The sales of the positioning friend book invented by Wade were just average, and only some parents would buy it and put it on their children, using it as a talisman.

Of course, Wade himself also had various templates of friend books.

After he got the Marauder's Map, he improved the positioning friend book based on the magic pattern circuits he learned from the map, making it smaller in size, showing more accurate positions, and more concealed magic fluctuations.

After capturing Peter Pettigrew, Wade used the sticking spell to stick a positioning friend book on the back of that person's head.

He used the shrinking spell to shrink the friend book so small that even if Peter Pettigrew turned into a mouse, it would probably be regarded as a grain of dust that was accidentally stuck.

With this, Wade could grasp Peter Pettigrew's location in real time.

In the eyes of Percy, Ron and others, handing Peter over to the Ministry of Magic would be all right, but Wade didn't think so.

Even the reason why he chose to take the risk of catching Peter with the Weasley brothers instead of asking Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall for help was based on the same reason.

As for the Ministry of Magic, Wade neither believed in their ability, nor their character, nor their responsibility.

Although Dumbledore was one of the most powerful wizards in the world, he had a "self-imprisonment" mentality.

Even though he could kill Fudge and Umbridge with one hand, in the plot, he always tolerated the two of them using various absurd laws to restrict their power and persecute the teachers and students of the school.

Not only that, since the second year, the Ministry of Magic has repeatedly invaded Hogwarts, arrested people who Dumbledore believed to be innocent with high-sounding reasons, forced Dumbledore to leave the school more than once, and later slandered him as an old lunatic.

And what about Dumbledore?

He always gave in.

Dumbledore would move the pointer slightly within the rules to make things develop in the direction he wanted, but he would not directly overturn the table.

Under the influence of Dumbledore, most of the professors in the school - such as Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, etc., have similar ways of dealing with things.

So if Peter Pettigrew is caught, Dumbledore will interrogate him privately, but he will always hand him over to the Ministry of Magic for investigation and trial.

He has his own expectations for the results, but he will not use his power to interfere with the results of the Ministry of Magic's investigation and force Fudge and others to make judgments according to his own wishes.

Even if the final result runs counter to his expectations, he will first try his best to fight for it within the scope permitted by the law, instead of directly saying: "Fudge, this matter must be this way, otherwise I will let you get off the stage!"

The person with the most powerful power has always been abiding by the law and self-disciplined, which is undoubtedly a great blessing for ordinary people.

But when the person standing opposite him is an incompetent person who arbitrarily breaks the rules in the name of the law, has a strong desire for power, but dares not take responsibility, Dumbledore's "observance of the law" is depressing.

Wade cannot pin his hopes on Dumbledore.

He is also unlikely to be like the trio in the original plot, who naively flipped through the legal provisions to try to change the result when the Ministry of Magic made an unfavorable ruling. Or when the situation gets worse and worse, regret missing the best time.

Because he knows that regret is useless, and mistakes will be paid.


At the Umbrella House party the next day, Harry told everyone everything that happened, and Fred and George supplemented it.

Since the Battle Royale game started, the twin brothers have also joined the SSC. Their spell level has improved by leaps and bounds. When they don’t have classes, they will study alchemy with Wade.

"Such a big thing, you should ask us to participate together." Michael complained to Wade.

"You can't enter the Gryffindor lounge." Wade said: "And to do something successfully, you must first keep it secret. What if the wormtail accidentally overhears everyone's discussion?"

"So... the former hero is the traitor, and the person who was imprisoned was actually wronged?" Ryan concluded.

"Yeah..." Harry said sadly, "Lupin told me that Sirius Black is actually my godfather. I wonder what kind of person he is."

Theo said sympathetically, "Merlin, he stayed in Azkaban for eleven years... I can't even imagine it."

"What kind of place is Azkaban?" Harry asked.

"It's the most terrible place in the world, a wizard prison." Theo lowered his voice unconsciously and said, "There are Dementors guarding it."

"Dementors?" Harry still didn't understand.

"A monster that feeds on happiness will remind people of the most terrible things."

