The bell rang for the end of get out of class and all the fog dissipated.

Vader looked at Dumbledore, and Dumbledore looked at him.

Through those thin lenses, Dumbledore's eyes seemed like deep blue oceans.

"You let me see Voldemort's life..." Vader asked carefully, "What's the purpose?"

Dumbledore stretched out his palm, and a leaf outside the window fell on his palm.

"Look at this leaf, child. What do you think of?"

Dumbledore asked and answered himself: "Some people will say green, some will say nature, some will say environment, some will say it is pleasing to the eye, some will think it is feed for some insects, and some will think of the passing time and life. Also Some would say leaves are just leaves.”

After a pause, Dumbledore repeated: "Leaves are just leaves, Vader."

“What you associate with it should be up to you.”

He put the leaves in Wade's palm and said with a smile: "It's lunch time, let's go eat. Today's lunch has wine-soaked jam pudding. It would be a shame to miss it."

Dumbledore left, and Wade looked at the leaves in his hand and thought for a long time.

In the plot, Dumbledore takes Harry to experience the memories related to Voldemort piece by piece, analyzing the human nature and Voldemort's weaknesses reflected in those memories, thereby guiding Harry to find Horcruxes and defeat Voldemort in the future.

But what Dumbledore showed him was Voldemort's life trajectory. There are no tedious details or long sermons, just simple presentation and leaving the questions to himself.

Was their "social activities" known to Dumbledore? Or did Dumbledore see something from his push for a retrial of the Sirius case?

Wade thought for a while and put the leaf in the book as a bookmark.

No matter what Dumbledore wanted to convey, Vader would not change his approach.

Early the next morning, the letter-delivery owls flew into Hogwarts in large numbers and threw thick newspapers on the breakfast table.

Vader opened the Daily Prophet, and the first thing he saw was a photo of Harry and Sirius hugging each other, with Lupine standing in the corner and smiling, only half of his face showing.

In the corner was a small photograph of Peter Pedillo in prison uniform.

"Look, Sirius Black has been acquitted! Peter Pedillo has been sentenced to life in prison!"

Padma flipped through the newspaper and spoke loudly to Michael.

There was a burst of cheers from the Gryffindor table, and the Weasley twins even wore weird hats and jumped up and down on their stools.

They participated in the operation to capture Peter and have always paid close attention to this case. At this time, the case had an ideal outcome, and the twins were as happy as if they had been released.

But their other two brothers were not so happy. Ron and Percy both had straight faces, as if they considered it a shame that Peter had been their pet.

"It's unbelievable." One of Percy's roommates was still shouting to him: "We used to live in the same dormitory with this wretched guy! Percy, I will never keep a pet like a mouse in my life. !”

Percy's face darkened, and everyone around him laughed.

Some girls were also talking quietly.

Wade heard not far away, Qiu Zhang was talking to his friend: "Marietta, I don't have a problem with hamsters, but... uh... can you not keep it in the dormitory?"

Marietta looked a little unnatural: "Don't mention it, I will send it back later and let my mother help me keep it in the garden."

"Use an owl?" Qiu Zhang said hesitantly: "Will it be eaten?"

"No, I'll send it back with the cage..." Marietta said.

Because you can use the school's public owl to send letters, many girls prefer to keep fluffy hamsters or small mice as pets. When the weather is nice, they will hold them in their hands and take them out to play.

But after Peter's case, the number of rat pets in the entire school was reduced by more than half. Even if there are still some owners who are reluctant to give them away, they no longer keep them in the dormitory.

So the two empty dormitories in Ravenclaw Tower became places for everyone to keep their pets. Some people don’t even want to keep cats in dormitories, so they simply let them stay in the common room.

Ravenclaw is better. After all, there are fewer people and fewer pets. I heard that Gryffindors often quarrel over pets.

"Hi, Draco!" someone at the Slytherin table said in a shrill voice, "I heard that Sirius Black is your uncle? You must be happy that he was acquitted, right?"

Draco Malfoy's face suddenly turned ugly.

"Sirius Black is the last heir of the Black family. Unfortunately, he is a pure-blood traitor who was removed from the family tree." Another Slytherin student named Morton said deliberately.

Many people laughed in a low voice with malice.

"Shut up, you guys."

For the sake of the broomstick, Marcus Flint spoke up and said: "What does an expelled traitor have to do with the Malfoy family? Draco has never even met that person."

Wade raised his head and glanced diagonally across the long table.

Draco Malfoy's back was facing them, and his expression could not be seen clearly, but Vader saw that his hand under the table was holding his wand tightly, and the tip was trembling slightly.

"Vade!" Michael patted his shoulder and said, "Don't study this morning, go to the playground."

"Okay." Vade looked over there again, put down his fork, and the two walked out of the auditorium together.

The lawn was slightly damp, but not muddy. Most of the plants had turned yellow, and there were fallen leaves all over the ground. Stepping on it was like stepping on a soft thick carpet.

More than a dozen students had gathered in the playground, waiting for the students from the previous game to come out. Seeing Vade, their faces turned pale.

"So which one do you want to play?" The referee Professor Flitwick asked happily with a wand in his hand: "Competition or Battle Royale?"

A girl raised her hand tremblingly and asked: "If it's a Battle Royale, is it the Vade version or the professor version?"

Professor Flitwick looked at Vade cheerfully and said: "Of course it's the professor version. Vade is also a player today."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Battle Royale! We choose Battle Royale!"

Vade's face turned black, and Michael laughed beside him.

"Okay." Professor Flitwick pressed the timer and said, "You have five minutes to prepare."

The students all rushed into the playground, and the students who had made an appointment to form teams in advance went together. They took out their wands and began to move the surrounding debris to build a defensive fortress.

The environment of the playground became more and more complicated, and these students with many ideas contributed greatly.

"Let's go..." Michael pulled Wade in and said as he ran, "We have to find a shelter first... Once you see it, you will know why the professor's battle royale is popular!"

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