18th Black

Where Dumbledore's wand pointed, the outline of an arch appeared on the rock wall, and dazzling white light radiated from it.

"Successful!" Sirius said excitedly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the outline disappeared. Dumbledore frowned slightly and stared at the cave wall intently.

"Oh... that's actually the case." He said to himself: "Although it is low-level, it is indeed very useful..."

He turned and looked at the group and said, "I guess we need to pay to get through."

"The price?" Lupine said.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, it's blood." Dumbledore said contemptuously: "The person who set the trap wants to use this method to weaken his opponent... So I said, it is a very low-level method. ”

As he spoke, he conjured a short sword and rolled up his sleeves.

"Let me do it, Professor!"

Sirius took two steps forward, grabbed the dagger directly, and without hesitation slashed his arm, bright red blood immediately gushing out.

Wade hesitated to speak, but finally remained silent.

He actually has some magical creatures in his closet space, most of them gifts from Scamander and Steven Murray, but a few are small animals he picked up at the edge of the maze.

There are always some cubs that are abandoned because they are sick, injured or stunted. When Wade sees them, he will pick them back to enrich the species diversity of the closet space.

With the help of magic and golems, caring for animals or cleaning up isn't difficult.

Before coming, Wade originally planned to find some large animals to provide blood. But seeing Sirius's actions at this time, he finally didn't mention it.

It's not that there is absolutely no chance to stop it...it's just that sometimes, sacrifice and bloodshed can help people resist the pain in their hearts.

Dumbledore did not stop Sirius. He whispered a spell, blood was sprinkled on the rock wall, and the arch appeared again.

In the dazzling white light, the rock disappeared, revealing a dark doorway.

"That's it."

Dumbledore said, pointing his wand at the hideous wound on Sirius' arm, and the wound healed immediately.

Lupine walked in holding his wand, and the light illuminated the cave. Afterwards, Wade and others also walked in.

There is a black lake in front of me. The endless lake surface is like a smooth mirror without any ripples.

Only close to them, the water reflected the light from the tip of the wand.

The darkness here seems to be something substantial, dense and thick. The light emitted by Lupine's wand seemed to be suppressed, and the white light only illuminated a small area around it.

"Is there such a huge underground lake hidden under the cliff?" Lupine slowly moved his wand and said in surprise: "Or is it that someone cast a traceless stretching spell here?"

He saw no trace of the spell around.

"I think it's both, Remus," Dumbledore said, looking straight ahead.

There seemed to be something in the middle of the lake, emitting green light, which was very conspicuous in the darkness.

"There must be something there." Sirius got on his broom and said, "I'll fly over first and have a look. If there's no problem, you can come back."

"Wait, Mr. Black."

Vader caught him and let go of the other old broom.

"Let him explore the path first."

Under everyone's gaze, the broomstick flew out with a swish. Halfway through the flight, it suddenly stopped like a dragonfly caught in a spider web, and then fell straight into the lake.

Several pale palms came out of the water and dragged the broom down with all their hands.


Sirius gasped, and Lupine paled as well.

"What is hidden here is... the army Voldemort prepared for himself?" Lupine said.

He did not dare to call Voldemort by his name because of fear, but in this depressing atmosphere, Lupine still lowered his voice unconsciously.

"Army? I think they're better called Guardians."

Dumbledore pondered: "They guard something for Voldemort day and night, ready to eliminate intruders at any time."

"It's so sad that these people are still serving the people who killed them," Lupine said.

Sirius snorted: "Isn't that what those guys who study black magic are like? They deal with dead bodies and the like all day long, and their whole body smells bad."

Wade didn't speak, he observed the lake carefully.

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is only calm lake water in the cave. But Vader could see that the space above the lake was densely covered with spell patterns. It was impossible to invade from any direction, and even a small bird would be stopped.

It only left a hidden passage in one place, and Wade could see something emitting green light that extended into the depths of the lake.

In addition to the Inferi, there is also a very powerful curse in the lake.

It will not only cause those who come into contact to quickly weaken until death, but also gradually transform the corpses that fall into it into Inferi.

This curse was far beyond the level of Vader, a novice, and there were many aspects that were completely incomprehensible to him.

In the center of the lake, dense magic lines overlapped into golden light pillars, making it even impossible for him to see the green light in his normal field of vision.

Sirius and Lupine were careful not to come into contact. They each explored a circle in one direction. They came back and said, "There is nothing but lake water."

Dumbledore had already thought of how to cross the lake, but he did not rush to express his conclusion, but looked at Vader.

"Vade, what did you find?"

"The way to pass is hidden in the lake." Wade suggested: "But we still have enough time anyway, why not get rid of the Inferi first, and then go to the center of the lake to explore?"

This was not what Dumbledore expected, but he nodded casually and said, "Let's do it."

Sirius squatted by the lake and said, "This lake may not be drained. How about we lure them out first?"

He looked around: "...but there are only three broomsticks left."

"No need for a broomstick."

Vader tapped his backpack with his wand, and a firebird flew out. It stood on a protruding rock from the rock wall, tilting its head, as if looking at everyone curiously.

"Let me introduce you." Wade said, "This is my magic partner, Michal."

Lupine praised: "Your alchemy level is getting better and better."

Dumbledore looked at the firebird silently, his blue eyes twinkling slightly. Hearing Lu Ping's words, he turned his head and glanced at Lu Ping, thoughtfully.

Dumbledore said nothing.

Wade approached Michal and whispered a few instructions. Michal restrained the flames all over his body, spread his wings and flew out, circled around the edge of the lake, and then swooped down towards the lake.

Two or three pale palms burst out of the water, grabbed Michal's claws like lightning, and then let go as quickly as if they had been burned by a soldering iron.

