When they arrived at the place where the Thestrals were to be ridden, Ethan separated from Fred and the others.

Last time, since it was the first time for the first grade to ride in a Thestral carriage, they needed the guidance of the prefect, but now no one cared about that, and the Thestrals set off at the appointed time.

Ethan went straight to Cassandra’s carriage and told them to go to the carriage first yesterday, so that they would not find a suitable empty carriage in the end.

“I have taken Onyxia in, and now I am giving it to you.”

Cassandra handed the suitcase in her hand to Ethan.

Ethan went to the Forbidden Forest early in the morning, and Onyxia could only be handed over to them.

Now that she is nearly three weeks old, her body length is already 1.5 meters, and her growth speed is quite fast.

According to this situation, Onyxia will definitely exceed the average body length of the Hebridean black dragons by 30 feet.

“Ethan, what’s your home phone number? Can I call you during the summer vacation?”

Both of them are from Muggle families, which gives them an advantage that Cassandra can’t match, and they can contact each other more conveniently and quickly.

Ethan immediately gave a string of numbers.

“I also wrote it down. Although my family is also a wizard family, we have Muggle items, including telephones. If it weren’t for the fact that Hogwarts cannot use electrical appliances, I would have bought a mobile phone.”

Qiu Zhang also took out a piece of parchment and wrote it down with a feather pen.

According to her, in China, wizards are not called wizards, but Taoist priests. They have a lot of contact with Muggles, and Muggle technology is also very common.

“Telephone, what is this?”

Only Cassandra looked confused.

In the end, Ethan and Qiu Zhang explained it to her, and told her that it might be a bit difficult to install a telephone with his family’s conditions. After all, this thing needs to be connected to a telephone line, and there is no way to connect it in a wizard’s manor. They directly suggested that she buy a mobile phone, which can be used in various cities and towns, but it needs to be charged.

Cassandra frowned when she heard it, feeling that it was too troublesome and not as convenient as an owl.

While they were chatting, the Thestral carriage also arrived at the station. Ethan took Cassandra and the other girls to find an empty carriage.

Not long after the train started, Penelope, who had finished her patrol, came over and sat down between Qiu Zhang and Hermione.

The sofa in this compartment is quite large, and it is completely no problem to sit three people in a row, but most of them default to two seats.

“You’re not going to patrol and enforce discipline?”

Ethan looked at Penelope with some surprise. She had been sitting in the prefect’s box after patrolling for the past few times.

“I won’t go. I’ve made an agreement with Doris.”

Doris Crest, the sixth-year head girl of Ravenclaw, will be in the seventh year when school starts again. She has a very good relationship with Penelope.

“By the way, what were you talking about just now? Do you want your sister to take you out to play during the summer vacation?”

Penelope leaned on the sofa with one hand on a girl and gave Ethan a provocative look.

“Hermione and the Qiu family are both in London. They have agreed to go shopping during the summer vacation. Are you interested too?”

Ethan glanced at Penelope and was unmoved. You just hugged her shoulders, what else can you do!

“I want it too!”

“But my home is in Plymouth, Devonshire. Every time I come to London, I have to take the train. I have to come here early for the start of the school term.”

Penelope spread her hands and said helplessly. It

‘s troublesome every time there is a holiday or a new semester. I have to rush to buy a train ticket after getting off the Hogwarts Express. I don’t know if there is still a train to Plymouth today.

This is the bad thing about school. No matter where your home is, you will get off at King’s Cross Station anyway.

Cassandra looked at Penelope in surprise. She didn’t expect that the two of them lived not far away.

“My home is also in Devonshire, but it’s in Exeter. You can come visit me.”

Although Cassandra is arrogant, she is not stupid. She is a little unhappy with Penelope, a senior who also covets Ethan, but she needs teammates.

It’s only been a year, and look at how many girls Ethan has provoked. If things continue like this, what will happen to Hogwarts after seven years?

Let’s not talk about the rest for now, first win over Penelope and squeeze out the big front teeth.

“”Haha, I’ll go when I have time.”

Penelope laughed awkwardly.

Going to the pure-blood family’s residence would be a nuisance for her, especially for a pure-blood born in Slytherin.

Even though Penelope was in Ravenclaw, she knew that Cassandra’s family was quite powerful, and her father was a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic.

In such a family, discrimination against half-bloods or Muggles was quite common.

“Penelope, you、W、L、How did you do in the exam?”

Ethan also saw her embarrassment. Not everyone was like him, able to face the pure-bloods without any pressure.

“Got ten certificates, not a bad result!”

Only Percy Weasley from Gryffindor did better than her this year, having got twelve certificates, and the rest were not as good as her.

It’s not that Penelope couldn’t get it, but it was meaningless. There were seven compulsory courses and five elective courses. The two electives that Penelope gave up were Divination and Muggle Studies.

Divination was useless even if you got a certificate, and this course was also quite easy to pass, so it was not difficult to get a certificate.

The Muggle Studies certificate was only useful for interviewing for a Muggle liaison officer, and Penelope was born a Muggle, so she could pass the exam with just some study, but she didn’t want to be a Muggle researcher.

In fact, she had no idea whether she could get a job at the Ministry of Magic after getting ten certificates.

“With this result, the whole Hogwarts may not produce one in a year. Don’t worry, you will definitely get what you want.”

Ethan comforted.

There are ten certificates, and there are only three people who have obtained the twelve certificates.

Barty Crouch Jr., if he had no problem with his thinking, his father would be the Minister of Magic, and he would naturally have a bright future, but it’s a pity that he let his father down.

