Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 215 The happiest [two in one]

In the afternoon at the Umbrella House, Wade briefly told everyone about Caryl.

After listening, the others were fine, but Harry and Hermione were scared.

"Fortunately, it was Hagrid who came to pick me up." Harry said, "I mean... if I met that Baird first, I would definitely be fooled."

"You won't, the whole wizarding world is watching you!"

Hermione said with lingering fear, "But a family like mine that is completely Muggle-born has no way to tell what is credible."

"I don't know more than you, Hermione." Harry told her, "As long as I can leave the Dursleys, no matter who comes to pick me up, I will go with him."

He often dreamed since he was a child, dreaming that a relative suddenly appeared to pick him up, but this dream never came true. Until he realized that the dream was just a dream, the magical world suddenly opened its doors to him.

Then, Remus and Wade took him out of the Dursleys' house, and he also had a godfather...

Harry sometimes thought that maybe his previous life was so painful because God or Merlin kept the best after the age of eleven.

"Oh, Harry." Hermione bit her lip and said guiltily: "I'm sorry..."

She just thought of Harry's great reputation, but forgot what Harry had lost for it.

Harry shook his head and said nothing.

The few people discussed the incident of Khalil for a while, but as teenagers, no one could come up with any useful suggestions. At most, they just sorted out the scarce information at present.

"The professors in the school must know which children from Muggle families did not come to school."

Padma finally said: "It would be great if we could get that list, maybe we could find something."

Neville shook his head: "But such a list must be with Professor Dumbledore... or Professor McGonagall, they can't tell us."

Except for Neville, several Gryffindors had a light in their eyes that was eager to try.

"That's not necessarily true..." Fred blinked: "We don't necessarily need the professor's permission if we want to know the information..."

"As long as someone can distract Professor McGonagall, for example--"

George pretended to hold a book: "--Professor, I have a question I don't quite understand..."

Everyone looked at Hermione.

"Uh... I do have some questions to ask..."

Hermione stopped talking halfway and coughed.

"...I mean, stealing the professor's things is against school rules! And who knows the new password for Professor McGonagall's office?"

Everyone looked at Wade again.

Wade shook his head.

"Sorry, I can't agree to this plan, and I won't help you with your actions... Don't the professors understand what we can think of? They must have investigated what should be investigated."

"That's right." Michael echoed: "The professors are much better than us in terms of experience and magic. They can also Apparate, and they may be able to investigate all Muggle students in one day. Even if we get the list, what can we do?"

Harry suddenly realized: "So what we should steal is the investigation results!"


Gryffindors agreed and praised Ravenclaw for being thoughtful.

Michael was speechless: "...Why do you always think about stealing? We are saying that stealing is meaningless, and private investigations are inefficient and a waste of time. The best strategy now is to wait for the results of the professors and the Ministry of Magic."

"We know!" Harry said: "But now that you know about this, can you resist not getting involved?"

"I can!" Michael said decisively.

"He can." Fred said at the same time: "He is a Ravenclaw!"

This sentence was only teasing, not mocking, so everyone laughed, even Michael couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, whatever you want to do..."

Michael shrugged: "If you are caught by the professor, I will find a way to help you reduce the punishment."


The Gryffindors looked at the person who had mastered the passcode again.

Vade still shook his head.

"I can't tell others the password the professor told me without permission..."

When several little lions lowered their heads in disappointment, Vade looked away, looked at the potted plants in the corner, and said softly:

"But...if someone insists on going with me when I go to find Professor McGonagall...I can't drive him away, right?"

Several people were overjoyed, and Michael blinked at Vade.

Vade smiled embarrassedly.

Adventure and blame can be given to Gryffindor, this seems to be the consensus of Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

But even if the Gryffindors saw this, they probably wouldn't mind, and they would still rush to the front with great enthusiasm.

Because they are not afraid of these things, courage and adventure are what they want.

Again, Wade didn't think Harry and others could really find out anything.

Especially those who came from wizard families, they might not even know whether Oxford is west or south of London, and they don't know what activities Muggle-born children often participate in. Can they find out the reasons for students' disappearances from the library?

So what they can investigate, the adults must have investigated. What they can't think of, the adults may also have an idea in their minds.

However, Vader did not forget that during this year in the plot, Dumbledore had tacitly allowed Harry to fight and kill the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets alone.

It was a dangerous creature that even adult wizards would shy away from.

At this time, due to Vader's interference, the Basilisk has never had a chance to show its face. Maybe Professor Dumbledore would hint to someone to send clues to Harry in order to train him?

——When Harry proposed to steal the investigation results, Wade suddenly had this idea.

After finishing the homework, everyone went to practice the spells. Theo and Wade winked, and they sat in the lounge area with a plate of small cakes on the table.

"Vade..." Theo came closer and lowered his voice: "My focus may be a little strange..."

"Any detail may become a clue." Wade asked: "Did you find anything wrong?"

"In the incident you just mentioned, after the Johnson family arrived in the United States, it was Major Baird and an old witch who took Caryl Johnson away, right?"

Theo said: "All the focus is on Baird, why are there no clues about the old witch?"

"Because even in Mr. Johnson's memory, the witch only showed half of her wrinkled face. It could barely be seen that she was a woman, and she was thin in stature. Other than that, there was nothing more."

Wade said: "There are no special jewelry or facial features. There are not many elderly witches in the United Kingdom and the United States alone. There is no way to check this."

Theo was silent for a while and then said: "Maybe I'm overthinking, but...do you remember the time you saved my brother and me during the summer vacation?"

"There was an elderly witch there too."

Theo said: "After you left, my father and the others used... used some methods to interrogate the werewolf Chad Brick."

