
His heart was beating violently, his soaked clothes stuck to his body, and when the cold wind blew, the chill penetrated his bones.

This is the closest Vader has come to death since his rebirth.

Although in the plot, the first grade Harry Potter can easily deal with the pendant version of Voldemort as if he is playing a game, but that is because the magic left by his mother is protecting him. If it were the current Vader, even if he mastered ten times more spells than Harry Potter, he would probably die if Voldemort discovered him.

Reincarnated as a human being, Vader is not too afraid of death. But he can accept that he died for a great purpose, or to protect the people he loves, but he cannot accept that he died for such a ridiculous reason - because he overheard the villain's secret And being silenced, he died as silently as cannon fodder.

Worried that he would encounter Quirrell again after leaving here, Wade hid on this hidden platform for a long time and fell asleep leaning against the wall without realizing it. When he suddenly woke up, he realized that it was already close to early morning. , the sky is still very dark.

The Quidditch pitch has long been empty. In the huge campus, there is only one adult wizard with silver-white hair walking by the black lake - probably a professor, but not Dumbledore, because Dumbledore still has a long hair. white beard.

Wade didn't see the man's appearance clearly, but he didn't care, as long as it wasn't Quirrell. He stood up holding on to the wall. He felt light-headed and his body shook involuntarily, almost losing his balance.


Wade thought to himself, and stretched out his hand to touch his forehead - he didn't feel very hot, because the palm of his hand was also surprisingly hot. As he breathed, the hot air burned his nose, giving Wade the illusion that if he placed an egg next to him, he could boil the egg with his own heat.

Wade climbed into the empty classroom through the window and dragged his exhausted body to the school doctor's office. Most of the portraits in the corridor were sleeping, but there was also a young red-haired wizard lying idle on the frame in a daze. After seeing Wade, his eyes lit up and he asked curiously: "What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" ?”

"Why don't you go back to the lounge tonight?"

"Madam Pomfrey probably hasn't gotten up yet! Do you need me to wake her up for you?"

"Haha, I lied to you! There is no portrait of me in her bedroom."

"Why don't you talk? Just pay attention to me! I'm bored when I'm awake alone."

Vader had no energy to pay attention to him at all, but the red-haired wizard chased him through several frames with determination. He kept chattering and did not feel embarrassed when he received no response. This shows that the original body must be hopeless. Talkative.

It wasn't until there was no portrait in the long corridor ahead that the red-haired wizard reluctantly gave up. He also shouted loudly from a distance: "You must have no friends with your personality, right? Come to me when you feel better! I can chat with you!"

Vader had a burning headache and almost wanted to pry his head open. The wizard's nagging made him even more annoyed and distracted most of his attention. When Vader noticed that there were other people besides himself in the corridor, When there was another footsteps, the sound was already very close to him!

——Almost just a corner away! ! !

Wade suddenly became stiff.

He subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but his slow body didn't have time to react.


Footsteps are approaching...


The world seemed to shrink in front of my eyes, my vision became blurred, but my hearing remained sharp.


A figure appeared from behind the corner.

"What's wrong with you, kid?" someone asked him.

But Wade's brain was like a rusty gear, and he didn't answer for a while.

"Oh, you have a serious fever." The man pushed him gently: "Come with me, kid - follow me over here - luckily my office is nearby."

The silver-white hair swayed in front of his eyes, looking a bit like Dumbledore, and Vader lowered his guard.

A few minutes later, Vader was holding the empty cup, steam was constantly coming out of his ears, and he looked at the wizard in front of him with dull eyes, which made him look stupid.

What suddenly appeared in the corridor was not the Quirrell he was worried about, nor the Dumbledore he thought he was, but a strange wizard. He looked to be at least eighty years old, wearing dark blue robes, with short silver-white hair neatly combed and no beard. It is worth noting that he wears a Muggle shirt and suit trousers under his robes, his tie is perfectly tied - it is generally difficult for wizards to do this - and there is a strange gold-rimmed glasses hanging in the breast pocket.

At that time, the wizard appeared in the corridor and noticed that Vader was not in good condition, so he took him to the office and took out his own pick-me-up. I have to say that it is much more effective than the potion in the school doctor's office. After drinking it, Wade's groggy head immediately became much clearer. Except for his ears that were still steaming, everything else was fine and he could see his environment clearly. .

This is a circular room, with more than a dozen large and small magic lamps illuminating the room as bright as day. There are many weird and interesting little things on the shelves and tables. There is a golden hourglass rotating slowly; a dozen small crystal balls are strung on silver wires, and the colorful lights inside light up as if they can breathe. There is a very realistic manor on the cabinet next to it. There is a thumb-sized little man and an even smaller dog living in it. They can even fetch water and cook.

There are also some Muggle technological creations in the room - a refrigerator, an oven, a TV, a computer, a washing machine, and even a disassembled car engine.

This was truly the strangest room Vader had ever seen.

The wizard who brought him was playing with a radio. After a while, a woman's passionate voice came from it——

"Dear listeners, busy wizards, good morning! A wonderful day starts with the 'Magic Hour'. Today your favorite Glenda Chittock is still hosting the show. First of all, let us enjoy Celestina ·New song released by Warbeck - "You Stole My Pot, But You Can't Get My Heart"..."

"Oh, luckily I didn't miss it. This is my favorite radio program." The wizard muttered, turned around and asked with a kind smile: "Do you feel better, kid?"

"Yes, I'm much better. Thank you for your help, sir." Wade asked cautiously: "Excuse me, are you——"

"I am Professor of Alchemy, Terence Murray." Professor Murray smiled and said: "If you can achieve "Excellent" in Charms, Transfiguration and Ancient Runes in the fifth grade O.W.L.s exam, Black You also need to get good grades in Magic Defense, Herbology and Potions, and you can take my class in the sixth grade. You like alchemy, don’t you, kid?”

He glanced down and saw that a small portion of "On the Diversity of Species" was sticking out of his bag. He pushed the book back and said, "Yes, Professor, I am teaching myself alchemy."

"This content may be a little too early for you. You should start with the basic content, such as the Magic Phonetic Chart."

"I have memorized all of the "Magic Phonetic Chart", sir. There are also "Magic Symbol Collection", "Rune Dictionary", and "A Simple Introduction to Ancient Magic Texts". In addition, I have also read Mr. Nick Flamel's "Preliminaries of Alchemy" and "Analytical Alchemy".

Professor Murray was stunned.

Hogwarts has alchemy courses for sixth years and above, but the author did not find the name of the alchemy professor. The elective requirements for Terence Murray's Personality and Alchemy courses are set privately by the author.

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