Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 123 Leslie's Grocery Store

Theo grew up in Diagon Alley. He was familiar with most of the shops except for places like Knockturn Alley where his parents didn't allow him to go.

Under the influence of his surroundings, even if he didn't pay special attention, he basically knew which shops were cheap and good, and which shopkeepers were cunning and treacherous.

"We call this place Broken Alley because everyone says they sell broken copper and iron."

Theo said.

Diagon Alley was still clean and tidy, but this street was like the rural market that Wade had seen before, and even the roadside was full of various things.

At first glance, it seemed that there were a wide variety of goods. But if you look closely, most of them are things thrown on the ground and no one picks them up.

-Old and yellowed books, strange stones, roughly carved wood, bald feather pens, worn carpets and water jugs.

Thanks to these things, the road left in the middle of the road became very narrow.

Theo led Wade through the alley in many ways, while imparting to Wade the experience he had heard from his elders:

"Uncle Jason told me that you can come here during the day, but don't get close after six o'clock."

"After dark, some thieves or werewolves will come to this place to sell stolen goods."

"And the things outside are all garbage, and they are too big to pick up for free. The real good things are kept inside by the store owner."

"But many store owners are good at judging people, and newcomers are easily ripped off when they go there for the first time. In comparison, Boone Leslie is much better."

"He has clearly marked prices. It may be a little more expensive than others, but it must be worth the money, rather than tricking you into spending a lot of money to buy some junk back."

They came to the depths of the alley, and Wade looked up. The wooden sign read "Leslie's Grocery Store".

Theo pushed the door open, and the bird-shaped wind chimes hanging by the door immediately chirped, and in a blink of an eye, the whole store was lit up.

Dozens of magic candles were lit one after another from the door to the back, illuminating the originally dim shop.

An old man in a wheelchair slid over silently.

His hair, mixed with white and black, was messy, like a ball of steel wool; his eyebrows were black and thick, very conspicuous.

The green wizard robe was washed white, and a pilling plaid blanket was covered on his knees. On the blanket, a black cat squatted.

"Mr. Leslie." Theo smiled brightly and said, "I brought my friends to buy something from you."


Leslie also smiled, and he glanced at Wade: "Take a look at it casually, the price on the label is the selling price."


Wade nodded and walked into the store.

Behind him, Leslie was still chatting with Theo: "Little guy, school is about to start, right?"

"One week left."

"Why did you come here today? Didn't Mancini tell you not to run around alone?"

"I'm not alone, I'm with Mr. Venal! Today my brother and I were almost kidnapped by werewolves, and it was Mr. Venal who saved me..."

Theo didn't mean to hide his experience in the morning at all.

Leslie's expression immediately became serious: "What happened? Tell me in detail!"

Theo said: "It was in the morning..."


The goods in the grocery store are neatly arranged, just like an ordinary supermarket.

Rows of shelves are lined up, and the goods are labeled with price tags, and some of them have words like "Extremely dangerous, please do not take at will" written on them.

The price is a little higher than those second-hand stores outside, but much cheaper than the stores in Diagon Alley.

For example, magic wands.

The wands sold by Ollivander to new students range from a few Galleons to more than ten Galleons. Some adult wizards like to inlay their wands with gold and jade, which is even more expensive.

The wands in Leslie's store are basically around one or two Galleons, and there is a small area next to it for testing magic effects, with feathers, stones, spiders and other items.

These wands are covered with dust and have obvious signs of use, but at least they are intact.

Some of the wands displayed outside the second-hand store can even see obvious signs of repair after being broken, and the price is only a few Sickles.

Wade thought that if you cast a spell with such a wand, it is not certain whether the enemy will be hit, but the user may send himself to St. Mungo's.

Wade's own wand is poplar wood with unicorn hair.

Poplar wood is a wand that can be trusted, tolerant, and has consistent and powerful power, which requires the owner to have a clear moral value.

Unicorn hair can produce the most stable magic and is also the most loyal wand, but it is difficult to use dark magic.

According to Michael, if strangers heard about the material of his wand, they would definitely think he was an honest and loyal Hufflepuff. Wade thought depressedly at the time, it would be great if the Sorting Hat could understand it this way. For Wade, his wand was like half of his body, and he could use it as easily as his arm when using spells, and it worked well together. Although Wade has now mastered some skills in using magic without a wand, he is still most comfortable when holding his own wand, and the magic power is more powerful. The premise is... he uses orthodox spells, not evil spells, curses or black magic. Ordinary small evil spells will still cooperate, but slightly stronger poisonous spells will feel hindered. Wade can feel that if he insists on using this wand to learn spells such as the Fiery Fire Curse and the Imperius Curse, then the wand may "die".

It is written in books about wands that unicorn tail hair can easily become melancholy, which is its natural shortcoming.

What should I do if my child has a high sense of morality? Then I can only find another "thug" with no morals.

Wade tried for a while and chose three wands that were more compatible with him.

A walnut wand, paired with a dragon heartstring, symbolizes intelligence.

A mountain pear wand, also paired with phoenix tail feathers, has excellent defensive performance.

A pine wand, paired with thunderbird tail feathers, represents individuality.

Anyway, it's not expensive, so he simply bought them all, and then walked around the store casually, and then found some small surprises.

A magic mirror that can give suggestions on the owner's clothing. I don't know who its previous owner was. The aesthetic level is quite high and the mouth is sweet.

When Wade walked past it, it shouted loudly:

"Oh my God, I can't believe my eyes. Sir, you have wasted the beauty given to you by God!"

"Listen to me, put on the silver-gray robe next to you and wear the pocket watch on my left. If you have more money, please put on the hat on the shelf, it can set off your melancholy and charming temperament!"

Wade was amused by it.

He carefully "read" the magic runes on the magic mirror, confirmed that there was no curse attached to it, and decided to buy the mirror.

Fiona would like this mirror to discuss dressing with her.

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