Chapter 192 R.A.B

Wade cast an amplification spell on the goblet, and scooped a cup of water that was almost equivalent to half a basin.

But when the cup left the water, the potion was still at the original height, as if it had never been reduced.

He controlled the "Toad Man" that the piglet had transformed into, and asked it to drink the potion in the cup.

After training with various insects, Wade had become very proficient in using the Confusion Spell. He easily made the piglet think that the cup was its favorite food, and it drank it down with a few "gulps".

As it swallowed, the liquid level in the stone basin finally began to decrease. But it only decreased a little, which was completely inconsistent with the amount it drank.


Dumbledore couldn't help but exclaimed, and he didn't expect that this tricky method would actually work.

Wade was still a little dissatisfied: "The amount of potion reduced is less than expected."

"I think this is because the magic power in its body is too weak." Dumbledore said: "Perhaps only magic power can digest it."

"But... there is also magic power in the puppet!" Wade said puzzledly.

"The puppet does not have innate magic, but spells cast on it by others."

Dumbledore guessed: "Perhaps the potion has actually decreased just now, but the amount is too small, and it can't even offset the speed of the automatic recovery of the potion in the basin."

Wade continued to pour the second cup of potion into the piglet. By the third cup, the Confusion Charm was not very effective. It struggled for a few seconds before drinking it.

The piglet began to roll on the ground in pain, and the Transfiguration Charm cast by Professor Dumbledore also failed. After a few seconds, some of the piglet's limbs returned to their original shape, making its appearance even more terrifying.

Suddenly, it regained its calmness - Dumbledore took action. It made the piglet drink the fourth, fifth, and sixth cups of potion before stopping.

The completely transformed piglet lay on the ground, panting weakly, and looked like it was dying.

Dumbledore took back his wand and said, "It may still be cured now, but if it continues, it will die."

"Professor, there are pork chops and lamb chops on the table." Wade reminded him.

"Yes." Dumbledore said, "But killing other animals for survival is different from killing the heroes who helped us, kid."

"Okay, you convinced me." Wade shrugged: "Fortunately, I have a lot of animals."

He turned and went back into the wardrobe space.

Two cat-nuke cubs were playing under the tree, a female puppet was taking care of the bowtruckle on the tree, and a broom was chasing the ball-escape bird that had pulled its branches.

It was a lively scene everywhere.

Wade walked through the middle and put a young soundless bird that landed on his shoulder back on the tree.

These magical creatures were all gifts from friends, and they were all very close to him. Naturally, Wade would not sacrifice them to drink poison.

But there were also some magical creatures in the closet space that he had brought in for other reasons.

Wade turned around a big stone and saw a building that looked like a prison. It was surrounded by high walls and the top was sealed by barbed wire and spells.

He opened the door, and the creatures inside were stunned for a moment, then they rushed towards the entrance with a click.

This was a group of man-eating eight-eyed giant spiders.

They had eight legs with thick hair and huge chelicerae, which were tapping excitedly. Their eight eyes were staring at Wade, wanting to tear him apart and eat him.

When Wade just "picked" them up, these guys were probably only as big as basketballs. But they grew very fast, and now each one is bigger than an ordinary goat.

These guys also have a strong reproductive capacity and can lay a hundred eggs at a time. If they hadn't been trapped in this small space by magic, the entire closet space would have been occupied by them long ago.

But now, because of limited space and the fact that food is not provided in unlimited quantities, the eight-eyed giant spiders are forced to control their numbers on their own, and at most there are no more than fifty.

Wade waved his wand, controlled the fastest eight-eyed giant spiders, shrunk them and brought them out.


A spider behind him suddenly sprayed a spider silk at Wade, trying to keep him in this way.

An invisible armor appeared out of thin air, blocking the sticky spider silk.

Immediately afterwards, Wade had closed the door, and the light of the spell flashed by.


The sound of birds chirping sounded above his head, and Mihael folded his wings and swooped down from the sky, passing through the narrow gap between the wires and landing directly on the eight-eyed giant spider that attacked Wade.

The flames spread down, burning the eight-eyed giant spider and screaming. In the blink of an eye, it was only a pile of black ashes.

Mihael looked up proudly, flapped his wings, and shouted provocatively at the spiders that were dozens of times larger than him.

The spiders hid away and shrank into the corner.

Wade smiled, turned the stone into a box, put a few shrunken and petrified spiders in it, and left the closet space.

"Professor." He opened the box and asked, "I think they should be useful too?"

The Acromantula is a natural magical creature, with a danger level of five X in the magic classification, which is the same level as fire dragons and dementors. It is not comparable to a pig with only one sixteenth of the blood.

The liquid level in the stone basin began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The last spider fell to the ground because it could not withstand the power of the potion, its eight legs twitching uncontrollably.

At the same time, the gold locket in the stone basin finally revealed its original appearance.

Vader sent several Acromantulas back to the closet space. When he came out, he saw that Dumbledore had taken out the locket and was observing it intently.


"Ah, Vader."

Dumbledore put down the locket and said, "Unfortunately... I think we have the wrong target."

He turned his palm so Vader could see the locket clearly.

"As far as I know, Voldemort does have a gold locket. It belongs to Slytherin and has a unique 'S'-shaped mark on it. But there is... nothing on it."

"It can't be said that there is nothing... He is the last trace of a brave man left in this world..."

Dumbledore opened the locket, revealing a folded piece of parchment inside.

Wade unfolded the note, and inside was a sentence that was familiar to him:

[To the Dark Lord:

I'll be dead before you read this

But I want you to know that I discovered your secret.

I stole the real Horcrux and planned to destroy it as quickly as possible.

I am willing to risk my life in the hope that when you meet your opponent,

Can be killed.


"R.A.B." Dumbledore said in a low voice: "Regulus Arcturus Black was not killed by his master, but died of resisting Voldemort with his life."

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