Hogwarts vampire professor

【Extra】Chapter 6 Students after graduation

"Harry, are you sure you want to become an Auror at the Ministry of Magic?"

After the graduation ceremony, sitting on the Thestral carriage leading to Hogsmeade Station for the last time, Hermione asked seriously.

"Yeah, I can't think of anything else I can do except Auror." Harry nodded.

"Don't say that, buddy, you are a war hero and the president of the Hogwarts Student Council!" Ron said carelessly, "Every organization wants to recruit you now, even if it's to be a mascot."

"What are you talking about, Ron!" Hermione glared at Ron angrily, "How could Harry be a mascot? He was specially hired by the current director of the Auror Office, Kingsley Shacklebolt. An Auror Captain."

"Since you are also going to be an Auror, maybe you will be Harry's subordinate!"

Ron's face immediately dropped.

Then, as if he thought of something, he became a little excited again: "But there's nothing wrong with being Harry's subordinate, right? At least I won't be embarrassed by my superiors!"

"I can't promise that I won't embarrass you, Ron." Harry smiled.

The two people immediately started fighting together.

"Okay, you two have graduated and haven't looked like adult wizards yet!" Hermione angrily pulled the two older children away, but the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

"Men are always eighteen, Hermione!" Ron gasped and laughed.

"But we are only eighteen, Ron." Harry also smiled and leaned on the back seat of the carriage.

The seats, which had a bit of the musty smell of rotten wood and damp smell, actually smelled a little good to the nose at this time, and it probably came more from the longing in my heart.

"By the way, Ginny and Luna both have one year left to graduate." Ron suddenly asked, "Hermione, do you know what their plans are?"

"If I remember correctly, Ginny should be your sister, Ron." Hermione curled her lips.

"But she is also Harry's girlfriend, and I don't see Harry knowing what she thinks." Ron said confidently.

"Ahem...Ron, actually I know." Harry coughed twice, "Ginny's performance on the Quidditch team this year has been quite outstanding, and she has been selected by the Holyhead Harpies. , she will immediately join the team and become a chaser after she graduates.”

"Yes, it seems you are the only one who doesn't know about this, Ron." Hermione said with a smile.

Ron's mouth opened in disbelief, and his eyes flicked back and forth between Harry and Hermione.

"Okay, you're isolating me, right?" he said angrily, "Especially you, Hermione, I'm your boyfriend!"

"We didn't mean to isolate you, Ron, you were just too careless." Hermione smiled.

"Stop laughing at Ron, Hermione, I feel like he's going to cry with anger." Harry also laughed happily, "Ron, you really have to be more careful in the future."

"Okay, okay, I understand..." Ron said listlessly, "What about Luna? What is she going to do in the future?"

"Ummm...Luna is going to look for traces of the Scimitar-Horned Beast, Bubble-Snout Monster and Owl Hook in the magical world." Hermione's expression was a little weird, "She doesn't even want to believe that Rolf and his grandfather Mr. Scamander’s judgment.”

"So I thought she would be a fairy tale novelist rather than a magizoologist."

"Hey, that's all. Which carriage is Roof in?" Harry asked, "I don't think I saw him after the graduation ceremony."

"Have you forgotten, Harry? Although Rolf has stayed at Hogwarts for five or six years, he is only a loan student!" Hermione said, "He has to return to Yinfalmon immediately through the portkey. Attend the graduation ceremony over there.”

"Both Dumbledore and Professor Dracula are not at the school, and no one can make the door key to teleport directly to America, so he probably has to change modes of transportation several times along the way."

Before I knew it, Hogsmeade Station had arrived.

The three of them took one last look at the carriage they had been riding for seven years, and then looked back at the vast black lake and the castle standing in the sun at the end of the black lake...

All the students fell silent in unison.

I don’t know how long it took, but the whistle of the Hogwarts Express brought the graduating students back from their nostalgia for the past seven years.

The bus was about to start, and the bus captain kept urging everyone to get on the bus.

The students turned around and boarded the train as before, looking for free carriages...

What was different from usual was that their luggage had already been packed up by the house elves at Hogwarts and sent to the carriage.

This might be their last ride on the Hogwarts Express.

Harry, Ron and Hermione climbed into a carriage a little lonely, opened the door of a private room, and unexpectedly discovered that a student with light blond hair was already sitting in the carriage...

"How come I can meet you three everywhere?" Draco Malfoy raised his head and said nonchalantly, "Why, do you want to come in and sit down?"

"We don't want to sit in a private room with you!" Ron said reflexively.

"Then please do it, I don't want to welcome you here." Draco sneered.

Ron wanted to retort, but saw that Harry had already walked over and sat next to Draco.

"Harry, how did you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was pulled by Hermione and sat across from Draco.

"Malfoy, why didn't you see your two followers today?" Harry hesitated for a long time before asking slowly.

"Follower? You mean Crabbe and Goyle?" Draco laughed disdainfully, "Since my father openly took refuge with Professor Dracula, I parted ways with them."

"They looked down on families like us who betrayed the Dark Lord, so they took refuge in Theodore Nott. Didn't you see that?"

"But I know that both Crabbe and Goyle's fathers were captured in Azkaban." Hermione suddenly interrupted, "I don't believe they didn't come to you again to plead for mercy. After all, you were friends, right? "

"Friends?" Draco sneered, "I regard them as friends and want to reconcile with them, but these two idiots actually thought that it was my father's betrayal that led to the Dark Lord's failure..."

"Oh, they never thought that as long as Professor Dracula is here, the Dark Lord will not be able to win no matter what."

Harry and the three fell silent.

They found that Draco Malfoy had changed a lot from before. The Slytherin's prominent bag now seemed to have recognized the reality. He seemed to have grown up suddenly in the past two years.

"I still want to know...why you gave me the position of President of the Boys' Student Union at that time." Harry was silent for a long time and finally said slowly.

"Give it to you? You're thinking too much, Potter." Draco said, "I didn't plan to enter the Ministry of Magic after graduation. Naturally, the position of President of the Student Union is of no use to me."

"Unfortunately, I don't have Quidditch talent like you. Several professional Quidditch teams I interviewed with didn't agree with me becoming their Seeker... The fiercely competitive professional Quidditch field is not what Hogwarts used to be. A petty quarrel between colleges.”

"So after all, I relied on my father's relationship to prepare to work in the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department. I still regret giving up the position of student union president to you."

Harry froze in place.

He never thought that Malfoy gave up the position of student union president for this reason... He struggled with this matter for a whole year, and finally got the answer on the day of graduation.

"Then I hope you have really changed your ways, Malfoy." Hermione nodded first and said seriously, "We will be colleagues from now on."

"Please take care of me."

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