Theo shuddered unconsciously, "I have an uncle who stayed in Azkaban for three months. When he came out, he almost went crazy. He said that he would rather die than go back to that place."

Harry's face was covered with a layer of worry.

He almost went crazy in just three months, so what about eleven years?

Have his godfather...been a lunatic?

Even so...

Harry thought.

Even so... I will take good care of him...

Because even if Sirius Black becomes crazy, he is crazy to protect his family.

This is his responsibility and what his parents would want him to do.

For several days, Ron felt nauseous at the mere mention of Scabbers, until Harry commissioned Lupin to buy an owl for Ron as compensation for the loss of his pet.

This is a very beautiful owl with sparkling eyes like night pearls. The radiating feathers are like pointed cat ears, and the mottled brown feathers are like a leopard, making it look very majestic.

The joy of getting a new pet instantly overcame the disgust and frustration caused by the last pet. Ron showed off his owl all day long and was extremely happy.

Harry was also very happy. He was almost counting the days and looking forward to the moment when the godfather would be released.

Over the weekend, Marchionne had to temporarily postpone his meeting with Wade because he was busy with work.

So Vader and others went to Hogsmeade through the disappearing cabinet. When they arrived at Lupine's house, they all saw that Lupine had hung the photo on the wall again, only this time Peter Pedillo's face was covered.

Sirius, who finally showed his face, was handsome and elegant, with messy black hair hanging in front of his eyes, and a pair of striking, smiling gray eyes.

"He has gray eyes just like you!" Michael said in surprise.

"Well, yes." Wade was also a little surprised.

Harry looked at the photo, looking at it again and again, with an unconscious smile on his face.

Lupine looked at him, but there was a hint of worry in his smile.

"What happened?" Wade asked him.

"I don't know...but I feel very bad." Lupine said vaguely: "I applied to visit Sirius, but was rejected. And there are some unfavorable rumors..."


"Someone came up with a theory..."

Lupine lowered his voice so that no one else could hear: "Sirius and Peter both served Voldemort... Eleven years ago, James and Lily were killed. They launched Sirius, and Peter lurked and waited for the opportunity..."

"Eleven years later, Peter was exposed and asked to exonerate Sirius... to ensure that there would always be a loyal Death Eater out there working for Voldemort..."

Vader was stunned for a while, and then said half in admiration and half in mockery:

"How imaginative...Have they never thought about why they couldn't escape together?"

"Yes, some people believe such a ridiculous statement."

Lupine could barely conceal his emotions: "The most important thing is that the Ministry of Magic seems to support this statement..."

"Who is so stupid?" Michael heard this and came over to intervene in the conversation naturally.

"Minister of Magic Fudge, I heard he gave important testimony."

Lupine smiled bitterly and said: "He was the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magical Disasters back then. They were the first ones to rush to the scene after Peter killed someone."

"He testified that... when there were corpses everywhere, Sirius stood there laughing wildly. He was still laughing when he was arrested, like a madman desperate for revenge because of his master's failure..."

"Except for Sirius, almost all the Black family are staunch pure-blood supporters and have always supported Voldemort. Sirius has a younger brother who willingly joined the Death Eaters before he graduated from school."

"So Fudge doesn't think Sirius is innocent. He seems to think... if Sirius is released, he will find a way to return to the mysterious man. This loyal and crazy servant will definitely make the mysterious man make a comeback..."

"Hasn't the Ministry of Magic always believed that the mysterious man has been defeated?" Wade asked.

"Of course that's what they said during the promotion." Lupine shook his head: "Fudge said... he just raised a possibility... a possibility that would make him shudder as long as he thought about it for a moment..."

"No one wants You-Know-Who to come back except the Death Eaters."

Michael said objectively: "Given the circumstances, the trial may go in an unfavorable direction."

"Had they been more despicable and suggested that Peter Pedillo would testify against Black..."

Lupine's face became paler, his brows were furrowed, and his whole body looked particularly heavy.

He whispered: "Vade, the one we prepared before..."