Bill Weasley went to work at Gringotts after graduation, which is the only financial institution in the wizarding world.

Percy Weasley also joined the Ministry of Magic right after graduation, and his position was also quite good.

In the original book, even Hermione only took ten exams, but only got nine certificates, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts was only good.

Ron didn’t get any, and Harry only got the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

It can be seen that this O、W、L、The S exam still has some value

“I hope so!”

“Don’t worry, it’s as you wish!”

Ethan was quite sure about this.

Excellent students can get rewards, and becoming the Minister of Magic, there are definitely rewards to be earned, and the grade can’t be low.

So, after seeing these two achievements this morning, Ethan also had the idea of becoming a minister.

In the original book, after Dumbledore and Voldemort died, there were only a few cats in Britain, and who could stop him.

Even if they didn’t die, they could force their way to the top after a while of development.

As the saying goes: The one with the strongest soldiers and horses is the king!

No matter what Muggles, purebloods, or half-bloods, the one who can fight is the Minister of Magic.

After getting the reward, Ethan didn’t want to be the Minister of Magic, and he could just give this position to Penelope.

As for Hermione, although she became the Minister of Magic in the original book, she was actually not suitable for this position. It’s not just about being smart.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

At the same time as the carriage door was knocked from the outside, Harry’s voice rang out

“Ethan, are you in there?”

After asking several classmates, he finally found Ethan.

“Well, just open the door.”

Harry pushed the door open, smiled shyly at the few people, and then said:

“Ethan, can you come out for a moment?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“I have something to tell you.”

In front of so many girls, he couldn’t say this!


Ethan left with Harry and came to an empty corridor.

Harry took a deep breath and said to Ethan sincerely:

“I’m here to apologize. I misunderstood you last time.”

“”I’m sorry!”

After waking up in the school hospital, Harry and Dumbledore talked for a long time, among which were the issues such as Ethan taking the Philosopher’s Stone, mixing with Voldemort, and using himself to resist the curse.

Dumbledore also gave an explanation and fooled Harry, and in the end, Harry got the result that

Ethan was arranged by Dumbledore to protect the Philosopher’s Stone. The Philosopher’s Stone has now been destroyed by Dumbledore. He is not afraid of Voldemort’s magic because of his mother’s protection. Ethan was able to defeat Voldemort with this help, so Ethan is on his side, and he is the best weapon against Voldemort.

Harry, who was fooled, felt regretful at the time. He shouldn’t have said that to Ethan.

Ethan obviously prevented Voldemort from obtaining the Philosopher’s Stone. Although he suffered a little in the process, the result was good. Good people should not be framed.

“It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have used you against the mysterious man, but there was no better way at the time.”

“No, I don’t mind you using me to attack Voldemort. He killed my parents. I’ll do anything as long as I can destroy his plot.”

Harry’s expression was quite serious when he said this.

Knowing that Voldemort killed his parents, and that he destroyed Voldemort’s plot and turned his body into ashes, Harry was very grateful to Ethan. If it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t have been able to do this. As for the physical pain, compared with the hatred of killing his father and mother, what was it?

Then Ethan chatted with Harry for a few words, and then separated when someone came over.

Voldemort, was the mysterious man in the two people’s mouths, and this matter was not something that could be discussed publicly.

Back in the carriage, Ethan continued to accompany the four girls, and Harry could only chat with his good friend Ron[]

In the evening, the train slowed down until it stopped at Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

Just like last time, Ethan saw a large number of parents picking up their children when he got off the train.

Ethan saw Fred and George talking to a middle-aged fat witch, and then he didn’t know whether Fred or George’s ears were grabbed.

Maybe Professor McGonagall sent the Weasleys a message about the good deeds they did this semester!

There was also a little girl with red hair, freckles and a round face next to her. If nothing unexpected happened, it must be their sister Ginny.

Belinda Wallace walked towards Ethan slowly.

“Mr. Adrian, nice to see you again. When will you come to visit us this summer?”

Looking at the expression on Ethan’s face, she added,”We agreed on this last time.”

“Did you say that?”

Ethan felt that this large Cassandra was a bit difficult to deal with!

“Next time, for sure. Isn’t that what you said?”

Mrs. Volley looked at Ethan with a smile on her face. After glancing at the witches present, she gave Cassandra a look that said”Mom will help you.”

There’s one more!

“Yes! Next time for sure!”


“This time, I will definitely contact Cassandra.”

There is no other way. Playing with Loli has its price. Now I have to admit defeat. I can’t offend my future mother-in-law!

“That’s a deal!”

Watching Mrs. Waller leave, Ethan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he would have to take time to go there this summer.

Next, Ethan faced Qiu Zhang’s father, who was on guard against Ethan as if he were a wolf, and the Grangers who invited Ethan to visit their home.

“Penelope, where are your family members?

She is the only one left.

“I will buy a train ticket back to Plymouth later. I have been going home alone since the third grade.”

Penelope’s parents are ordinary workers. They have to ask for leave to pick her up. As a wizard, Penelope is not comparable to ordinary people even if she is still a student.

Therefore, they are not afraid of Penelope encountering any danger. She has been going home alone since she was fourteen years old.

“How about you come to my house and rest for a night? I will book you a ticket for tomorrow. What do you think?”

It was already past six in the summer evening. Even if Penelope queued up to buy a ticket, she would have to wait and ride until tomorrow morning when she arrived in Plymouth.

If she was unlucky, she would have to spend the night at the train station tonight. She didn’t know how long she had waited here during the last Christmas holiday.


“But I need to call home first so they don’t worry.”

【Thanks to fuhon for the monthly ticket, thanks to fuhon!

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