The pear squirmed as if it was ticklish, chuckled, and turned into a green doorknob. Theo grabbed the door handle and pulled it open, and everyone entered one after another.

This is a very vast room.

The size and layout of the room are the same as the auditorium above. There are also four long tables, but there is nothing on the tables. There were many gleaming kitchen utensils beside the surrounding stone walls, and there was a brick fireplace at the other end, with a roaring flame and the smell of barbecue.

There are many strange-looking creatures in the room. They have big bat-like ears, round eyes that protrude like frogs, and look as big as tennis balls; they also have slender noses like pencils, and slender limbs. , tea towels with the Hogwarts crest printed on them were worn as robes.

When the little monsters heard the noise, they all turned their heads and looked over. They looked at several students with eager and expectant eyes, but did not gather around them. Whichever direction Vader and the others looked, the little monsters would bow to them and curtsy, appearing very respectful.

"Oh my God!" Michael was extremely surprised and said enviously: "So many house elves."

"Welcome to the Hogwarts kitchen!!" Theo said, opening his arms. "This is the best place in Hogwarts!"

"You can tell them what you want to eat. The elves are very enthusiastic." Ryan also said.

"Hello," Vader bent down and looked at the nearest house elf and asked, "Can you get us something to eat?"

"Of course! Of course, sir!" the house elf said softly, "I would be honored."

The house elves happily brought over various delicacies such as pies, steaks, baked potatoes, egg tarts, and plum pudding, as well as orange juice, pumpkin juice, vegetable juice, and even two bottles of butterbeer. After several people had eaten and drank enough, the elves brought many desserts after the meal, vowing to make them satisfied.

"I can't eat any more." Neville said with difficulty after taking a lick of an ice cream cone.

"Almost all Hufflepuff students know where the kitchen is because our common room is nearby. So it's an open secret." Theo told Michael: "There are always all kinds of good things in our common room. Food—Hufflepuffs never go hungry!”

"It's wonderful." Michael sighed while drinking butterbeer: "Why can't I be a Hufflepuff?"

"What are you talking about?" Ryan mocked: "I heard someone say during the sorting - if he was sorted into Hufflepuff, he would rather drop out of school."

"There's nothing good about Ravenclaw." Michael sighed: "Ravenclaw Tower is too high - really too high - I climb the stairs every day and want to die - every time I go back to rest after class Everyone must make a big decision..."

He seemed to have had a little too much to drink, and he spoke very aggrievedly.

Vader managed to control himself from filling his stomach, but it was obvious that he was not very drunk as he was drinking for the first time. He was knocked down with just two rum-filled chocolates and a glass of butterbeer. . At this moment, Wade's head was dizzy, and he looked at people with double visions.

He propped his chin up, yawned lazily, and was identifying the house elves one by one——

"Coco, Amy, Becky, Happy, Lola, Phil..."

Being read out by the wizard seemed to be a great honor for the elves. They lined up to tell Vader their names, as if they were performing some ritual.

"Um, Zoe? Are you a girl?" Wade recognized the elf who first talked to him.

To be honest, the elves all have wrinkled faces like 80-year-olds. Apart from their names, their appearance and clothing are indistinguishable from each other by gender.

"Y-yes, Mr. Grey." Zoe said, wringing her fingers nervously and excitedly.

"Are you the ones who usually help us clean the room and do the laundry?" Wade asked.

"Yes, yes, sir." Zoe nodded vigorously, looking at Vader seriously with her big eyes: "The people in charge of Ravenclaw Tower are Zoe, Happy and Phil."

If you look closely, you can see that the house elf's tea towel is decorated with a tiny flower - she is indeed a girl.

"Are you guys cleaning other parts of the castle as well?" Wade asked again.

"Yes, sir."

"Were you the ones who took our luggage off the train?"

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you." Wade sighed and said, "It's really a lot of work."

"No, no - how could it be?" Zoe said quickly: "We like to work! Work does not make us feel hard. It is really terrible not to have work!"

The house elves all expressed how dedicated they were to their work and how they never slacked off. They try their best to make dinner that satisfies everyone, polish every piece of silverware until it shines, wash the students' muddy shoes, and they always appear and disappear quietly. He never disturbs others and is a very good house elf.

Wade looked at them silently and didn't speak for a long time.

After dinner, it was almost the curfew time. The elves enthusiastically stuffed several people with cream cakes and fried jam donuts, and then they returned to the college lounge.

Vader and Michael walked up the movable stairs. When they were tired and panting, the armor on the wall suddenly shook, and then a white guy suddenly jumped out, and at the same time let out a roar like a wild beast. Yell.

"Ah!" Michael was startled, his feet went weak and he sat on the ground.


The white guy held his belly and laughed loudly. He floated in the air and kicked his feet wildly.

Michael was angry and funny: "Peeves! You are hiding here again to scare people!"

Peeves is a special ghost in Hogwarts. He can float around, possess entities, touch objects, and loves to cause chaos. As his name suggests - he is a very naughty and mischievous guy.

"Look! There are two little wizards here! They stay up at night and wander around outside!" In the corridor, Peeves circled around Vader and the two of them and said maliciously: "Wait a minute, I want to call Fairy Come here Qi! Catch you little rascals!"

Peeves likes to scare students who go out at night like this, and then chase them all the way to watch them run back to the dormitory in panic. Sometimes he will tease them by pulling their robes and hair. But this time he miscalculated, because with a wave of Vader's wand, a row of golden characters appeared in front of him, writing the current time.

"Ha!" Michael gasped and laughed. "There are still seven minutes until curfew! You can't fool us, Peeves!"

Peeves rolled his round eyes and said slyly: "Seven minutes - it's not enough for you to return to Ravenclaw Tower."

"Yes. But by the time you recruit Filch, we will definitely have gone back." Wade said comfortably.

Peeves curled his lips and muttered: "Humph, boring Ravenclaw!" He turned around and floated away to find other students to play pranks on.

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