Malfoy's face turned red with anger, but he couldn't argue. His past deeds were there, and no one believed that he didn't do it on purpose.

"A poor family can only cultivate such poor tricks!"

Malfoy snorted, waved to his son, and the two left quickly.

"You shouldn't pay attention to him, Arthur. This guy is evil..."

Hagrid advised as he smoothed Mr. Weasley's robes.

Ginny Weasley, who had fallen down, quickly picked up the books scattered on the floor. Among them was a set of books given to her by Harry——

The price of a complete set of books published by Lockhart is ridiculously high, and even the Weasley family's coffers cannot afford to buy one.

The Weasley brothers and Harry both helped her pick up the books, and they were all quickly put away. Then a strange hand handed her the old textbook and asked, "Is this the last one?"

"It should be...thank you."

Ginny quickly took it, feeling a little sad that she could only use such an old thing.

She suddenly realized that the voice was unfamiliar. When she looked up, she saw that it was a boy she didn't recognize.

"Who are you……"

"Vade?" Harry said happily, "Are you here to buy books today too?"

"Yes." Vader said naturally: "I heard that today is Lockhart's book launch, and I am a little curious about this adventurer."

"What an adventurer?" Ron complained: "He is just a boastful peacock!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Hermione immediately retorted: "Have you read his book? Gilderoy Lockhart often ventures into deserted places and deals with the most dangerous creatures!"

Ron's mouth slowly opened and he looked at Hermione, who looked exactly like his mother, as if he had seen a dancing dragon.

"Wake up, Hermione. You can tell that guy at a glance, right? He's just a pretty boy!" Ron shouted in disbelief.

His words made many Lockhart fans around him glare. If he hadn't been a child, he would have been beaten up.

Hermione was also very angry: "Don't slander him! Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart is a very brave man! He can even defeat a werewolf single-handedly!"

At the mention of "werewolf", Harry's expression felt a little unnatural. He quickly interrupted: "Okay, don't argue about this. Wade, have you bought all your books?"

"Yes, I'm ready to go back." Wade waved his hand: "See you in school."

Steven sent Wade home before leaving. Wade opened the door and saw that the house was empty and there was no one.

He knew that Mr. and Mrs. Gray had organized employees in the company to work overtime today to complete an urgent order, so he was not surprised that no one was there.

After returning to the bedroom, Wade took out his pencil case and tapped it lightly with his wand.

This level of use does not trigger Ministry of Magic surveillance of Trace Silk.

The pen box unfolds layer by layer and then transforms into a suitcase.

Wade opened it. At the bottom of the box were several large and small boxes. Only one of the boxes had something in it at this time.

He opened a flat box and took out a black notebook.

This is a very old diary, the faded date on the cover is fifty years old. Turning to the first page, you can see an ambiguous name:

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

The same name appeared above the diary in his eyes.

Wade took up his pen and wrote a line on it:

[It is not our talents that matter in the progress of the world, but how we use them. 】

This line of text flickered on the paper, then was absorbed into it and disappeared without a trace.

Then, new words appeared on the paper:

[It’s been a long time since I met someone with the same ideas as me. I guess you must be a talented little wizard. 】

The text flashed, then disappeared, and then a new line appeared on the paper:

[It’s just that people like us often don’t get understanding and recognition. I used to be very lonely, are you the same? 】

——Sorry, I have no intention of talking to you.

Wade stuffed the diary into the box without hesitation.

As soon as the lid was closed, the magic text chains began to wander on it, wrapping around and around, forming a vine-like pattern, and finally fixed.

Place the journal farthest from the crown.

Although both Horcruxes were tightly sealed by magic-shielding boxes, Vader still felt a sense of urgency.

——It’s time to find a way to deal with the Horcruxes... at least get rid of one first...

Lest they interact with each other and produce any magical resonance or other effects, they can escape from the blockade.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the Grays finally returned and packed two boxes of pizza from a nearby restaurant.

"Expedited orders are really troublesome. If it weren't for an old customer, I wouldn't have paid him the overtime pay."

Ferdinand untied his tie and said, "Wade, have you been waiting for a long time? Why didn't you watch TV for a while?"

"I read for a while and bought new textbooks in Diagon Alley today."

Wade helped his mother take the coat and hang it on the hanger.

Ferdinand placed a suitcase on the table and said, "This is what you want... Vader, use it well and don't put yourself in danger."

"I understand, Dad," Wade said.

"What is it?" Fiona said curiously: "I asked your dad on the way, but he never refused to tell me."

Ved smiled and said, "These are the magic materials required by the school. There are fly eyes or toad eggs. Do you want to see them?"

He pretended to open the box, and Fiona immediately jumped behind her husband and shouted with her eyes closed:

"No, no, no, don't open it! I will have a nightmare if you see it!"

Ferdinand knocked on his son's head, and Ved smiled cunningly.

After dinner, he returned to the bedroom and opened the suitcase.

The small box was filled with personal resumes, with basic information such as photos, names, personalities, and family members. There was also a transparent specimen collection bag on it, with three or four hairs in it.

This was the "magic material" that Ferdinand collected for him. Most of them came from prisoners in prison. Some of them looked very dangerous just from their appearance, while others looked harmless.

Some others came from barber shops or hospitals. The people in the photos were men and women, old people and children.

It was easy to collect hair, but it was not easy to collect information about the owner of the hair, especially since you couldn't hire someone else to complete this crucial task.

It took Ferdinand a long time to collect so much bit by bit. As for the Polyjuice Potion, Wade had already made a large pot of it last semester.

Even Dumbledore couldn't tell the real people from the fake ones who used the Polyjuice Potion. Barty Crouch had proved this to him a long time ago.

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