"I learned from him that the witch called herself Ursula. She usually sold black magic materials such as human eyes or nails in Knockturn Alley. She also sold children's spines and sphenoid bones."

"You know, this kind of practice is also extremely evil among dark wizards. My father and the others were so angry that they followed it all the way. It happened that the witch separated during the disembodiment, and they quickly found the upper body of the witch. ”

"But when she was found, she was already dead."

"——Strangled to death by a magic scarf in Knockturn Alley, a small alley where no one goes."

"...Strangled to death by a scarf?" Vader finally understood what Theo wanted to say.

"Yes." Theo said, "Maybe it's just a coincidence, but are these two deaths very similar?"

Wade nodded silently.

The same women, the same strangulation, and even the circumstances before death, have certain similarities.

But it would be too arbitrary to say that their deaths must be related.

Wade asked: "This matter doesn't seem to be in the newspapers?"

The wizarding world is now too peaceful, and every little thing will be written up in the newspapers. Someone was separated and then strangled to death. It is impossible that such a bizarre murder would not occupy a prominent page in the newspaper.

Unless it's not known at all.

Sure enough, Theo then said awkwardly: "My dad and the others... disposed of the body. And the werewolf..."

For this reason, he could not share the information he knew during the discussion just now.

"So that's it." Wade was not surprised.

Back when everyone had a wand, it was like everyone had a gun - lynchings were not uncommon in the wizarding world.

Especially when the life safety of their children is threatened, it is not surprising that angry parents are like devouring beasts and will do anything.

"Did they ask anything valuable from the werewolf's mouth?" Wade asked.

Theo thought for a while and said: "I wrote a letter to my father, saying that Mr. Werner, who saved us, wants to know. He will definitely be willing to tell you all the information."

"In that case, I'll write this letter myself."

Wade said: "If Mr. Mancini knew that 'Weinard' had contacted you privately, he might be very worried."

Theo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "It makes sense."

He almost forgot that in the eyes of his parents, Werner was not a trustworthy classmate, but a strange wizard with unknown purposes.

‘Wener’ asked his parents for something through Theo, who was at school. In the eyes of the Mancini family, it was hard to say whether this was a request or a threat.

Vader quickly finished the short letter and then sent it via the Owl Post Office in Hogsmeade Village on the weekend.

Next comes study time.

When Vader returned to Lupin's house wearing a thick cloak, he saw that everyone else who had gathered here had gone shopping or played, and only Harry remained in the living room.

"I thought you could learn this spell together."

Lupine said: "Although this is an extremely advanced magic that many senior wizards cannot perform smoothly, I think the two of you have reached the corresponding level and have great hope of learning it."

Harry held the wand, a little excited: "What kind of magic is this, Remus?"

"It's called the Patron Saint Spell." Lupine explained: "This spell will summon a Patron Saint, which can resist most black magic creatures, including dementors, and prevent them from corroding the heart."

"What does a patronus look like?" Harry asked curiously.

"Wade, tell me about it." Lupin said, "I know you must have done your homework."

"Well." Wade looked at Harry and said, "The patronus is a positive force and a symbol of the heart. It is usually in the form of an animal, and it is also a bit like a ghost with a body. The trick to using it is to concentrate on thinking about happy things, because it itself is a symbol of happiness and hope."

"Absolutely correct." Lupin smiled, "By the way, James's patronus is a stag, and Lily's patronus is a doe, because they love each other."

"What about your patronus?" Harry asked.

"...It's a wolf."

Lupin hesitated and said with a smile.

After a long period of resentment and resistance, he tried again to face up to his identity as a werewolf, and he did not shy away from talking about it.

He cleared his throat, raised his wand, motioned the two young wizards to look carefully, and then said: "Expecto Patronus!"

A silver-white wolf suddenly emerged from the tip of his wand, it stepped on the air, ran around the room quickly, and its silver-white hair floated as if there was no gravity.

"--So cool!" Harry exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

Wade nodded, thinking the same thing in his heart.

After running two laps, the silver wolf turned into silver mist and disappeared. Lupin smiled and said: "Are you ready? Let's start practicing now."

He emphasized the spell and the tricks of waving the wand again, and gave them a few minutes to concentrate on thinking about happy things in the past.

Wade looked calm, but there were many emotions rolling in his heart, and finally gradually calmed down.

With the help of the Pensieve, many things he thought he had forgotten were recalled.

He found that his happiest time was not when he learned advanced magic and got high scores in the exam;

not when he destroyed the Dark Lord's Horcruxes and saved people who were doomed to die;

nor when he received the admission letter and confirmed his identity as a wizard;

not even when his parents took him to the amusement park for the first time in his previous life.

It was a long time ago, on an unknown evening, when his father fished out a wet watermelon from the well, cut it in half, and handed one half to him, who was still young at the time, with one hand.

He held the watermelon and stabbed it with a spoon, and the air was filled with a sweet fragrance.

The father cut the remaining half into pieces and handed a piece to his mother. The two of them ate watermelon while talking about the pine trees in the yard of their hometown, the sparrows on the telephone poles, the rain that fell in the middle of the night last night, and the annoying mosquitoes at night.

When he was young, he ate watermelon and listened to his parents' whispers. There was no sadness in his heart, only an inexplicable joy and ease.

"Expecto Patronus - Expecto Patronus - Expecto Patronus!"

After repeated attempts, Harry suddenly saw a wisp of silver mist spurting out from the tip of his wand, and shouted excitedly: "Remus, did you see it! There is -"

A silver light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes like light!

Harry was completely stunned. He was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned around!

An awesome eagle spread its powerful wings, dragging a silver mist, and hovered lightly in the narrow room!

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