Kreacher's voice stopped.

His light-colored eyes bulged like a bullfrog, staring at Wade, and asked in a very soft voice: "Master Regulus's...funeral?"

He seemed to doubt what he heard.

"Hey, this guy can hear it all the time!" Ron said angrily.

They had to endure Kreacher's insults while cleaning up the house for a long time. Ron cursed at him a few times, but the other party ignored him.

Hermione said that this house elf was confused and didn't know what he was saying, so Ron barely resisted beating him up.

The two people in the center of the sight didn't pay attention to his words.

Wade did so much, not to be an unknown hero at this time. He said simply:

"Not long ago, we found the body of Mr. Regulus Black in a cave, as well as the locket and note he left for someone."

"We know that he made a great sacrifice to fight Voldemort, so Sirius decided to give him a decent funeral. That's why he came back here to clean up the house; that's why we came to help."

Kreacher opened his mouth in shock, but the locket and note that Wade mentioned made Kreacher believe him immediately.

He trembled and trembled, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Then... Master Regulus... He is now..."

"Sirius just took him to the bedroom." Wade said: "If you came out earlier, you can see them..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a "bang" in the room, and Kreacher disappeared from Wade's sight.

Everyone knew that he must have gone upstairs to greet his long-lost master.

Wade stood up, and everyone looked at him in amazement.

"The house elves have a wonderful connection with the house. As long as he knows the purpose of doing this and no longer hates and rejects us, the cleaning work will become very easy."

Veder explained: "And even though he is very old, he can do extraordinary things. Don't treat him as an ordinary old man."

"Uh..." Theo looked at the people next to him and asked: "Veder, how do you know that he will definitely cooperate in the future?"

Veder raised his eyebrows: "Didn't Harry say that? Regulus liked him very much when he was alive... The feelings of house elves are very pure. He must also like Regulus very much, and he is even willing to do anything for him."

The room fell into silence for a while.

For example, Percy, he was still standing on the stairs on the second floor, but inexplicably felt that he needed to look up at the second-year student at the entrance of the hall.

"Well... I want to ask..." Veder looked at everyone and said strangely: "Why didn't you tell Kreacher the purpose of our coming here?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"He started cursing as soon as he showed up, so..."

"I was busy arguing with him!"

"I thought he was hard of hearing and couldn't hear clearly..."

"There's no need to repeat what everyone knows, right?"

"Funerals and the like, it's sad to mention..."

"It's busy enough to do so much work..."

Everyone explained at once, trying to prove that they were not that stupid, but just didn't have time for the time being.

Then they all looked at Lupin.

--Forget about all of us. You and Sirius have been here for so long, haven't you said anything?

Lupin smiled bitterly, and an inexplicable force prompted him to explain as well:

"I think... mentioning these will increase Sirius's pain, so..."

Suddenly, a heart-wrenching cry came from upstairs, and it was still heartbreaking to hear it through the winding corridor.

Lupin paused and said, "I'll go upstairs to see..."

"I'll go too!" Harry said hurriedly.

Lupin hesitated: "Okay... Wade, you come too, okay?"

"Of course." Wade said without hesitation.

Lupin looked at the others.

"Don't worry about how to greet us." Fred took the initiative to say: "You go... We just need to take a break."

"Okay, there is butter beer in the kitchen, you can drink some."

Lupin said hurriedly, and the three of them went upstairs.

Following the creaking stairs, Lupin and the other two quickly walked up. Wade didn't have time to see the gray portrait on the wall, but the head of the house elf hanging next to it could not be ignored.

Soon they reached the fifth floor, and heard the sound of Kreacher hitting the floor with his head from a distance.

"Kreacher failed to carry out Master Regulus's order... Kreacher couldn't destroy the locket..."

He hit the ground while crying loudly, and apologized to his dead young master in an unclear voice.

"Stop, Kreacher." Sirius said in an unusually calm voice: "Tell me everything! How did Regulus die? What orders did he give you? What about the locket!"

The door was not closed. When Wade and the others walked to the door, they saw a black coffin in the dimly lit bedroom.

Sirius sat on the ground, leaning against the coffin. His expression could not be seen in the darkness, but his eyes seemed to emit a faint light.

Kreacher fell to the ground and cried bitterly. Then, driven by the order, he gasped and painfully recounted the story -

Regulus, who was proud of his pure blood, joined the Death Eaters at the age of sixteen. A year later, because the Dark Lord needed a house elf, he contributed Kreacher.

He probably thought that the Dark Lord just needed a servant to drive, and that it was an honor.

But the Dark Lord took Kreacher to the cave, ordered him to drink the potion, and watched him being dragged into the water by the Inferi to test the protection of the Horcrux.

But he didn't expect Kreacher to go back. Because when he left home, Regulus told him to go home after completing the task, so he Apparated back home.

Voldemort ignored the difference between the magic of house elves and wizards, and his anti-Apparition spell did not work on Kreacher.

After Regulus learned what happened, he was very worried and asked Kreacher to hide and not leave the house. After a while, he asked Kreacher to take him to the cave.

But this time, he drank the poison himself.

He ordered Kreacher to leave him alone and not tell his mother what he did, but he must destroy the locket. However, there was a powerful magic on the locket, and Kreacher could not complete the master's last order.

After the house-elf finished speaking, he fell to the ground and cried, his face was covered with tears and snot. Sirius sat in front of him and didn't say a word for a long time.

Wade gently pushed Harry.

Harry, who was shocked by the story and lost his voice, staggered and took a few steps to steady himself.

After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw Sirius, who was already in tears.

The boy's nose was sour, and he felt that he was tongue-tied and didn't know how to comfort him. He hesitated for a moment, opened his arms, and hugged his godfather.

Sirius, whose vision was blocked, was terribly pale. He clenched his hands and trembled. After a long time, he uttered a hoarse cry.

Lupin sighed softly, and his heart was shocked and relieved.

He was relieved that Sirius could finally cry bitterly instead of pretending to be normal.

But he had only seen wizards let house-elves serve and sacrifice for themselves, but he had never seen a wizard who sacrificed his own life to protect a house-elf.

Wade stood at the door, not stepping into the room filled with sadness. Hearing the voice beside him, he whispered, "Remus, comfort Kreacher... I'll go inform Dumbledore."

After the last trip to the cave, Wade sent Dumbledore a friend's note, and they finally had direct contact.

For such an important matter as the true or false Horcrux, Dumbledore should be informed as soon as possible. Kreacher must know the whereabouts of the missing locket.

Lupin nodded without thinking, and walked into the room. Wade looked at them deeply, then turned and left.

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