Sirius had already seized that brief opportunity. With a finger of his wand, the two Inferi were dragged out of the lake.

It was a thin man and a woman in pajamas. Their eyes were gray, their pale faces without any blood, and their soaked clothes and hair stuck tightly to their bodies.

The Inferi was forced out of the water and was thrown by Sirius on the rocks on the shore. Michal spit out fire without hesitation, completely igniting their bodies.

Li Huo crawled along the wall for a short distance without being able to spread out, and then completely wrapped the two corpses.

Although it is also dark magic, what the Inferi fear most is fire and light. Lihuo is also fire, even more powerful than ordinary flames. They only struggled twice in the fire and quickly lost their movement.

The orange-gold flame burned quietly.

Although the flames spit out by Michal are also powerful fire, they do not take the form of fire beasts. At first glance, they look similar to ordinary firewood.

But of course Dumbledore wouldn't fail to recognize it.

He just squinted his eyes, paying more attention to the fire bird, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

Michal seemed to find it very interesting. It quickly rushed towards the lake, almost skimming across the lake as if floating on water.

The surface of the firebird's body only emits heat equivalent to that of an ordinary torch. Across the cold lake, the brainless Inferi did not realize that this was their natural enemy. They reached out to catch them one after another, and were quickly caught by a few people on the shore. The earth was magically lifted out of the lake and thrown into the fire.

The operation of clearing away the Inferi gradually turned into a mechanized process. Although Sirius's movements of releasing the spell were still agile and coherent, his eyes had actually begun to lose focus.

Another pale figure jumped out of the water, chasing the free-flying figure.

Sirius subconsciously cast a spell to whip it toward the shore, but as if his brain was suddenly struck by a whip, he heard a silent explosion.

Sirius's whole body trembled, and his eyes followed the corpse that was throwing itself into the flames. His hands and feet were stiff, and his mind went blank.

However, Dumbledore noticed something strange in time. With a wave of his wand, he stopped the Inferi and placed it on the dry rock.

Lupine's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's him..." he said in shock: "Regulus...why is it him?"

Wade also looked over.

It was a young man who looked very similar to teenage Sirius. He also had black hair, gray eyes, and similar facial features that formed a face that could only be considered delicate.

It fell to the ground and seemed to have lost its purpose. After standing blankly for a while, he walked slowly and staggering towards a few people.

Dumbledore sighed.

Sirius subconsciously took a few steps forward, his lips trembling slightly, looking at those dull eyes that seemed to be covered with dirty cobwebs, speechless.

In fact, he knew that Regulus was dead more than a year before he was imprisoned.

The ancient pure-blood family naturally has a way to know the life and death of each member, although they have never found Regulus's body.

At that time, not long before Regulus died, Sirius's father, who valued blood very much, also died in the same year.

His mother, Walburga, could not accept the news of her youngest son's sudden death, and went crazy with grief under the successive blows.

One day, she sent dozens of shouting letters to Sirius, crying and cursing him, asking "Why is it not you who died?" Only then did Sirius realize that his brother's status had changed to "death."

To be honest, although he felt sad at the time, he was not actually surprised.

He knew that Regulus had a weak temperament. Even though his family had been instilling concepts such as "pure blood glory", his views on the world and war were actually naive and simple.

All he could think about was "making pure blood great", but he did not understand the true cruelty of Voldemort, nor was he prepared to become equally cruel and evil himself.

Sirius and Walburga didn't know the details of how Regulus died.

But they all guessed that Regulus was probably afraid of what others wanted him to do and wanted to withdraw from the Death Eaters, but was killed by Voldemort or other Death Eaters.

Sirius didn't know whether his mother regretted inciting Regulus to join the Death Eaters.

But since then, the mentally ill Mistress Black has been staying at home and even refused to let her only son visit her.

Sirius accepted the news more easily.

Since graduation, he has directly joined the Order of the Phoenix and has been fighting on the front line.

He has witnessed countless times that his comrades around him were killed and tortured cruelly, and some of them were even done by his own brother.

Sirius had long been prepared for their brothers' hostile stance, and so was death.

But at this moment, seeing Regulus's corpse with his own eyes, and seeing him staggering towards him driven by magic, the grief that was delayed for thirteen years surged over Sirius, making him even breathless for a moment.

Regulus had already walked in front of him, and seeing him up close, the sunken and lifeless eyes were even more heartbreaking.

"Regulus...what did Voldemort do to you..."

Sirius murmured.

Of course, the corpse would not answer him. Two cold, white hands grabbed Sirius's shoulders and dragged him into the lake firmly and slowly.


Lupin ran over and cast a spell, and Regulus flew backwards and almost fell into the lake, but was fished out by Wade.

A long rope shot out from the tip of his wand, binding Regulus tightly from head to toe.

Regulus struggled on the ground.

But the Inferi were not really a very powerful dark magic creature. They were only terrifying when they were in large numbers. The body was shaking on the ground, but it couldn't break free from the rope.

Sirius looked stiffly until Lupin grabbed his shoulder.

"Sirius, how are you?"

"I... I'm fine..." Sirius said intermittently: "I knew it... I knew he was dead... I just... I didn't expect to see him here..."

He came back to his senses, and the blood flowed from his aching heart to his cold limbs, warming up his trembling body.

Sirius pushed Lupin's arm away and clenched his wand.

"Let's continue!"

He looked at the lake with ripples and the pale figure in the lake that kept reaching out his hand, and said calmly in a voice that he himself felt unfamiliar with.

Ye Zi I have been saving up to post two chapters in one recently, one is busy with work, and the other is to raise the average constant

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