Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 178: Burning the Gaunt House

Ved had always thought Lupin was very good, but now he felt more and more that Lupin was better than he expected.

Although Vader had helped the other party a lot, he knew that some people, even if they were favored by others, would act as if they were owed something by others, and they liked to "instruct" others from a high position, or they would ask for too much without considering the return.

Some people seemed to think that being helped was a shame, or they were unwilling to return the favor, so they simply avoided seeing them. The darker ones even hoped that the people who helped them would suffer in poverty, as if this would make them psychologically balanced.

But Lupin was different. He was as gentle and tolerant as water. He never looked down on Vader because he taught magic, nor did he flatter him because he was hired.

If he found that what Vader was going to do was dangerous and harmful to himself, he would persuade him gently.

But when Vader decided to do something, even if it was very inexplicable, he would do his best to complete it, but he would not ask questions in the name of "I'm doing this for your own good".

It was very comfortable to get along like this, especially for someone like Wade who had a lot of secrets.

Just like now, Lupin didn't ask Wade what he talked about with Dumbledore last time, didn't ask where his information came from, and didn't ask why he wanted to burn down the broken house of the Gaunt family that was almost covered by grass and trees.

He just came up with a plan immediately and started to work hard.

There was a big tree with tangled roots next to the house, and its branches had even pierced the roof and extended downwards.

The glass was all broken, and the tall nettles grew densely, even covering most of the window. The narrow window was covered with thick dust and dirt.

Fortunately, the grass and trees had already withered, so it was not troublesome to clean it up.

"The flames are blazing!"

Wade and Lupin each pointed their wands, and the dry grass in front of them ignited with a "bang".

If they let go of control at this time, the flames would chase the combustibles and spread everywhere like natural fire.

But the two of them always maintained control, and the flames followed the direction of their wands, swam and closed from both sides, forming a huge circle of fire.

Lupin had already told Wade many times about the method of controlling fire.

Some wizards would take various strange ways to strengthen control, such as shouting spells, using specific postures, staring at the flames with bloodshot eyes, or using some magic props.

But in fact, the most fundamental thing is a firm and clear belief that is not disturbed by the outside world.

After the circle of fire closed, it gradually expanded from the inside to the outside, and the insects and small animals hiding in the bushes ran to the outside in panic.

The speed of the flame extension was not very fast. After a wild cat ran out, it hid in the bushes and observed for a while, then rushed back quickly and took its child away.

The billowing smoke floated upwards, as if the forest was on fire.

The circle of fire expanded for more than ten meters before stopping, and then burned all the objects in the flames to ashes before gradually extinguishing.

Wade waved his wand, and a strong wind blew out of thin air, blowing away all the black ash on the ground, revealing the black and gray ground.

Lupin used the water spell again, and streams of water sprinkled on the ground to prevent the dead leaves from flying around.

In the end, only a small house hidden under the tree in the middle and the surrounding weeds remained.

From beginning to end, Wade and Lupin did not approach the house.

Wade looked up at the gradually spreading smoke in the sky and said to Lupin: "Let's start... Although everyone in Little Hangleton is asleep, it is inevitable that someone far away will see it and call the police."

A forest fire is not a trivial matter. As long as someone sees the smoke, most people will call the fire department.

It's just that this place is far away from the fire station in the town, and the road is not easy to walk, so they still have enough time.

Lupin nodded and said, "Remember what I told you, precise control is more important than its power."


Ved put away his wand and replaced it with the mountain pear tree wand with phoenix tail feathers bought from a second-hand store. He calmed his breath and cleared his mind so that he could focus more.


With a "whoosh", an orange-gold flame rushed out from the tip of the wand and landed on the big tree next to Gaunt's hut, and it immediately burned fiercely.

Ved did not put down the wand. He stared at the flame with full concentration and could vaguely feel the secret and invisible connection between it and himself.

Lupin also held the wand and was ready at any time.

Although Fiercefire is dangerous and difficult to control, it has magic to break the curse. If it is only slightly out of control, Lupin can temporarily block it with a barrier to give Vader time to gain control.

The flames continued to spread and rise, suddenly turning into the appearance of a hound, as if it wanted to devour someone, and then suddenly dissipated; then a hippogriff ran out of the fire, ran around the house, set fire to everything that could be ignited, and then melted into the fire.

The flames kept changing their postures - dragons, phoenixes, nifflers, bird snakes, wolves, chimeras...

Some of them flew, some ran, and sometimes seemed to rush out, but were blocked by Lupin's water curtain.

Gradually, the movements of the fire beasts became more and more flexible, but they no longer rushed out of the circle. Lupin looked at Wade, whose forehead was oozing fine beads of sweat, and secretly praised him in his heart.

Many wizards dare not use the Fiendfyre spell for their entire lives, fearing that they will lose control. Magic is subjective, and their fear of spells also makes it more difficult to learn.

Lupin himself learned this magic when he was a teenager. At that time, he and his friends did a lot of great things together. They were fearless and only hated the dark magic, but they had no awe.

Even so, he burned a lot of things on the beach before learning how to master the Fiendfyre.

Lupin originally planned to teach Wade in the same way. He was prepared that Wade would fail several times and had to throw away his old wand, but he didn't expect to succeed slowly the first time.

The child in front of him was really a natural wizard. He was destined to become as powerful as Dumbledore.

He might even surpass Dumbledore.

Lupin narrowed his eyes slightly and watched the flames gradually form a golden bird, like a phoenix, but not quite the same as Dumbledore's phoenix.

It spread its wings lightly in the flames and flew. The eyes that seemed to be formed by the fire seemed to be looking at them.

From time to time, there were intermittent beeps in the flames, sometimes like glass breaking, sometimes like something exploding.

Lupin didn't find it strange.

Since they were once a wizard family, there must be various spells around them, but the Fiendfyre is so powerful that it can even destroy most spells.

But then, Lupin's calm expression was broken.

A familiar scream sounded in the flames!

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