Vader's words silenced Lupine.

Sirius has been in pain recently. Unlike when he lost his best friend, it was another kind of torture for Sirius to really get to know his brother more than ten years after his death.

The look on his friend's face made Lu Ping feel countless times that he would rather die in prison.

But Sirius didn't vent his pain uncontrollably, or even burst into tears.

After remaining alone for a long time without saying a word, he came out and told Lupin that he was going to give Regulus a funeral.

What could Lupine say?

Seeing Sirius in great pain, Lupine could only try his best to comply with his request.

But after hearing what Wade said, Lupine also felt that it made sense.

What surprised him was that Vader was not thinking about Sirius like him, but thinking about it from the perspective of the dead Regulus.

However, this statement makes it easier to convince the current Sirius.

After a moment of silence, Lupine said: "I'll ask Sirius for his opinion first. If he agrees, then we will take Regulus... home."

Of course Sirius would not say he disagreed.

Those words seemed to be spoken to him by Regulus himself. How could he bear to refuse?

But to bring Regulus's body back, they naturally couldn't stuff the coffin into the fireplace, and it wasn't convenient to carry it with Apparition. Lupine had no choice but to make another trip and borrow a car from Hagrid. carriage.

It happened that the students had already set off on the train. Hagrid asked the Thestrals to go back to school by themselves and took a carriage to Sirius' house.

Lupine cast a magnifying spell on the carriage, and Hagrid took the coffin in his hands and carefully placed it on the carriage.

With a "thud", the coffin fell on the wooden board, making a dull low sound.

Hagrid couldn't help but burst into tears, and the tears pattered on the edge of the car.

"Regulus... I have never liked him before... I think he is just like those evil Slytherins..."

Hagrid sobbed, took out his big handkerchief and wiped his eyes, choking and saying: "I didn't know he was such a good person... Why didn't I buy him a drink when he was still in school..."

Lupine smiled bitterly, looking sad.

He did not say that even if Hagrid had extended the invitation at that time, the proud heir of the Black family might not have paid any attention to the gamekeeper.

He just thought that he had never taken a good look at that boy before.

He is obviously the biological brother of his best friend, but in their eyes, the symbol of "Slytherin" is always more distinct.

At the same time, he was also a little envious, envious that Hagrid could express his sadness so frankly.

If Sirius could cry like this, maybe it would be much better, right?

Without saying anything else, Lupine let Vader board the carriage, then got on it himself, and then said, "Thank you, Hagrid, we'll set off now."

"Yeah." Hagrid nodded and waved with red eyes: "Don't worry about Ali and Louis, they will fly back by themselves after they are sent to the place."

"Okay, I understand." Lupine said.

Vader also said goodbye to Hagrid, and Lupine tapped the carriage with his wand, making the entire carriage and the people on it invisible.

The two Thestrals spread their bat-like wings and took the carriage into the air. The cold wind at high altitude in winter was biting. Wade immediately waved his wand a few times, and a hemispherical cover appeared above the carriage, blocking the cold wind.

"Good job, Vader."

Lupine praised, pressing the coffin with one hand and holding the reins with the other to control the direction.

Thestrals are very smart, as long as Lupine shakes the rope, they know which way to fly.

The carriage flew over fields and villages, over Muggle cities. Vader also saw the Hogwarts Express running on the tracks, trailing a trail of white smoke that gradually dispersed behind it.

In order to cross a mountain peak, the carriage flew higher and higher, gradually approaching the clouds.

Wade couldn't help but raise his head. The large cotton-like clouds were right above his head, as if he could reach them at his fingertips.

Viewed from this angle, the sky and the earth seem to be upside down, and the clouds are like soft and white beds, calling passers-by to lie down and rest on them.

"Can we fly in, Remus?" Vader asked.

High in the sky, even if the magic cover blocked the strong wind, the roar of the wind was still in my ears. Lupine didn't hear it, so he raised his voice and shouted, "What?"

Wade had to ask again loudly.

"We can't fly in the clouds, we will all get soaked in just one moment...oh..."

Lupine suddenly saw the cover around the carriage and reacted. He lifted the reins, and the Thestral flapped its wings violently and plunged into the thick clouds.

What he saw suddenly turned into a vast expanse of white.

The whole world seemed to have disappeared, except for their carriage, only deep and shallow whites passed before their eyes.

Wade felt like his breathing had become quieter.


He said to himself in his heart:

【I'm flying in the clouds——】

In what seemed like only ten seconds, the carriage passed through the clouds. The Thestrals were covered in water drops and ice crystals and shone brightly. The ice fragments that kept melting as they ran left behind them a path like a road paved with stardust.

This was probably not the first time Lupine had seen this kind of scene. He couldn't understand Vader's mood at this moment. He just recognized the direction and shook the reins.

The Thestrals dived down suddenly, running towards a huge city. It was the first time in his life that Wade saw London from this angle. The tall buildings and the endless flow of vehicles reminded him that he was living in London in 1992.

It was a pity that it was still noon. If it was at night, the lights of the city would definitely make this scene more dazzling.

After living in Hogwarts for a long time, there was not even a single electric light, which often made people feel like they were living in the Middle Ages.

But when I returned home, especially when I returned to Muggle society, I could clearly feel the sense of separation between myself and the world.

Perhaps this is why many Muggle-born students choose to live in the magic world after graduation -

Not only because of the Statute of Secrecy and the identity of wizards, but also because they find it difficult to adapt to the ever-changing world outside.

The carriage landed on a lawn. Of course, it was covered with snow at this time, and there was no green at all.

The magic cover disappeared, and Wade immediately felt the temperature outside was close to zero degrees. He shuddered and jumped off the carriage holding the side wall.

Lupin thanked the two Thestrals and used the Levitation Charm to move the coffin off the carriage. The Thestrals took two steps out, then flapped their wings together and flew the carriage high into the sky again.

With a "boom", the surrounding snowflakes scattered like a rainstorm, covering the faces of the two people next to the carriage.

Wade reached out to wipe the snow off his face, blinked his eyes, and looked a little confused.

Then he heard someone next to him say in a low and hoarse voice:

"Thank you for your hard work, Remus, Wade."

"Leave him to me."

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