Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 230 School Doctor and Professor

"It's unbelievable! Nothing like this has ever happened!"

Madam Pomfrey's face turned red with anger, and she shouted in a sharp voice:

"As a professor, he actually got into a fight with his students! More than half of the students were injured!"

"How can you treat your students like this? How can you treat your classroom like this? I have worked at Hogwarts for so many years, and I have never seen any professor send all his students to the hospital!"

Professor Abigail defended herself feebly: "But if you really encounter an enemy..."

"The children are here to learn knowledge, not to go to the battlefield! They are only in the second grade, they are in school, and it is safe here! Even if there is actual combat practice, it should be in the upper grades!"

"Professor Abigail, they are students, not soldiers! They are not suicide squads!"

"I don't know what kind of battles you have faced before! But since the children call you professor, please love them as a teacher and as a parent!"

"If you continue to treat students so roughly in the future, I will definitely ask Professor Dumbledore to terminate your employment! I will do what I say!"

Madam Pomfrey's anger swept through the entire classroom like a violent wind. Faced with the anger, Abigail tried to speak several times, but failed to find a chance, and her expression gradually became dull.

Then Madam Pomfrey waved her wand, causing the fainted students to levitate, and left with heavy steps.

A group of students looked at Professor Abigail, and then followed the school nurse quietly like chickens.

Michael walked some distance away and found that there seemed to be someone missing next to him. He turned back to look for it, and before he reached the door, he heard a muffled "bang".

Half of a sneaky eye was revealed behind the door. Michael took a sneak peek and saw Wade getting up from the ground, raising his arm to wipe the blood from the corner of his eye.

At the other end of the classroom, Professor Abigail also had a bruise on her forehead.

"It can be seen that you are physically stronger than your peers, but compared with the students of Wagadu, you are still far behind."

Abigail said: "Many of you wizards in the UK think that a wizard only needs to be proficient in using spells. But I can prove that this idea is completely wrong!"

She pulled open her robe and threw it aside, revealing the black sportswear underneath, with some dangerous props attached to her belt. Even under the clothes, her slender limbs vaguely showed smooth muscle lines.

The woman was like a cheetah, and the wand in her hand was like fangs and claws. She leaned forward slightly, and then rushed out!


The next moment, the light of the spell was still blocked by the armor, but Vader was grabbed by the shoulder and thrown out!

Michael couldn't help but cover his eyes and heard a crackling beating sound coming from inside.

"Should we ask the professor to stop it?" A trembling voice came from the side: "If this continues, I'm afraid Wade will be beaten to death."

Michael turned around and saw that it was Padma hiding next to him. Hidden on the other side of the classroom door are Anthony and Terry.

"Why are you back too?" Michael asked in surprise.

"Do you think you sneaked back without anyone seeing you?" Anthony tilted his head and gestured: "Mrs. Pomfrey hasn't gone far yet! Professor McGonagall's office is also nearby..."

Michael hesitated and shook his head.

"Wait a little longer... If Wade didn't want to be beaten, he would have left with us just now..."

Suddenly there was a noisy "hu-la-la" sound in the classroom, as if hundreds of birds were flying at the same time.

Several people hurriedly looked over and saw countless birds surrounding the new professor and attacking, and huge spiders crawling towards her. At the same time, the book that someone had dropped on the ground suddenly expanded and expanded, like a huge curtain. Wrap towards Abigail.

Vader, whose face was covered with blood, stood up staggeringly, raised his wand, and shouted: "Expelliarmus!"

Abigail's wand flew out immediately!

"YES!" Michael waved his fist excitedly, and several others almost jumped with joy.

But then, a figure covered his eyes with his arm, rushed out of the obstacle in front of him, raised his arm and punched hard!


The black-haired boy hit the wall hard, his head tilted, and he stopped moving.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror, and they seemed to have forgotten even the shouting for a moment.

The little bird that was still pecking at Abigail's hair disappeared instantly, and the enlarged spiders also quickly shrunk in size. They turned twice in confusion and crawled away quickly along the corner of the wall.

"A little guy is quite difficult to deal with!"

Abigail muttered and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. She turned around suddenly and saw four heads hanging out of the door, like a bunch of cherries.

"Hey! You guys!"

Several little wizards were so frightened that they shivered.

They originally thought that the professor's teaching style was too rough, but now they compared it and found that what they were dealing with was actually a "gentle style".

If Professor Abigail "taught" them the way she treated Vader... Michael suspected that he might not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

"...Teach, professor?" Anthony asked tremblingly.

"Goldstein, right?" Professor Abigail said, "Send this kid to the school doctor's office, and tell Madam Pomfrey by the way, he is the one who wants to come to me to continue the duel, and I am not bullying him. he!"

After the professor finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the robe on the ground jumped up and automatically wrapped around her. She walked out of the classroom at a brisk pace, and only when she reached the empty corridor did she gasp in pain.

Michael and others naturally didn't know how embarrassed the professor was. They watched the professor's back disappear in awe, and then ran in.

Padma's Transfiguration was good. She turned a table into a stretcher, and several boys used the Levitation Spell to send Wade to the school infirmary, and also told Professor Abigail what she said.


They were also severely scolded by Madam Pomfrey.

In fact, several people were also injured in the chaos just now, but they were so dizzy that they said goodbye while Madam Pomfrey stopped to catch her breath, and then they ran away like a fly.

After running out of the school infirmary, they remembered that their injuries had not been treated yet. But to turn back... I really don't have the courage.

"I actually brought white moss essence." Michael picked up his wet schoolbag and smiled bitterly, "But it was broken."

"It's okay, I put a bottle in the dormitory." Padma said.

Anyway, there were still a few hours before the astronomy class, so they walked towards the Ravenclaw Tower.

The stairs seemed very long at ordinary times, and climbing with injuries made people feel even more painful.

After a long time, Terry sighed for a long time:

"When will our Defense Against the Dark Arts class be normal!"

There is only one chapter today. The next chapter will be made up tomorrow.

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