for the front legs, there is not a single appearance feature of the Welsh Green Dragon.

After all, a dragon born in the flames of black magic has a high probability of genetic mutation.

“Now it’s time to give him a name, but we have to see if it’s a boy or a girl!”

Qiu Zhang was not interested in these academic questions. He was excited to catch the dragon cub and see what was under its belly.


Before Qiu Zhang’s right hand even touched the fire dragon, the fire dragon opened its sharp teeth and bit it fiercely.

Seeing this, Ethan hurried forward and separated them. The fire dragon did not struggle in Ethan’s hand, but rubbed Ethan’s hand with its slightly rough head. It looked cute and sensible, and did not look like it had just bitten someone.

Looking at the bloody middle finger, Qiu Zhang felt like crying but had no tears.

“Qiu, how do you feel about this?”

Except for the Welsh Green Dragon, which is relatively docile, other fire dragons are more aggressive, but not so ferocious.

Generally, when a fire dragon hatches, it will get close to the first creature it sees, although it may see a little too much at first glance.

“It hurts so much!”

Qiu Zhang said, showing his middle finger which was still bleeding.

“”Heal quickly!”

Ethan pointed his wand at Qiu Zhang’s wound, and a burst of white light enveloped it. It healed in just a few seconds.

This was a spell that Ethan deduced based on the Shadowless Spell. Snape’s potion book recorded the Shadowless Spell, but there was no counter-spell.

And Ethan happened to know this spell. When Harry almost beat Draco to death with the Shadowless Spell, Snape used the

Heal Quickly spell to stop Draco’s bleeding. It is not very difficult to reverse the healing spell based on the healing spell and the Shadowless Spell, and to know the spell.

Moreover, this special healing spell is quite effective. It can not only heal wounds caused by the Shadowless Spell, but also other external injuries.

“Ethan, check whether it is a male or female dragon.”

After her finger was healed, Qiu Zhang urged Ethan. She didn’t dare to touch it with her hands. It was too fierce.

“It’s a little female dragon!” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ethan turned it over and said with certainty

“How about calling her Katherine?”

Cassandra was the first to suggest

“Forget it, this name is everywhere, it’s better to call her Isabel!”

Hermione complained on the spot

“How can you be any better than me?”

Ethan really hadn’t thought of what to call them. After all, Ethan hadn’t given them names before, such as the Winged Demon and the Volute Bat.

“Let’s call her Onyxia!”

Ethan ignored the two people who were arguing and made the decision. If they were allowed to come, I’m afraid there would be no result even after the end of this semester.

Onyxia is a very classic name of a black dragon in the game, and it’s a little female dragon.

“I didn’t expect you to have a talent for naming. This name is pretty nice.”

Penelope looked at Ethan with some surprise. In her impression, men’s names are always the same.

After naming, Ethan turned around and left the dragon hatching room to get the food prepared in advance.

After the dragon eggs showed signs of hatching two days ago, Ethan went to the forbidden forest to catch a deer. After bringing it back to Hogwarts, he kept it in the Room of Requirement. Now he slaughtered it.

Deer are the favorite food of the black dragons in the Hebrides. In addition, they also prey on cattle.

Of course, brandy and chicken blood are also indispensable.

Cut the venison into shreds and put it on a plate. After pouring a small basin of chicken blood brandy, Ethan sprinkled the powder of the energy cube into it.

This was prepared by Ethan in advance. The main ingredients were dragon blood and fire ash snake eggs, which can enhance the flame and physique.

When these were brought to the dragon, Onyxia couldn’t wait to trot over, flapping her wings , but it’s too young to fly.

He buried his head in the basin and drank two sips of chicken blood brandy, then took two bites of venison from the plate, and sparks flew out of his nose from time to time.

He looked a bit cute, but with Qiu Zhang’s previous experience, the girls didn’t dare to get close to him.

No one wanted to become the next victim. If they wanted to get close, they had to wait until they were familiar with each other.

Fire dragons are not easy to raise when they are young. They have strong digestive abilities and need to eat every half an hour. We have to prepare enough food according to their appetite. After all, Ethan couldn’t really come to feed them every half an hour.

After Onyxia had eaten and drunk enough, Ethan asked the Room of Requirement for a nest suitable for fire dragons.

Putting Onyxia on his shoulders, Ethan led the girls into the light gate.

This was an amazingly large rock cave, which was very dry inside. Ethan could still feel the heat coming from below.

【Thanks to fuhon for the votes, thanks to him! 】

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