After the exams, there is still one week before the summer vacation begins.

There are no homework and no classes this week. It is for the students to say goodbye, especially for the seventh graders. It is not certain whether they will see each other again in the future.

The Quidditch finals were also held this week, and Slytherin won in the end.

The members of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team did not care about it. Anyway, they have not won the Quidditch championship for many years. Now it is just an extra year.

Who made Ravenclaw the school with the least number of people who like Quidditch? As a result, in order to gather the personnel, most of them are girls.

You can’t expect the girls of Ravenclaw to fight with the strong men from the other three colleges for the ball.

Soon, the day of announcing the results arrived, and most of the students of Hogwarts crowded at the front of the hall.

There were seven huge parchment notices, one for each grade, and all the students’ results were recorded on them. (The original book says that Hermione ranked first in the first grade, so there must be a ranking list, otherwise who knows how other students are ranked? At least Slytherin will never tell Gryffindor their own grades.)

After the summer vacation begins, the school owl will send your grades to your home, which is what makes countless young wizards really worried.

Ethan took Cassandra and Hermione and did not squeeze into the crowd. Anyway, there is plenty of time, and watching early or late will not change the grades

“I got a P for Transfiguration, that’s terrible”

“Same, but my field is Potions”

“I have all of your skills, not only Transfiguration, but also Potions.”

Several Hufflepuff badgers squeezed out of the crowd dejectedly.

“How could this happen? Molly will kill me!”

“It doesn’t matter, I failed some too.”

A voice of grief came from the crowd, and Ethan recognized it was from Ron. Only Harry could comfort him.

This instantly attracted Ethan’s attention. What exactly did Ron get in the exam, especially his Charms score, Ethan was quite interested.

There weren’t many people at the moment, so Ethan walked over with his girlfriend.


Potions: D

Herbology: P

Charms: T

Transfiguration: A

Defense Against the Dark Arts: A

History of Magic: A

Flying: A

Astronomy: P

No wonder Ron is like this, with a total of eight courses, four failed, four just passed, and Charms was the worst T (Troll).

But who graded the Defense Against the Dark Arts?

The fake Quirrell had just finished the exam and sent it in, so there was no time for the results to come out.

Harry was much better than Ron, and he was indeed a talented player

Potions: A

Herbology: A

Charms: E

Transfiguration: A

Defense Against the Dark Arts: E

History of Magic: A

Flying Class: O

Astronomy: P

Ron and Harry were discharged from the hospital two days ago. Harry had nothing to say. He was in a coma for three days before he woke up.

Ron was not much better. He was lying in the wizard chess level for a day and a night before he was found. In the dark and damp underground space, Ron, who had broken his leg, cried out to the sky and the earth but got no response. Ethan could imagine his mental state at the time.

Anyway, when he was carried out, he was already unconscious and almost died.

The main reason was that Harry was in a coma. No one said where Ron went, and no one cared about him.

Dumbledore took Harry back to the infirmary and left the school after chatting with Ethan.

After all, the letter from the Ministry of Magic that day was real. He just delayed and didn’t go in time, giving Voldemort the illusion that he had left school and went to the Ministry of Magic. After dealing with Voldemort’s affairs, he had to go to the Ministry of Magic again. Whether he had something to do or not, he would forget about Ron.

Or Neville found out that Ron hadn’t come back all night, so he went to find Professor McGonagall.

It can be said that Neville saved Ron’s life.

After looking at their grades, Ethan looked directly at the top of the list.

He was so confident.

Sure enough, Ethan’s name was at the top, followed by Cassandra and Hermione.

Except for Hermione, Ethan and Cassandra got O in all subjects.

There is a gap between level O and level O. Putting oneself at the front means that in the professors’ minds, one is better.

But these professors probably don’t know that Ethan’s astronomy answer was borrowed from Cassandra.

And Hermione’s grades.

Potions: O

Herbology: O

Charms: O

Transfiguration: O

Defense against the Dark Arts: E

History of Magic: O

Flying: A

Astronomy: O

She just passed the flying class. She didn’t have a good talent for flying, and she didn’t like Quidditch. Every flying class gave her a headache.

The results of the Defense against the Dark Arts class were unexpected, but Ethan didn’t know the grading criteria. If it was based on Quirrell’s, all the practical exercises would be 0


After reading the results, Cassandra gave Hermione a provocative look.

She knew that Hermione had feelings for Ethan, which made Cassandra very unhappy, so she would target her from time to time.

In addition, the two were in the same grade, which made Cassandra want to completely suppress Hermione.

Hermione, who noticed Cassandra’s eyes, was instantly furious.

“Cassandra, don’t be complacent. There will be no flying lessons next year. I will catch up with Defense Against the Dark Arts.”

“Really? Just like there is a gap between O and O, Ethan and I have the same grades, but I am not as good as him. Even if you get an O, you are still not as good as me.”


