The red-haired wizard tapped the frame boredly, and from time to time he poked his head to see what the other portraits were doing.

This tower is called the Astronomy Tower by students because they observe stars and take astronomy classes at the top of the tower every week. Even most of the portraits in the corridor are related to astronomy. Most of them were quiet and silent, and no one wanted to chat with him.

Suddenly he heard footsteps, and then saw a familiar student walking by, and hurriedly chased after him.

"Hey, have you recovered from your cold? Murray gave you some medicine, right? That old guy's refreshing medicine is really good -"

He thought the student would walk away without looking back like before, but he didn't expect that the other student suddenly stopped and looked at him thoughtfully.

"Your name is Griffiths?" Wade asked.

"That's right!" The red-haired wizard nodded happily, "Did Murray tell you that? Now he is the only one who occasionally chats with me."

"Aren't there many portraits here?" Wade gestured around.

"Oh, don't mention it." Griffiths said depressedly: "Did you see the old man in the portrait diagonally opposite?"

Wade looked over and saw that he was talking about an old wizard with stars painted on his robe and hat. He was standing in front of a large telescope and looking at the starry sky intently.

Griffiths said: "He has been holding the telescope unchanged for hundreds of years, observing the starry sky that has not changed for hundreds of years in the portrait, and he will only find me annoying; and Shalom, the one wearing glasses, always She was writing calculations on parchment without stopping. In fact, the results of her calculations had been confirmed by Muggle scientists more than a hundred years ago, and she was still calculating. "

Vader saw a thin witch sitting at her desk calculating, and even after hearing Griffiths' words, she did not stop.

"And those children over there who are stargazing, have you seen it? They are just a bunch of Cornish goblins." Griffiths complained: "When they are not stargazing or sleeping, they must be... Making trouble everywhere - knocking over old man Star's telescope, tearing Shalom's parchment, or pulling my hair, spilling ink on my robes! I've had enough!"

Griffith sighed lonely and helplessly. Even though Wade was in a bad mood, he was still amused by him, and the gloom, heaviness and doubt in his heart seemed to be dispelled.

He asked: "How long have you been hanging here? Are you still not used to it?"

"Oh, you don't know, I actually hung it in the foyer on the first floor, surrounded by portraits. I can still watch the little wizards coming and going every day, and occasionally teach them pranks. I don't know how interesting it is." Griffiths regretted Said: "But later, in order to hang Fosco's portrait, they moved me to the Astronomy Tower. I originally thought it would be good to meet some new friends. I didn't expect it to be so boring here!" "

"Can't portraits be visited everywhere?" Wade asked.

"It's possible, but it's very laborious. Most of the time I can only stay in my portrait." Griffiths said expectantly: "Can you move my portrait back to the foyer? Or change it to another Just a lively place! I will repay you!”

Wade did not agree immediately, but said: "I have to ask the professor first. As long as they don't object, I will help you change places."

Griffiths thought for a while and asked: "—What if they object?"

"Then I'll secretly help you find another place, but it can't be placed in the foyer - it will be too conspicuous." Wade said.

"Great!" Griffiths almost jumped up with excitement, urging: "Then go and ask! Go and ask early."


Wade smiled and turned to leave.

He originally wanted to ask Griffiths if Professor Murray really came out of his office this morning and if Quirrell came to this place often. But after chatting for a few words, he gave up the idea.

The red-haired wizard talked a lot and didn't seem to be able to keep secrets; and he and Professor Murray must have known each other for longer, so why should Vader ask him to keep secrets for himself?

It's better to change the portrait to another place first...and then make any plans.

Terrence Murray finally finished teaching the seventh-grade students, then angrily left with his lesson plan under his arm, leaving only a few students looking at each other like quails, as if they had just been through a storm. baptism.

What does "the first-year students are better than you" mean? Do first graders know what alchemy is? Do you know how to write "0" in runes?

They were not convinced, but during Professor Murray's reprimand, no one dared to refute, and could only say with a low eyebrow: "Yes, yes, you are right."

Professor Murray became even more angry.

After meeting Vader, he looked at his carefully selected students and became more and more dissatisfied with them. He then looked at the alchemy work they completed last time and became even more dissatisfied. In the end, he kept five times the amount of money he usually had. homework, I still feel that these students have it too easy.

Professor Murray returned to his office angrily, and heard an enthusiastic voice from a distance: "Did your class go well today, Professor Murray? The little wizards must have learned a lot, right?"

Faced with a passionate attitude, it is difficult for people to be truly indifferent. Professor Murray smiled unconsciously: "Oh, Griffiths!"

"Yeah, who else but me?" Griffiths said.

Professor Murray couldn't help but stand in the corridor and complain to him about his students: "--Not only is he not as smart as others, he is not as hardworking as others. Why learn alchemy? It's better to be a decoration in the Ministry of Magic!"

"So you are interested in that little wizard?" Griffiths asked with a smile, lying on the picture frame.

Professor Murray was silent for a moment, and suddenly sighed.

"Griffiths, genius wizards often behave differently from others since childhood. They are talented and attract everyone's attention as soon as they enter school. However, talented people always yearn to learn those difficult and dangerous magics, master more powerful powers, and pursue greater interests, but not many people are willing to settle down and study alchemy."

"But in my opinion, even if you master the most dangerous forbidden magic in the world, what can you do? Look at those who were once famous! Some fell as quickly as a meteor, some became the notorious Dark Lord, and some had nothing even with such a great reputation! The more powerful they are, the more death and killing they bring to the world!"

"Those who can truly bring changes to the wizarding world and bring happiness to people should It's alchemy! Only by constantly learning from Muggles, innovating technology, and improving alchemical products can we make the wizarding world develop better and... prevent wizards from being wiped out by Muggles. "

"But these years... although I have made some achievements and introduced some products invented by Muggles into the magical world, I just feel like a baby learning to walk. The harder I try to catch up with the giants in front of me, the more I find that the gap between the two sides is so huge that it makes people despair... This gap is still getting bigger every moment."

"And what about my students? They only think about inventing some popular magic items and making a lot of money. They only think about this-"

"But that child is different, right?" Griffiths suddenly asked.

"Yes-" Professor Murray smiled: "Although he is only eleven years old. "

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