Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 1 Received the admission letter

Wade Grey lay in front of the window and saw a gray owl perched on the fence outside the window. It stared at him seriously with its brown eyes, then suddenly lowered its head, spread its wings, and made a "cooing" sound.

Wade had a strange look on his face.

If he had seen it right, the owl seemed to have thrown a letter into his mailbox?


This is the "1 Potter" series of novels, which haven't been published yet, right?

It has been eleven years since he was reborn in this world. He grew from a babbling baby to eleven years old. He always thought that he was just reborn in the UK of the original world, and he had planned his life development for this...

He never thought... that he would actually receive a letter from an owl.

Isn't this a materialistic world?

But... since people can be reborn, if magic exists... it seems... quite reasonable...

- Right?

- Or it could just be a bad joke.

With a little uncertainty in his heart, Wade pushed the door open and walked out. He subconsciously looked at the owl, and the owl's eyes followed him and turned its head slightly.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but Wade felt that its eyes were full of spirituality.

He held his breath, opened the mailbox, and took out the mysterious letter. When he saw the envelope clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart was lifted.

On the envelope, the detailed address and "Mr. Wade Gray" were clearly written. The weight of the parchment was particularly heavy, and the emerald green ink was not a common color.

Turning over the envelope, there was a dark red wax seal and a shield emblem on the back. The capital "H" was surrounded by four animals: a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake.

There was no stamp.

——Yes! An owl as a messenger! Of course no stamp is needed.

Wade took a deep breath and opened the envelope with slightly trembling fingers.

[Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore]

Wade could not wait to skip the long list of titles and read directly to the following: [Dear Mr. Grey: We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... Sincerely, Vice Headmaster (Female) Minerva McGonagall]

Wade read the letter over and over again, still unable to believe it - this is actually the world of "Harry Potter"?

He unconsciously whispered: "Is this true? Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

The owl stared at him with wise eyes, waited for a while, then lowered his head to comb his feathers, tucked up one foot, turned his head 180 degrees, and looked at the scenery behind him.

Wade was stunned for a moment, then turned around and quickly returned to the house, rushed into his father's study, found the best envelope, embossed and gold-dusted letter paper, and wrote solemnly with a feather pen with a classical aesthetic and fragrant ink:

"Dear Ms. Minerva McGonagall: I am very honored to receive your letter. If this is not a prank, then I am happy to go to your school to study, but I am not sure how to buy the learning tools in the letter. I look forward to your guidance...

With the most sincere greetings, I wish you all the best!

Wade Gray"

The ink seeped into the letter paper and dried quickly. Wade folded it up and stuffed it into the envelope, and wrote the words [Vice-Principal Minerva McGonagall (received)] on the cover.

After going out, he saw that the owl was still standing patiently on the fence waiting.

Wade came closer and held up the letter: "That... This is my reply, please give it to Vice Principal Minerva McGonagall."

The owl stretched out a claw to grab the letter, then tilted its head and looked at him expectantly.

"What else... Oh, please wait!"

Wade's mind flashed, he went back to the house and grabbed a handful of nuts. However, after handing it to the owl, it just looked down, then swept it away with its wings in disgust, and flew away.

Wade: "..."

Don't eat it?

Fortunately, it didn't drop the letter.

Back in the house, Wade sat at the table, unfolded the admission letter and read it again and again, his heart pounding.

Only then did he feel a little bit of the reality of being admitted to Hogwarts.


In the eleven years since he was reborn into this world, he has never found that he has any extraordinary abilities-

He didn't fly to the tree for no reason, nor did he bend the spoon with his mind or make the pen fly out of thin air.

Is there really magic energy in my body?

Or is it because adults' thoughts are too rational and objective, which invisibly suppresses the innate power in their bodies?

Wade clenched his fist, then opened it again, but still did not feel the feeling of "invisible magic flowing in the body".

He stared at a teacup in front of him, concentrating on imagining.


The teacup suddenly shook in the air without any force, then fell down, rolled on the table, and then slowly stopped shaking.

Magic... is actually real...

Wade stared at his palm and was stunned.

After his mood gradually calmed down, he dialed a phone number that he knew by heart.

"Mom... do you believe... that magic exists?"


In less than half an hour, a car stopped outside the door at lightning speed. Mr. and Mrs. Gray even forgot to take out the car keys and ran down in a hurry.

Wade went out to greet them, but before he could say hello, he was almost choked by a hug that rushed over.

"Oh my God! Oh, my God! Vader, my dear, you are actually admitted to Hogwarts - I am so happy! Really... I have waited for this day for too long - I thought - I thought you were like us, not - not having that chance -"

Her mother, Fiona, was sobbing and crying, her tears smearing her makeup and not caring about it. Wade's father, Ferdinand, hugged them. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were moist.

The more Wade listened, the more uncomfortable he felt: "Wait, what do you mean? You guys-" He broke away from his parents' suffocating embrace: "Do you all know Hogwarts?"

"Of course!" Fiona said while wiping her tears with a handkerchief: "My mother and your grandparents are both wizards. I have been looking forward to going to Hogwarts since I was a child. It's just..."

Ferdinand put his hands on the shoulders of his wife and children and pushed them into the house: "Go in and talk - so as not to be seen by ordinary people."

After some explanation, Wade understood the whole story.

It turns out that his grandparents and grandmother are both wizards, and the relationship between the two families is also very good. However, due to the war, Fiona and Ferdinand, who were born in exile, are both squibs - that is, they have magic genes but do not have the ability to cast magic.

In the flames of war, it is difficult for the wizard himself to survive, let alone two squibs? After it was confirmed that they had no magical abilities, the two were sent to be raised by Muggle families.

Over the years, they have completely adapted to Muggle life, but they have always hidden their longing for the magical world in their hearts.

However, Vader has never shown any magical abilities since he was born. The two thought that he was also a squib. In order to prevent their children from experiencing the pain of expectation and disappointment like themselves, they concealed the existence of magic.

"I didn't expect - I didn't expect you to be a wizard at all... I mean - I've actually been waiting for this period of time, but it's already July 30th and you haven't received the letter yet... I thought …”

Fiona cried and laughed, and was finally comforted by the father and son, who went to the bathroom to wash up.

After calming down, Ferdinand looked at his eleven-year-old son, with worry that could not be hidden in his eyes:

"Hogwarts...Oh, Vader...I really don't know if, in your capacity, going to that school...is a good thing..."

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