Hermione stamped her feet anxiously, her mouth pouted high, only the truth hurts the most.

Both of them got O in Charms, but Cassandra beat her. She was right. Even if she got all O, she would still be ranked behind her.


In the evening, all the students of Hogwarts gathered here. Today was the day to announce the ownership of the House Cup.

The hall was decorated with blue and bronze, representing Ravenclaw. On the wall behind the guest of honor, there was a huge banner with a Ravenclaw eagle.

At the long table belonging to Ravenclaw, everyone was very excited at the moment.

Especially the seventh-year graduates. Ethan saw several seniors hugging each other and crying. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Seven years!

Do you know how these seven years have passed?

Slytherin has won the House Cup for six consecutive years, and Ravenclaw’s House Cup only exists in legends.

Now it has finally been won before graduation.

In fact, the reason why Ravenclaw was able to win the House Cup this year was mainly because Ethan fought well, injuring the enemy 250 and himself 50.

Although Snape deducted points crazily later, Ravenclaw was caught the least, and there was no reason to deduct points if you didn’t find an excuse.

In the original book, Slytherin was the first in the book, and then Dumbledore gave Gryffindor a crazy amount of extra points, which led to the change of the House Cup.

But now, unless Dumbledore loses his face and gives Harry and Ron 150 points each, Gryffindor will not be able to win the championship. This is thanks to Professor Snape.

Dumbledore walked in from the side door, and the noise in the hall gradually subsided.

“Another year has passed!” Dumbledore said happily:”Before you enjoy these delicious dishes, I must trouble you to listen to an old man’s clichés.……”

“Now, we must first conduct the Academy Cup awards ceremony. The specific scores of each academy are as follows:”

“Fourth place: Gryffindor, ninety-eight points!”

“Third place: Hufflepuff, 281 points!”

“Second place: Slytherin, three hundred and twenty-seven points!”

“First place: Ravenclaw, 396 points!”

Thunderous cheers erupted from the Ravenclaw table, and the other colleges also responded with applause.

Ethan glanced at Hermione, the little girl’s eyes were red, no matter how much she added points, it was not as much as the points deducted.

And Professor McGonagall, her face was livid, the college score was less than 100, breaking her historical record. In the past two years, I thought that after the arrival of the Weasley twins, it was already the low point of Gryffindor.

This year’s Harry and Ron are no worse than them, and others are just crouching dragons and phoenixes. The crouching dragons and phoenixes of my Gryffindor are buy one get one free, or they don’t come, or they come in pairs.

It can only be said that the scores of the four colleges this year are far below the normal level. Except for Gryffindor, the remaining three colleges have at least five to one hundred points less.

“Yes, Ravenclaw’s performance is very good.”Dumbledore paused for a while and said:”However, several recent events must also be taken into account.”

The eyes of the young wizards were already fixed on Dumbledore, and the change was coming.

The long table of Ravenclaw was even more silent, because there was no such link in previous years!

Is it easy for us to win the house cup?

“First up, Mr. Ron Weasley!”

“He won the most exciting game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, and I award Gryffindor fifty points for it.

“���His face suddenly turned red, like a carrot dried in the sun.

The Gryffindor table cheered, and Percy announced everywhere that this was his youngest brother who had successfully passed Professor McGonagall’s giant chessboard.

The other three tables scoffed at this, and no one applauded or cheered. When can you get house points for playing chess? It’s still 50 points. No matter how well you perform, you can only get 5 or 10 points. If you perform less, you can only get 1 or 2 points. Even Snape never got more than 10 points.

(If it was a win in the school competition, it would be fine. It’s said that they passed Professor McGonagall’s giant chessboard. Why don’t you let other colleges try it? Maybe they can do it too!

Just give them extra points!

When Gryffindor calms down,

“Also, Harry Potter!”

“He showed great courage and bravery, for which I will reward Gryffindor with 50 points.”

Gryffindor also cheered, while the other long tables of the college were silent.


The little lions of Gryffindor stared at Dumbledore.

“Ethan Adrien!”

“He faced danger with extraordinary wisdom and calmness, thus avoiding the loss of Hogwarts. I will reward Ravenclaw with 50 points!”

The little wizards of Ravenclaw put down their worries and cheered loudly.[]

I thought Dumbledore was going to give Gryffindor a few hundred points, but even with a hundred points added, they were still at the bottom.

“This year’s House Cup winner, Ravenclaw!”

Professor Flitwick was so excited that he stood on his chair and cheered with his students.

Ethan was also surrounded by many young eagles, celebrating the great project of this year’s House Cup.

Not to mention the last 50 points.

Even if there was no fight, Slytherin would not be deducted 250 points. This year’s House Cup is probably still Slytherin.、

【Thank you for the monthly ticket, thank you! 】.

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