Because the number of bedrooms arranged was limited, except for the two girls, the boys were all squeezed into one room with three or four people.

Wade naturally shared a bedroom with Michael, Theo, and Ryan. He had no habit of compromising himself, so he used the traceless extension spell to expand the space, and the replication spell to turn the original single bed into four.

Although these spells could not last long, they would not change back within three to five days, which was enough for them to use.

Before going to bed, several people talked about the portraits that seemed like living people.

"I wonder how Mrs. Black is doing." Ryan said with some concern: "Wouldn't it be more exciting for her to see Mr. Regulus's body?"

"She knew about Regulus's death a long time ago." Wade said: "So... finding his body would be a comfort to her, right?"

After a long time, Ryan murmured: "How pitiful... He died so young... How much pain his death brought to his family..."

Michael didn't want to talk about these things that made people feel bad, so he just picked a topic: "These portraits of the Black family are really completely different from those in school."

He said: "Before I came, I thought I could listen to them tell some ancient stories... When I first met them, I thought they were all crazy. But when Mr. Phineas came, they seemed to become normal again."

"Because we are not pure blood, they don't want to talk to us properly?" Wade guessed: "If Malfoy came to visit, maybe they would welcome him politely."

Several people laughed.

They didn't feel resentful or inferior because of this, but they thought it was ridiculous to decide their attitude based on blood composition.

Michael also laughed and said, "So as soon as Mr. Phineas left, they fell asleep again?"

"This may have nothing to do with attitude, but it has to be this way."

Theo said, "I heard from my grandfather that the magic of the portrait comes from three aspects-the magic of the portrait itself, the spell cast by the painter, and the magic of the building on which the portrait is based."

"Generally speaking, as time goes by, the magic of the portrait will become weaker and weaker, and all we can see is that the person in the painting falls into a coma for a long time until one day he can no longer wake up."

"But if the magic of the building is abundant and alive, ”

“So the portraits in Hogwarts are more active.” Michael concluded thoughtfully: “But those that are old are also sleeping most of the time.”

“So the portraits of the Black family will not open their eyes unless they are woken up by Mrs. Black.”

Ryan said: “Sirius was imprisoned, Regulus died, and the house became unmaintained... They died with the house.”

Wade did not speak, he thought of Griffiths unexpectedly.

That portrait was one of the most active portraits he had ever seen, even the former headmaster of Hogwarts would not break into other people's portraits at will like him, or even beat them up.

Of course, this may be a big part of the personality.

But judging from Griffiths' usual words, he lived at least a few hundred years ago.

Will he not weaken? Or can he get a steady stream of magic replenishment from Hogwarts?

Wade had some guesses in his mind...but he was not sure.

A lot of things happened that day, and many people tossed and turned all night and couldn't fall asleep, but Wade's biological clock still made him fall asleep on time and wake up at the set time.

Wade opened his eyes and put his hand on the bed. The next second, the top of the alarm clock on the cabinet cracked, and a yellow bird came out from the middle, opened its mouth and called-

Before it could call, Wade pressed it down.

Wade didn't get up, but pointed the tip of the wand directly at his heart, and whispered: "Amado, Animado, Animagus!"


Wade suddenly opened his eyes and thought he was wrong.


In his chest, he suddenly felt a second heartbeat. It was so strong that he seemed to hear the sound of his heart hitting his ribs.


Wade was suddenly surprised and almost shouted.

He turned around to share his joy with the people around him, but saw Michael and others sleeping soundly.

Wade suppressed his voice, picked up the bag beside him and walked out of the bedroom quickly. He came to the living room, sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace, took out the friend book, opened the first page, and wrote a line of words in the light of the fire:

[I feel the second heartbeat! ]

After a while, the friend book was slightly hot, and new words kept appearing——

[Fiona: Great! ]

[Ferdinand: Is it the heartbeat required for practicing Animagus? ]

[Fiona: Nonsense! Which one else can it be? ]

[Fiona: My son is great! Come home early, I will prepare a celebratory dinner for you! ]

[Wade: Good]

[Ferdinand: All this time of hard work has finally paid off, and you deserve it all! But don't relax, don't forget that many people fail before success. ]

[Fiona: Of course Wade understands! He is the most self-conscious child in the world! Wade, the next step is to wait for a stormy weather, right? ]

[Wade: Yes. Some people have to wait a long time for the right weather. 】

[Fiona: Don’t worry, we’re going to check the weather changes over the years! 】

There is no further information in the friends account.

Wade could almost imagine his mother dragging her hair down and dragging her father out of the warm bed, moving all the newspapers from previous years in front of the fireplace, flipping through the newspapers one by one to record the daily temperatures in different places.

He wanted to say that there was no need to bother. Just because it rained last year did not mean it would rain this year. All he could do was wait patiently.

He also wanted to say that there may be more convenient ways to query these, such as asking the Meteorological Bureau, and maybe there is related content on the Internet.

But Wade picked up the pen several times, and finally smiled and put it down again.

Why bother showing your cleverness at this time? Ferdinand may not know this, but he will still accompany Fiona to look through old newspapers.

Giving for the ones you love is a blessing in itself.

"Contacting your girlfriend?"

A voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Wade was startled when he realized there was another person in the living room. He sat in a corner away from the hearth, almost like a part of the shadows.

"Sirius?" Vader said in surprise, then remembered what he just said and said, "No, it's my parents."

Sirius leaned back on the sofa and said, "It seems you have a happy family."

Wade was curious: "How can you tell?"

"You keep laughing."

Sirius stretched out his hand to make an arc at the corner of his mouth, and said with some tiredness: "Just like when James first fell in love, it's very contagious and makes people want to laugh with you unconsciously."

Wade subconsciously touched the corners of his mouth and smiled unconsciously. Suddenly remembering the tragedy of the Black family, he put away his smile again and asked, "You were up all night?"

"Yes." Sirius looked up at the ceiling: "I want to talk to my mother, but she only cares about whether Regulus's funeral is decent enough, and she doesn't want to say anything else to me."

Wade was silent for a moment and asked, "Regulus didn't leave a portrait?"

"No." Sirius suppressed his pain and said, "He was still very young when he died... Magic portraits are different from photos. Wizards generally don't make random portraits."

"Perhaps you can ask someone to make a portrait of Regulus?" Vader suggested: "It might not be too... lively. But it would also be a comfort to Mrs. Black."

——It is also a comfort to you.

Wade thought.

Sirius was startled and said: "That's a good idea... I remember that my mother kept all the teeth that Regulus had when he was a child, and there should be his hair and blood... Using these as raw materials, maybe we can make a portrait Closer to real people.”

He thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "Vade, I want to thank you."

I have something to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so I might ask for leave

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