Vader was silent for a moment and asked, "Even if Lockhart continues to stay at school, can we learn anything from there?"

"Uh..." Michael was speechless.


Padma, who was not far away, leaned over, brushed her hair and said, "I think my acting skills have improved a lot recently - right, Harry?"

She also tapped another regular cast member on the Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

Unfortunately, across Hufflepuff, Harry couldn't hear clearly what Padma said. He nodded confusedly, probably wanting to say hello.

I don't know where Padma's smile came from, and she laughed so hard that she couldn't hold her fork steady.

"How strange!" Michael whispered to Wade: "I thought Padma would be sad if Lockhart was taken away!"

"Girls probably just like Lockhart's appearance, but Padma can't help but see that he is a fool, and her liking is not true," Vader said.

Michael nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Lockhart still taught us something - at least he let me know not to be like him in the future."

After listening to Michael's words, Wade couldn't help but glance at the teacher's desk.

His understanding is probably what Dumbledore wants Harry to learn, right?

——Don’t be vain and don’t be a slave to fame.

But today, Dumbledore still did not appear in the auditorium. He has been very busy recently. Sometimes students will see the old principal walking hurriedly across the grass, but they rarely see him during meals.

Dumbledore must have known about Lockhart's arrest, but even so, he was not on campus.

On the way to the classroom in the afternoon, Wade and others saw a bunch of Gryffindors gathered together. After a while, everyone screamed and cheered.

A handful of magic fireworks were lit and flew in all directions. At the same time, they also made strange laughter and kept shouting——

"Lockhart is gone! Lockhart is gone!"

The students cheered.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was the Weasley twins and their friend Lee Jordan who were leading everyone to celebrate. Unfortunately, they were quickly frightened away by Professor McGonagall who rushed over in anger.

"This is nothing to celebrate! And I don't believe Professor Lockhart is that kind of person! Maybe the Ministry of Magic has made a mistake."

Ravenclaw Lisa said angrily.

No one took her words to heart. Anthony frowned and said, "There are still four months until the vacation! I just want to know now, can the school find us a new professor?"

"New professor? What if it's someone like Lockhart again?" Mandy asked worriedly.

"Relax, there are few people worse than Lockhart!" Terry comforted: "He even uses his own novel as a textbook! My grandma said that she has never heard of such a ridiculous thing!"

"The question is not who...the question is whether there is one?" Anthony said: "I have heard that it is always difficult to find a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts. No one can teach for more than one year."

"Many people who have taught this course have had accidents. They say that this course seems to be cursed." Another student, Kevin, said mysteriously.

"But if this continues, I'm really worried about failing the final exam."

Morag said gloomily. After everyone sat down in the classroom, he suddenly asked: "Wade, can you come and teach us?"

Everyone was startled and looked at the two of them.

The more Morag thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea, and continued to encourage: "I heard from the professor that you have taught yourself to the upper grade level. If you were to teach everyone, it would definitely be much better than Lockhart and his like... …”

Other students were also a little moved, but before Wade could speak, Michael sneered and said loudly:

"Hey! Kevin just said that this class was cursed! Or do you think that as long as you can get high marks, it doesn't matter if Vader is cursed?"

"No, no!" Morag really forgot about this incident, hurriedly waved his hands and said: "I didn't mean that... I just think... if I just make up lessons occasionally..."

"Impossible, there is no time, Vader still has to do alchemy research!"

Michael said unhappily: "You also said that he is only equivalent to a senior student. If you want to tutor, why not find a real senior student?"

He usually plays both sides, but this is the first time he has spoken so rudely to his classmates. Morag's face turned red and he was speechless for a long time.

Wade wanted to say something, but Michael shook his head.

The classroom suddenly became quiet and the atmosphere was a little awkward. When the Gryffindor students came in, they thought the professor was there, and crept into their seats one by one.

After a while, Professor Flitwick arrived. When he started class, the atmosphere finally became more lively.

Today they are learning the freezing spell, which is a spell that can freeze the target, somewhat similar to the petrification spell.

Everyone in the SSC had already learned this spell, and they used it skillfully, which made Professor Flitwick happy and the two colleges each gained a few points.

Afterwards, Professor Flitwick asked the students to start practicing in groups, but suddenly found an arm raised high.

The person who raised her hand was naturally Hermione.

"Miss Granger, do you have any questions?" Professor Flitwick asked strangely.

"Professor, I want to know, is there any definite evidence for Professor Lockhart's crime?" Hermione stood up and asked.

"Uh... This should not be disclosed to students..." Professor Flitwick said with embarrassment.

Seeing this, the students knew that something was going to happen, and begged: "Please, Professor, tell us about it."

"Well... Anyway, it won't be long before you will see it in the newspaper..."

Professor Flitwick hesitated for only a few seconds before sharing the news he had received with everyone.

"I heard that someone collected a lot of evidence and reported Professor Lockhart to the Ministry of Magic... No, Gilderoy Lockhart. Although the Ministry of Magic's attitude is to investigate further, it is actually certain."

"Then, can Professor Lockhart come back to teach?" Lisa asked with hope.

Mentioning Lockhart, Flitwick was in a bad mood, but thinking of that person's fate, the professor immediately became calm again.

"Of course not." He said to his students: "He will probably stay in Azkaban for the rest of his life, at least ten years."

"So serious?!" The students were all shocked.

"Of course." Professor Flitwick took the opportunity to warn the students: "The consequences of abusing the Memory Charm are very serious. I heard that some people have forgotten how to live a normal life and even died tragically. You must also remember to use your magic with caution."

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