Wade thought for a while before nodding: "I originally wanted to suppress the news...but now it seems that maybe now is the most appropriate time..."

Lu Ping's tense expression relaxed a little, and he couldn't help but say: "Fortunately, you were prepared in advance... I originally thought this was unnecessary..."

"What else did you do?" Michael asked curiously.

"We found a few reporters and prepared to make a big news story," Wade said briefly.

If the news breaks out during the public trial of the Ministry of Magic, it may be able to further damage the prestige of Fudge and others and oust them early.

But then, there are more variables.

The most important thing is that although Fudge seems to be submissive, he is actually a ruthless person who dares to "kill people and silence them". If the situation went very unfavorably for him, he might have Sirius and Peter killed together.

It is not uncommon for criminals to "commit suicide out of fear of crime" in prison. Fudge can find one or two "temporary workers" at most to shirk responsibility. By then, even if Dumbledore is dissatisfied, what can he do?

No matter how angry Dumbledore was, he could not break into the Ministry of Magic and kill Fudge. This was why the minister unscrupulously and repeatedly provoked the white wizard.

Before returning to school, Wade contacted Marchionne.

Early the next morning, Marchionne sent several newspapers to Wade.

France, the United States, Germany, New Zealand, Italy...

Similar news was published in the most popular newspapers in several countries, telling a story that happened in the UK, with ups and downs and confusion.

In the magic world, distance doesn't mean much, and the news flew to the UK in a blink of an eye.

How could the mainstream media in the UK tolerate others stealing their front-page headlines?

On the third day, the Daily Prophet published a news in extremely conspicuous words -

"Hero or traitor? Peter Pettigrew's crimes exposed after eleven years!"

There were two huge photos on the front page.

One was Sirius Black with a sunken face and tangled long hair.

The other was Peter Pettigrew with a bald round face and a timid look.

Wade was satisfied to see that the reporter almost copied the foreign report in its entirety, and narrated the whole story in a way that repeatedly questioned and was particularly exciting.

I believe that everyone who reads this report will come to a conclusion for themselves - Peter Pettigrew, who once won the Order of Merlin, is the real traitor, and the Ministry of Magic has made a huge mistake in this case.

After the newspapers were delivered, the whole hall was full of discussions, and the students had almost no appetite for food.

The professors in the classroom also had a newspaper in their hands, and they discussed in low voices from time to time - except for the few people who participated that day, most of the professors in the school did not know that Peter Pettigrew had been arrested.

Wade hurriedly finished his meal and returned to the Room of Requirement to open the slightly warm friend's book.

[Marchione: A reporter contacted me, and Fudge was very dissatisfied with their report. The Ministry of Magic forbade them to promote Sirius as an innocent hero who suffered, which put a lot of pressure on the newspaper. ]

[Wade: It was Barty Crouch of the Law Enforcement Department who sent Sirius Black to prison without trial, right? Put the responsibility on him and downplay Fudge's role, and the Ministry of Magic should not be so opposed. ]

[Marchione: Don't you want to undermine Fudge's prestige? ]

[Wade: It's just a stopgap measure. There will be plenty of opportunities to bring this up again in the future. 】

Marchione carefully drew a thumbs up on the paper, and then wrote:

[Marchione: This will reduce the resistance a lot, I will convince them to cooperate. ]

[Vade: Tell them, I can add money. ]

[Marchione: ... That's fine. ]

[Marchione: But I have another question, can I? ]

[Vade: Please. ]

[Marchione: Why did you do so much to get Sirius Black off the hook? You don't even know him. ]

After a while, Vade wrote on the paper:

[Vade: The law is set up to protect the innocent. If the rules are not right, the order will collapse. ]

[Vade: If those in power use the law to persecute innocent people at will, if we have the ability to change but turn a blind eye. When this persecution also falls on you and me, who can speak for us? 】

After a long time, Marchionne's reply appeared:

[Marchionne: Looking forward to seeing you next weekend, Wade. ]

[Two-in-one, one update today]

I have something to do in the past few days, so the update may not be very stable.

If I take a leave, I will explain it in the work related information.

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