[Lupin: Wizards can't use magic in front of Muggles. And I don't know how many Muggle jobs, such as accounting and car repair, work. ]

[Lupin: And I have to take a few days off every month, which makes my boss always unhappy with me. Once there is a replacement, I will be fired. ]

[Lupin: In short, everything is getting better now, and the past is nothing. ]

[Wade: You live in Hogsmeade Village, so after the start of the school year, can't Harry go directly to school? ]

[Lupin: Indeed. But Ron invited Harry to Weasley's house to play these days, and he still took the train when the school starts. ]

[Lupin: Taking the Hogwarts Express across the British Isles is also a valuable experience for students. ]

Seeing Lupin's reply, Wade couldn't help but wonder: Will Harry be blocked by the brick wall again this time, and then drive to school?

September 1st is coming soon.

Wade arrived at King's Cross Station half an hour in advance, and he didn't need his parents to see him off. He got on the train with his suitcase.

Anyway, the children would go home during the Christmas holidays. After a year, the Grays were used to this kind of farewell and were no longer reluctant to leave like the first time.

Wade found a compartment, and soon Michael, Theo and Ryan also came.

While they were chatting, Wade kept his eyes on the window.

From their compartment, they could just see the students running out through the brick wall.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, the Weasley family appeared one by one.

Percy, Mr. Weasley, the twins, Ginny and Mrs. Weasley...

The smooth rhythm suddenly got stuck.


The train blew a long whistle, sprayed white steam, and began to move slowly.

A few seconds later, Lupin put his arm around Harry's shoulders and walked through the brick wall with Ron.

"Hurry up and get on the train!" Lupin shouted loudly, "I'll help you take your suitcases to school."

Harry and Ron didn't have time to say more, they ran and ran wildly to chase the gradually accelerating train.

The students who were saying goodbye to their parents on the train looked at them in surprise.

The Weasley twins stood at the door of a carriage, stretched out their hands, and pulled the two people on the train with a sudden pull. The four of them rolled into the carriage together.

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help saying, "They should have left earlier. This is too thrilling."

Michael looked out from Wade's shoulder and said, "No. The entire platform is full of wizards. Will they fall down?"

On the platform, Lupin also breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Wade, he smiled and waved to him.

It seems that although Harry and the Weasley family set off together, he still rushed to the train station to see Harry off like other parents.

This is how he accidentally avoided the trap of the house-elf Dobby.

In the original plot, Dobby, the elf of the Malfoy family, would seal the brick wall at this time, intending to prevent Harry from going to school and being expelled from Hogwarts.

Unfortunately, the simple-minded elf did not understand that as the savior of the British wizarding world, Hogwarts would not expel Harry even if he was late for a semester.

His actions only caused the people he wanted to protect to be punished and excluded out of thin air.

The train rattled forward, and it still arrived at Hogwarts after dark, and then the sorting.

Wade also saw a few familiar names-

Colin Creevey, who was very happy when he was sorted into Gryffindor, and deliberately made a long circle and ran to shake hands with Harry.

The child said enthusiastically but timidly: "Harry Potter, I... I admire you very much... Can we take a photo together later? I have a camera."

"Uh..." Harry looked at his friends for help, but they all looked at him with eyes that looked like they were watching a good show, so he had to say: "Okay..."

Last semester, Wade also asked everyone to take photos several times, and some of them are now on Harry's desk.

Dudley used to have a lot of photos, but Harry didn't have any.

But now he has quite a few photos...but the look in the boy's eyes always makes him want to avoid him...

The last person who embarrassed him so much was Gilderoy Lockhart.

Harry looked at the teacher's seat.

Lockhart, wearing a sparkling aqua robe, suddenly turned his head and looked at him, and Harry hurriedly avoided his sight.


Colin almost jumped up and said excitedly: "I know your name is written in many books, and I know everything about you..."

Harry watched his mouth open and close, and hurriedly pushed him to the seat next to him.

"Stop talking, we're still sorting! Professor McGonagall is here." Harry said.

Colin turned his head and met the stern eyes of the head of Gryffindor. He shrank his neck and finally shut up.

"Luna Lovegood!" said Professor McGonagall.


A girl with a wand stuck behind her ear and a dazed look walked to the long table of Ravenclaw. The applause gradually became smaller and soon stopped.

Everyone looked at the blonde girl and thought she looked a little strange.

She had a crazy temperament similar to Dumbledore.

The girl seemed not to notice anything unusual and said in a vague tone: "Nice to meet you all... Do you want to sing the opposite tune?"

The Ravenclaw prefect who was shaking hands with her looked a little embarrassed: "Naysayer?"

"Well, it's a magazine run by my father." Luna said.

"Oh...oh, I will read it if I have the chance." The female prefect asked, "What is it about?"

"Hmm... It's just a Bent-Horned Snorlax or something."

"The Scimitar-Horned Snork? I don't think I've seen this magical creature in the book."

"They live in Sweden." Luna said: "When I grow up, I will go to Sweden to look for this magical creature."

"Oh..." The female prefect smiled a little awkwardly, trying hard to remember whether she had forgotten any part of the book.

"Don't think about it." Another prefect reminded her in a low voice: "This is a made-up creature."

"It's not fabricated." Luna's ears turned out to be very good. She emphasized seriously: "My father said they exist."

Both prefects couldn't stop laughing.

Then there's Rolf Scamander.

He was sorted into Hufflepuff, but instead of going to his own house for the first time, he went to the Ravenclaw table.

"Vide, now we are in the same school! I will go and play with you tomorrow..."

Before he could finish his words, he was pulled away by the Hufflepuff prefect with a dark face.

"This year's freshmen are really interesting, aren't they?" Michael said to Wade with a smile.

"Well, yes." Wade nodded and looked at the last freshman to be sorted.

Ginny Weasley.

She looked good.

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