Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 212 Can your principal read minds?

Only then did Fiona understand her husband's considerations, and she was frightened for a while.

"Thank you for your comprehensive consideration...I almost couldn't help but say..."

Ferdinand explained: "It's not necessarily dangerous. I'm just preventing the possibility of danger... Also, Vader..."

Wade, who always remained quiet, nodded: "I understand. I will contact the professor at the school first and ask about the situation."


Ferdinand thanked his son seriously, and then couldn't help but tell him:

"The disappearance of Khalil is not a matter for our family, but a matter for Hogwarts and the British Ministry of Magic. You are only responsible for contact and communication, and leave the rest to the adults. Don't pretend to be a hero yourself."

Vader couldn't help but smile: "I know...I'm not Gryffindor."

Ten minutes later, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall appeared outside Vader's house after receiving the news.

Dumbledore wears a wizard-style pointed hat with patterns symbolizing wind and water. Although he looked mysterious, it couldn't change the fact that he was dressed like a nightgown.

Fiona couldn't help but look at the sky... She didn't understand, but she still showed respect.

Maybe all powerful wizards are like this, right?

Fiona thought with admiration.

Although it was the first time for Mr. and Mrs. Gray to meet Dumbledore, the moment they saw him, they connected this person with the principal Dumbledore in Wade's mouth.

It can be said that no one fits people's traditional impression of a wizard better than the man in front of him.

As for Professor McGonagall, she is much more normal. Her dark green robe does not look out of place even in the Muggle world. There are also traces of ink on her fingers, as if she was writing something before she came.

Professor McGonagall held a roll of parchment in her hand, and the yellowed pages were slightly curled.

Seeing the two people through the window, Wade opened the door before they knocked on the door.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Grey, Mrs. Grey, and Vader." Dumbledore said calmly, "I hope we didn't interrupt your lunch."

The principal seemed confident at all times, and his expression very well soothed the Gray couple's anxiety.

"I checked the admission list."

Professor McGonagall said seriously:

"In September 1991, a student named Khalil Johnson was indeed supposed to be admitted. However, because he himself wrote a letter saying that he was going to Ilvermorny, the school had no further contact with him. These are all recorded in detail. "

"Didn't you contact Ilvermorny?" Fiona asked. When Professor McGonagall looked over, she hurriedly added: "Sorry, I don't mean to accuse..."

"This is indeed our negligence..."

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and said:

"However, Hogwarts will not force all students to enroll. Many young wizards choose to learn magic at home or with tutors, or go to other magic schools. Hogwarts will not stop them."

"It's a pity that Langdon didn't know about this."

Ferdinand whispered:

"He thought Hogwarts would forcibly take away his son, so he hurriedly fled the UK, only to end up sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth..."

"Where is that Mr. Johnson?"

Professor McGonagall said seriously: "We need to know more details."

"He had a traffic accident." Ferdinand said: "I think he should have told everything he could remember..."

"Magic can help us discover some details that he himself may have forgotten." Dumbledore said politely.

Ferdinand's expression changed.

He immediately thought of the Dementor Curse, but he didn't say it out loud.

Dumbledore seemed to know what he was thinking and said gently: "Of course, don't worry...no harm will be done to him personally."

Ferdinand looked at Wade and wanted to ask - is your principal able to read minds?

Wade blinked, turned to look at Professor McGonagall and asked:

"Professor, besides Khalil, are there any other students who did not go to school for similar reasons?"

Professor McGonagall looked ugly and said, "It happens every year."

When the Grays turned pale, Dumbledore said:

"Of course, not every child who refuses to go to school disappears like Mr. Johnson. Master-disciple inheritance is still a relatively common teaching method in the magic world."

But this was of little comfort to Ferdinand and Fiona. Because it was obvious that that person could take away Khalil so easily, which proved that this was definitely not the first time they had done this.

It's just that for those children who disappeared before, maybe their parents believed the lies concocted by the liar, maybe they didn't have access to the magical world, or more likely, they were all dead or had forgotten their children, so they didn't attract people's attention.

Afterwards, Ferdinand drove and took the two professors to see Landon Johnson, who was still detained by the traffic police.

With Langdon's consent, Professor Dumbledore extracted part of his memory, proving that Langdon was not lying. At the same time, he also clearly saw the appearance of Major Baird in his memory.

But this actually doesn't have much reference value.

Because his name may be false, his identity may be false, and his appearance may also be false.

Even gender and age are not necessarily what he appears to be.

But if Baird, like many arrogant wizards, didn't take Muggles seriously at all, then he might not go to great lengths to hide his true appearance.

Next, Dumbledore contacted the Ministry of Magic and planned to meet Mrs. Johnson at the sanatorium.

"It's hard to get lost memories back, and we can't torture her in cruel ways so that she can get back her memory fragments."

Dumbledore said: "But magic itself will express itself. Especially those wizards who have not been taught by the academy, each of them has different magic."

But the adults did not let Wade participate in the subsequent processes.

He only heard part of it from his father. Vader didn't know how Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic would investigate next, or whether there were any clues.

As a student, the most important thing before him is still going to school.

The short Christmas vacation has come to an end quickly, and students have returned to school. Making up homework and copying homework have become the trend in recent days.

Vader thought it would take a long time to find out what happened next, but on the third day of school, he got a clue from the Weasley twins.

"...It is said that someone sold a magic necklace to Muggles, which caused the woman in the sanatorium to be strangled to death by the necklace."

Fred said: "My dad rushed to deal with it and has been working overtime until now and he hasn't come home yet."


Wade was stunned for a long time, and an idea suddenly entered his mind——

Anne Johnson lost her memory and was killed again... Why was Langdon still alive and kicking around asking for help?

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