The funeral ended and most of the guests left one after another. Narcissa and Andromeda went to talk to Sirius.

The relationship between Narcissa and the other two siblings was not good in the past. Things like blood, position, and family stood between them. Narcissa did not even speak to these two "blood traitors."

After Sirius was released from prison, Andromeda visited him several times and invited him to her home to recuperate for some time. Narcissa only appeared in the audience on the day of the trial, and had no interaction with her since.

But at this moment, in front of Regulus's grave, they could finally put aside their grudges and resentments and exchange a few words without hostility.

Naturally, the Malfoy father and son were waiting not far away. Although the two of them were sitting in the front row, they looked lonely, and the people around them deliberately ignored them.

The two Malfoys were not embarrassed by this. They also looked down on those shabby people and preferred to be quiet.

The two were talking in low voices.

"That boy with gray eyes before was Vader Gray?" Lucius Malfoy whispered.

"Yes." Draco said disdainfully: "Just a mudblood, but he actually got the attention of that old madman Dumbledore and Murray! There are also a group of little fools around him, including Harry. That scarred Potter..."

"I thought you would reflect on it!"

Lucius coldly interrupted his complaints and said, "I told you, you should make some promising friends instead of always hanging out with those sycophantic idiots."

Draco's eyes darkened.

The people who used to always follow him like a tail have basically left.

He complained to his father, but was criticized——

In Lucius's opinion, Crabbe and Goyle were just like their father, so stupid that it was doubtful whether they had any brains at all. Draco couldn't even win over such a person. From Lucius's point of view, his own problem was obviously bigger.

"But what did I see? A group of the most talented little wizards of the same grade participated in a group activity, working together and agreeing with each other. But you were excluded!"

Lucius said disappointedly: "Draco, I have taught you repeatedly that you can dislike some people, but don't push valuable people away because of your own preferences."

"I don't want to come here and do some servant work!"

Draco said unconvinced: "And Wade Gray is just a Mudblood! You told me that our Malfoy family is a pure-blood noble..."

"I also told you that our noble titles and fiefs came from the Muggle Emperor William I. Before the implementation of the "Secrecy Act", our family had always maintained a close relationship with the Muggle royal family. Your ancestor also pursued the Queen. Elizabeth I."

"But didn't you say..."

"Yes, of course we deny this to the outside world, but we cannot deceive ourselves."

Lucius interrupted Draco and lectured him:

"Draco, pure-blood wizards are indeed superior, but supporting pure-bloodism does not mean that we have to completely push away non-magical society. Power and wealth are truly eternal things and are the real power to maintain our Malfoy family."

"The Dark Lord is also a half-blood, so what? If he succeeds, he will lead those of us families who support him into a new hub of power."

Draco was silent for a moment and said, "But he failed."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but glance at Harry Potter who was talking to Neville and others in the distance.

"Then we have to accept this result instead of sending ourselves to Azkaban for revenge like your stupid aunt."

Lucius adjusted his collar and lowered his voice and said:

"If pro-Muggles gain power, then we can become pro-Muggles. Dumbledore was not one to be swayed by words, but Harry Potter and Vader Gray were still children and were easily impressed. , there is no harm in establishing a good relationship with them..."

Draco lowered his head and said nothing, twirling a ring unconsciously in his hand.

His pride prevented him from bowing his head to please those who didn't like him, but he made more valuable friends. One day he will prove to his father that he is also very capable...

A cleaning crab crawled past them. Lucius cautiously stopped talking and waited until the crab crawled away before saying:

"In the next semester, please pay attention to the changes in the school and let me know if anything happens."

"What can happen at school?" Draco muttered: "If you ask me, the biggest news is probably the magical pets...Vade Gray can always come up with something unexpected."

"So I asked you to interact with him more." Lucius said, "Do you know how much money Aslan's Magic Workshop made after cooperating with him?"

While speaking, a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes.

It has been half a year since the diary was sent to school through the Weasley daughter. Why is there no movement at all?

Did that little girl lose her diary? Or did she not bring it into school at all?

Lucius has been wondering for a long time, but there is no way to inquire about this kind of thing. He could only suppress the doubts in his heart, assuming that the dark magic items entrusted to him by the Dark Lord were not that powerful at all.

Draco didn't want to bring up the old conversation again, so he asked instead: "Can I also learn alchemy? Dad, help me find a great teacher."

"Alchemy is not as easy to learn as you think." Lucius shook his head and said, "I can find someone to teach you some basics first. If you can learn it, then find a real alchemist to teach you alchemy."

"I can definitely learn it!" Draco said unconvinced, "Vade Grey had a work in his first year..."

"I know." Lucius said impatiently, "You have said it more than a dozen times... If you really want to do something, start working hard from then on, instead of always complaining to me why a mudblood is better than you... Ah, it looks like your mother is finally done."

Narcissa was walking towards the two of them, and Malfoy and his son went to meet them together.

The cleaning crab crawled over again, "crunching, crunching", cleaning the mud and water marks on the ground. Some witches looked at its ruby-like shell and smiled with love, and some whispered where they could buy it.

The crab naturally couldn't understand human language. It turned around, went behind the bushes, and was picked up by a hand.

Wade looked thoughtfully at the direction where the Malfoys left. With a flick of his hand, the crab's upper body lifted up, as if looking at him.

"Tell me what you heard," Wade said.

"All boring words." With a clicking sound, the crab said, "After that, can you change me into a more handsome body? I prefer a leopard."

"Black leopard?"

"Gold is more handsome, right?"

"...Although I can't understand your aesthetic, I can respect your choice."

"Thank you."

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