Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 117 Suitcase and Pencil Case

When he was still four or five centimeters away from the chicks, Wade suddenly felt a slight tingling sensation in his fingers, and at the same time he saw Rolf's hair all stood up, like a porcupine.

Wade understood in his heart, and he must have felt the same way.

Rolf laughed silently, and then pulled Wade's arm again, and the two of them left the stone pillar like thieves.

Turning left and right, they came to a warm and humid bamboo forest. Rolf laughed loudly at this time.

"Isn't it amazing? Thunderbird chicks are born with electricity."

Rolf dipped his palms in the water on the bamboo leaves while laughing, and combed his messy hair neatly.

Wade drew out his magic wand: "Clear water is like a spring."

A stream of water flowed down the bamboo branches, and Rolf immediately gave a thumbs up!

The two of them used the clear water to fix their hair. Wade suddenly saw a dung beetle bigger than a crup pushing an equally huge dung ball, slowly walking behind them.

Newt's suitcase space is even more magical than Graling Farm. A short walk here will make you feel like you have come to a new world.

Turning a corner, the bamboo forest becomes a tropical grassland; after a while, you will arrive at a rain forest without realizing it.

There is only a curtain between the ice and snow and the birds and flowers; on both sides of the boulder, there are sand and water.

A small cave in the distance expands rapidly after entering, and soon becomes a huge stone cave;

An ordinary oak door opens to distant mountains and endless lakes.

Moreover, Newt also raises many dangerous creatures of 4X or even 5X level. In front of that man, these terrible creatures are like well-behaved children, lowering their heads to enjoy his touch.

Even Rolf can play with or feed these creatures at will, without worrying that they will hurt him.

"I like them very much." Rolf said with puffed cheeks, "But grandpa always said that they can't be left in such a small space."

"So although he always rescues those magical creatures in distress, he will put them back to their original habitats after they can survive independently."

"It would be great if animals could also use the friend book...so that even if we separate, we will not lose contact."

As he said this, he held a young Riem cow in his arms. The two guys looked at Wade with the same pitiful eyes and full of hope.

Wade couldn't help laughing: "Even if I can let animals use the friend book, they can't read!"

Rolf's expression suddenly collapsed, and he sighed with sorrow: "Oh, I knew it wouldn't work...Is there no way to communicate without writing?"

"Yes." Wade sat next to him and said, "Can't a two-way mirror do it?"

"But two-way mirrors are rare and too expensive." Rolf said dejectedly: "I have many friends, but too little pocket money."

Wade couldn't help laughing again.

The little boy has a round head and looks very cute. When he makes this sad expression like an adult, he looks even more funny.

As he laughed, he was touched again.

Two-way mirror... seems to be a good research direction...


After a tour, Wade also found an opportunity to ask Newt about the application of the traceless extension spell.

Newt has devoted his life to protecting magical creatures, and his magical suitcase has played an important role in this regard. In the application of the traceless extension spell, Wade suspects that even Dumbledore is not as good as Newt.

He is undoubtedly a world-class master in this regard.

Wade also showed Newt his pencil case, which gradually unfolded layer by layer, and finally became a tall wardrobe.

Seeing the wardrobe that was more than one person tall, Newt was stunned for a long time, and then he muttered in a low voice: "Yes, the wardrobe is so convenient..."

I didn't think so when I was young, but I found out when I got old that climbing up and down the stairs inside the suitcase every day was a huge test for my bones.

Newt and Wade walked into the closet space, took a look around, and said approvingly: "What a great application... I didn't expect that this was a level that a twelve-year-old wizard could achieve..."

"But that's all, it's just an ordinary storage space."

Wade frowned and said: "It doesn't seem to be like your suitcase, which is like many spaces spliced ​​together, and it's very harmonious, without any conflict or weird feeling."

Talking about the area he is best at, Newt became visibly confident. He smiled and said, "Space splicing... this description is very appropriate."

"In my suitcase, there are indeed many real spaces spliced ​​together."

"Real space?" Wade asked, he thought and said, "Is it similar to the magic of folding the space and then putting it in the suitcase to unfold it?"

"It's not that complicated."

Newt held his palms and thought for a while before saying:

"You know, for magical animals, the most dangerous creatures on this planet are billions of humans."

"Humans have transformed more and more natural environments into cities of steel and concrete, and there are fewer and fewer environments suitable for animals to live."

"In order to provide a suitable habitat for the little guys, I used the division spell to separate an area before the local environment was destroyed by Muggles, and then... uh, the shrinking spell and the expansion spell completed the transfer..."

He said it very simply, but when Wade thought about it, he realized that this matter was very difficult... almost as high as a skyscraper.

To give a simple example——

Before the Christmas break, Wade once saw the senior students get a tall spruce and prepare to decorate it into the tallest Christmas tree in the school.

The spruce tree that Hagrid could carry by himself, but the students needed five or six people to use the Levitation Charm at the same time to move it to a suitable position.

And what about Newt?

He even has snowy mountains in his suitcase!

Newt continued: "Sometimes there is no need to go to such trouble. You can use a space connection spell to connect a part of the box with the outside space and communicate with each other."

"Have you seen that lake? It is connected to Loch Ness in Scotland at the bottom, and the horse-shaped water monster can travel between the two sides."

"However, there is a risk of being invaded. You should pay special attention when choosing a connection space."

"In this case, how can we ensure the stability of the space in the suitcase?"

Vader asked: "I heard that if the spell fails, the objects inside may burst the container. But I don't think you need to worry about this problem."

"Well, this is just a little bit of my personal skills."

Newt showed a slightly proud smile: "When I was traveling, I learned how to separate spaces from magical animals..."

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