Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 25 Bibi Many-Flavored Beans

Wade didn't ask any more questions. He looked down at the product list first.

As a small village, Hogsmeade cannot be compared with the commercial center of the British wizarding world like Diagon Alley, and the number of shops is not too many. But although the sparrow is small, it has all the essentials. You can find almost all types of shops, such as clothing stores, quill shops, magic equipment shops, post offices, bars, teahouses, etc. Of course, the most popular among students is the candy store. There is a long list of various candies on the product list, which is the sum of all other categories combined.

Wade looked at the things that others wanted to buy and couldn't help but ask: "Can he get so many things?"

"In the Hufflepuff lounge, Cedric specifically said -" Theo smiled: "He said - don't worry about whether my arms can lift it, there is a levitation spell! The rest of the third grade The students said they could help too and would not leave Cedric alone."

Michael lay on the table and lamented feebly: "Oh - why don't we Ravenclaws have such enthusiastic seniors? They will only look at you sideways and say something - don't worry, you will also be there in two years." I can go. And for your safety, no one offered to bring us a handful of sweets! Oh, it’s another day to go to Hufflepuff!

Theo and Ryan looked at each other and smiled proudly.

And Hermione and Neville invariably thought of Gryffindor's prefect Percy Weasley - "I am a prefect, you must listen to me!" "Do you want to cause deductions for the house?" " Junior students, don’t try to get away with it, Filch will check them one by one and won’t let anyone who shouldn’t go slip out! Of course, I will also help keep an eye on you troublemakers.”

Or the two Weasleys in third year - "Of course no problem, dung bombs or burping powder? - What an idea! You'll give Filch a surprise! Seikei Fifteen Silver Sickle! - I swear , only five knuts more expensive than Hogsmeade!”

However, before they got the money, Percy discovered their purchasing behavior. The most important thing was that most of the purchases made by the twins were prank products that would make Filch scream, so the two brothers were chased by their older brother. Running around in the lounge.

Although Hermione and Neville are very different in academic performance, they are both "marginal people" in Gryffindor to some extent. They swallowed their complaints against the Weasleys, but in their hearts they envied the atmosphere of Hufflepuff.

But he heard Vader smile and say: "Michael, let's not say that we envy Hufflepuff for having a senior who is willing to take care of the younger students - when we reach the third grade, you are willing to help the little wizards of Ravenclaw with shopping. Various candies?”

"Are you kidding me?" Michael said without thinking, "This is so troublesome! I don't want to spend my last weekend just completing the to-do list!"

"So - we are our own Ravenclaws." Vader said in a calm voice, choosing some products that others had not chosen so much that they could exchange them with each other after buying them.

I just don’t know if Cedric will be shocked by Theo’s long list.

"Actually, I think, Vader, you are the same person as Cedric."

After the day's study was over, Theo stayed specifically and said this to Wade.

"Huh?" Vader was still immersed in the petrification spell at this time and completely forgot what everyone had said before.

Theo looked into his eyes and said seriously: "Although I have never said it before, the reason why our SSC group came together is entirely because of you, Vader - you always selflessly guide us to practice spells. , and you are also willing to share with us the notes you have compiled with great difficulty. I have never seen another Ravenclaw do this."

Wade was a little surprised. He looked at Theo and didn't know what to say.

"Michael and Hermione are so smart, they play with us all because of you; me, Ryan, and Neville, the three of us originally didn't have outstanding grades, and we were even at the bottom in some subjects, but Because of your help, we have recently begun to earn some points for the college. Professor Flitwick praised us several times. In the last herbal medicine class, Neville dared to raise his hand and speak, and Professor Sprout even gave him a bonus. One point.”

Theo finally concluded: "Vade, you are Ravenclaw, but you are by no means egotistical or indifferent. You have given us a lot of help - that's what I want to tell you."

For a long time after Theo left, Wade felt that his heart was filled with an inexplicable emotion.

He packed up his things, walked out of the umbrella house, and saw Claudia in the portrait walking in the grass. There was a trace of sadness between the girl's brows, and her expression was very much like the sister Lin in his impression.

Watching the door of the umbrella house close, Wade said to himself: "How could it be possible that they all gathered because of me? That guy Theo, could he have forgotten that this classroom is still his? I applied with Professor Sprout!"

Miss Claudia remained silent as ever. She never talked to the students, nor did she occasionally go out to visit like other portraits. She always stayed on this empty lawn. If she hadn't walked around occasionally, it would have been no different from a Muggle portrait.

As expected, Cedric kept his word. He helped buy everything Vader and the others wrote on the list, and he didn't charge an extra Knut.

"Oh my god, I'm flying!" Hermione exclaimed. The brown-haired girl just drank a glass of drink and slowly floated up from the ground. Wade hurriedly reached out to hold her, so that she wouldn't fly too high and fall down and get hurt.

After a long time, the magic of the drink disappeared, and Hermione slowly fell to the ground. She said a little angrily: "They should write the precautions for consumption on the packaging!"

"How interesting, Hermione!" Michael said.

Hermione blushed and glared at him: "But I'm wearing a skirt!"

Michael was speechless and bowed his head and said: "I'm sorry - you're right."

"Watch it!" Theo shouted: "I'm going to eat this black pepper urchin!"

Everyone looked at him expectantly.

Theo threw the candy into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and his expression suddenly changed. The next second, he was spewing fire from his nose!

Everyone laughed.

Michael grabbed a handful of Bibi's multi-flavored beans and distributed them to everyone, saying excitedly: "Come, try this multi-flavored bean! Let's bet on who is the most unlucky!"

He was the first to throw one into his mouth, "It's okay, it tastes like carrots."

Ryan ate one and said with a bitter face: "Unlucky - earwax tastes."

Wade was curious: "How do you know what earwax tastes like?"

Ryan was stunned, looking up and down, then turned to Theo as if nothing had happened: "Hurry up, it's your turn."

Theo ate it with a smile: "Hmm - honeydew melon taste! So lucky!"

Hermione also ate one: "Beef taste, not bad."

Neville looked at the yellow multi-flavored beans in his hand with fear, muttering: "Isn't it always me who is unlucky?" He closed his eyes and swallowed it, then stuck out his tongue and shouted incoherently: "Water, water, water!"

"Did you taste the taste of sand?" Michael handed him the water and asked curiously.

Neville drank a large glass of water and said tearfully, "It tastes like a super hot chili."

Everyone looked at Wade.

Wade looked at the multi-flavor beans with disdain. He had never eaten this specialty of the wizarding world, because he heard that the Bebe multi-flavor beans even tasted like vomit. What kind of mischievous thinking was the manufacturer?

But everyone was waiting for him. After a while of mental preparation, Wade finally threw the beans into his mouth.

"What does it taste like?" His companions asked curiously.

Wade breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "It tastes like snow."

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