A few days later, Ethan came to the door of the Leaky Cauldron again.

I don't know if it was because it was afternoon this time, but compared to the last time, the Leaky Cauldron was very lively.

Facing the little wizard who came alone, the pub guests did not pay much attention. This situation happened many times every day.

According to Professor McGonagall's instructions, after knocking on the corresponding brick three times, the door to the magical world opened again.

The moment he saw the trash can, Ethan really wanted to do something.

After all, according to the nature of the gold finger, pranks are likely to be successful.

But after thinking for two seconds, Ethan gave up the idea.

Entering Diagon Alley again, Ethan's goal was clearly Flourish and Blotts.

Last time with Professor McGonagall, they bought textbooks for the first grade of Hogwarts, and none of the spells that Ethan wanted to learn were included.

For example, the Armor Charm, the Traceless Extension Charm, and the Occlumency Charm. (Although the Traceless Extension Charm is prohibited from being abused, Hermione clearly used it, and she didn't look through the banned books, so this spell should be common. The reason for being prohibited from being abused is probably promoted by those companies that produce wizard tents and suitcases. After all, who would buy it if they could make it themselves?)

In addition, there are two people who play Legilimency in Hogwarts. If they don't know how to occlumency, Ethan is more or less worried.

Dumbledore's character is still somewhat guaranteed.

He will not cast this magic on his students, or he will not cast this magic on others without their consent.

The reason why he is proficient in this magic is also very simple. Dumbledore before Ariana's accident was not a good person. Like Grindelwald, he was the kind of person who could do anything to achieve his goals.

After this, Dumbledore's life took a turn, he had his own bottom line, and returned to Hogwarts to become a professor.

If Dumbledore had no bottom line, many things would not have happened. For example, when Hagrid was wrongly accused, Dumbledore was already a professor. At that time, although he was able to determine that Hagrid was not the murderer and tried to save Hagrid,

Hagrid was expelled from school because he could not produce evidence.

If Legilimency had been used to investigate, Tom would not have been able to escape, and it is unknown whether Voldemort would still be there.

In addition, the things that happened to Sirius and Peter Pettigrew later also show that Dumbledore did not use Legilimency, otherwise one would not have had the opportunity to betray James Potter, and the other would not have been imprisoned for more than ten years because of being wrongly accused.

Although Dumbledore's risk is almost zero, Snape is different.

Although as a professor of potions, he is also serious and responsible for his students and has a certain bottom line, Snape will not care so much about Harry's problem.

Who knows if he will use Legilimency on you because he feels that you are not a good wizard, or because he has contact with Harry, to confirm whether you are a threat.

After entering Flourish and Blotts, he went straight to the area where the teaching books were. Just like the last time Ethan came, a dozen young wizards were buying textbooks here. As the only bookstore in Diagon Alley, it was doing a monopoly business.

《Intermediate Transfiguration and Advanced Transfiguration Guide.

Standard Spells Levels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were taken.

Ethan's shopping behavior attracted a lot of attention. They had never seen the little wizard buy books like this.

《Although Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was not very useful, Ethan still bought it.

Ethan had read the previously purchased book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and found that it was quite interesting and the price was not expensive.

《Advanced Potion Making: Nine Gold Galleons. Wow, this is the most expensive book so far.

"Sir, you must be a freshman this year!"

"These books can be bought later. They are not needed now. Maybe in two years, when the textbooks are updated, I will have to come back then.

Seeing that there are more and more books in Ethan's cart, the clerk beside him could not help but persuade him.

After all, this kind of monopoly bookstore does not get commission for selling books. If the little wizard regrets and comes to return the books, he may have to complain.

"Thanks for the reminder, but these are what I need to prepare for the preview."

"Well, maybe you are a natural Ravenclaw."

The clerk stepped aside and stopped meddling.

《"As long as there is a magic wand, there is a way."

Ethan walked into the magic area and thought the title of the book was interesting. This person might have a unique insight into magic. He bought it!

《"Major Discoveries in Modern Magic","Guide to Medieval Witchcraft","Forgotten Ancient Magic and Zhou Yu","Research on the Development of Modern Witchcraft","The Rise and Fall of Black Magic","List of Famous Contemporary Magicians"

These titles are so attractive, they can't be clickbait titles!

Finally, in a corner, Ethan found his target,"On How to Close Your Brain".

There are still six or seven copies of this book, but they are already full of dust. It is estimated that no one has touched it for a long time.

To be honest, it is a bit embarrassing to publish this book. Muggles may not be able to learn it just by reading the book. Those with families will not lack this knowledge, and there will be people to teach them if they want to learn, so they will not sell this kind of book.

After arranging the free mailing service, Ethan couldn't help but sigh that the money was wasted.

Owl Mail is one Sickle per book, but free door-to-door delivery is available for purchases over fifty gold galleons, and Ethan enjoyed this service.

Because it cost one hundred and twenty-seven gold galleons, Ethan's small treasury was instantly empty.

At Florin's Ice Cream Shop, Ethan sat in the rest area at the door of the store, scooping ice cream here and there, thinking���How can I get some gold galleons?

I thought 100 gold galleons would be enough, but I ended up spending more than 100 just to buy some books.


A shadow covered his head, and Ethan looked up after coming to his senses.

It turned out that someone came to the opposite side of his small table.

Looking around, the rest area that had a few empty seats just now was almost full at this moment. Only Ethan came alone and occupied a whole table, which was the most empty.

The little wizard didn't pay attention to Ethan's reaction at all, or simply ignored Ethan, put the ice cream on the table, and then sat down to enjoy it.

Waist-length golden curly hair, dark green pupils, delicate face, a little familiar, I seem to have seen it in the bookstore just now.

After two bites of the remaining ice cream Ethan didn't plan to stay any longer.

It must be said that the ice cream in Florin's Ice Cream Shop is really delicious, better than any ice cream I've ever eaten before. Maybe it's made from the milk of some magical animal!

After Ethan left, the girl who had been expressionless and proud just now suddenly turned her head and looked at Ethan.

Just now in the bookstore, Ethan's behavior really attracted attention, and she was shopping for textbooks at the side at that time. After hearing the conversation between Ethan and the clerk.

The girl also chose the same behavior as Ethan and packed up all the textbooks for the next few years.

No, Ethan only sold some textbooks.

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