Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 38: Learn, Understand, and Control

Ever since he overheard the conversation between Quirrell and the pendant version of Voldemort, Vader no longer went into those remote and uninhabited corners. When there are no classes, he spends most of his time in the umbrella house. Fortunately, Michael's enthusiasm for Quidditch finally subsided - probably because Ravenclaw lost to Hufflepuff in the game and two students were injured, which made him feel that Quidditch was not that interesting. .

During the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, Vader paid close attention to Quirrell. When facing students, Professor Quirrell is still the timid and pitiful Quirrell. When a naughty student asked about the scene where he fell on the stand, he just said awkwardly and stammered: "I - I didn't pay attention - it seemed - it seemed - someone pushed me ——”

The students all had expressions of disbelief on their faces - which student would dare to play a prank on the professor? They all felt that Quirrell must have been too excited to stand still, but they were embarrassed to admit it.

Of course, no one would doubt this matter on Wade. He has always been a representative of a good student in everyone's mind - he respects professors, studies seriously, never causes trouble, and is a typical Ravenclaw.

After class, Padma quickly packed her schoolbag and ran over excitedly and asked, "Go to the umbrella house to do your homework?"

Quirrell's teaching level is not very good, but his ability to retain homework is almost on par with Professor Snape. Every time he has to write a paper that is more than one foot long, even a Ravenclaw student will have a headache.

But after Padma studied at the Umbrella House for a period of time, she felt as if she had mastered the code of writing a thesis, and even enjoyed it. Probably because after finishing her homework quickly, her inflated sense of superiority would bring her great happiness when she looked at her classmates who were complaining that they had a lot of homework, it was difficult to write, and they were scratching their heads with worry.

Wade saw her chatting with people in the auditorium more than once——

"How much homework do you have left?"

"Huh? There's so much left to write? I finished writing the paper in only forty minutes yesterday. It feels pretty simple? Why didn't you even write the beginning? Did you not pay attention to the lecture?"

After a few times, everyone stopped talking to her, and Padma always stayed with her sister. But judging from Parvati's expression, the reason why she endured Padma's showing off was to use her homework as a "reference."

Wade wanted to persuade her not to always be so Versailles, but Michael looked at the smile on Padma's face at the other end of the long table, and then said: "Don't you think she's cute like this? It's like her face is full of It says 'Am I awesome' and 'Come and praise me'——"

He laughed unconsciously: "Stupid and smart - just like a child."


Vader swallowed what he was about to say.

He wondered if his mentality was too old and his thinking was too realistic, so he didn't know how to appreciate the silly cuteness of this little girl.

Padma was happily looking forward to going to the Umbrella House, but behind her, Michael was winking at Vader.

Vader glanced over there, then turned back and said, "You guys go ahead, I have some questions to ask Professor Flitwick."

Michael was overjoyed and gave a thumbs up and then curled it twice to express his gratitude.

Padma was a little disappointed: "—Okay."

The two of them left together, and Wade was packing his things and heading to the seventh floor.

He was not deliberately creating opportunities for Michael, but he really wanted to see Professor Flitwick for something.

Professor Flitwick's office is on the seventh floor. Students usually don't climb up such a high floor, so it's very quiet. In the long corridor, only the portraits murmured from time to time.

Speaking of which, Wade had never seen another portrait as active as Griffiths. Most of the portraits in the castle just stretched or turned their heads, and some never saw them leave their portraits.

For example, Miss Claudia.

Vader came to an oak door with an eagle carved on it. When it saw Vader, it flapped its wings and said as if to itself: "Vade Gray is here to visit."

After a moment, it said: "Enter allowed."

The oak door slid open and Wade stepped inside.

The style of Professor Flitwick's office is exactly the same as that of Ravenclaw Tower - the room is an arched structure, surrounded by thirteen windows, which can see Ravenclaw Tower and Owl Tower. The sunlight shines through the colored glass, reflecting colorful light and shadow on the ground.

Most of the furniture in the room was mini, just right for Professor Flitwick's height. Only the bookshelf is particularly magnificent. Hundreds of books are stacked from the floor to the ceiling. There are also thick piles of parchment piled on the floor. Most of them are notes compiled by Professor Flitwick himself. He sometimes lends them to others. Wade currently has two books in his schoolbag about his favorite students.

"Oh, Vader."

Professor Flitwick's voice came from above his head. Vader looked up and saw that the professor was standing on a tall, automatically sliding ladder. The ladder shrunk step by step, and finally turned into a low step, and Professor Flitwick jumped directly from it.

He said happily: "I am very satisfied with your paper on the "Softening Curse". Son, do you have any new questions today?"

"Yes." Wade took out the notes he had borrowed before and said, "I have finished learning "Standard Spells: Level 3" and I would like you to test my level."

"No problem, um... cast a happy spell first!" Professor Flitwick said.

In the following time, Wade demonstrated more than a dozen spells that the third graders would learn, and all of them were successful at once. Professor Flitwick was so excited that he almost fainted!

"Oh, Wade! Oh, Wade! You are definitely a genius!" He said repeatedly: "It's only been three months! I watched you go from knowing nothing to today's level! The progress is too fast! In this way, you can reach the level of O.W.L.s in less than a year! You will definitely become a great figure in the future!"

Wade smiled and said, "Professor, I want to continue to borrow textbooks and notes for the fourth grade."

"Of course. I've been prepared for a long time! I know you will definitely finish it before the Christmas holiday." Professor Flitwick waved his wand, and several books flew over from the table. It was the "Standard Spells: Fourth Grade" that Professor Flitwick had used before, as well as the materials he consulted for teaching students, the lesson plans he prepared, and the excellent papers left by previous students.

Professor Flitwick has been teaching at Hogwarts for decades, and has long reached the state of only needing to bring a wand to class, but he has never thrown away the things he wrote in the early years. Instead, he carefully sorted them out and kept them, and he is still repairing them intermittently until now.

Wade's eyes can help him learn a spell quickly. But the same fire spell can only be used by some people to light a cigarette, some people can light a bonfire, and some people can burn a city.

This is the difference in power.

In terms of control, some people's fire spells will inexplicably blow themselves up, while others can control the flames after they are lit, allowing them to deform, burn, and extinguish at will.

The reason for this difference is not only the difference in magic power, but also the wizard's understanding of the essence of the spell.

Wade's eyes let him "learn", textbooks and books in the library are all for him to "understand", but Professor Flitwick's information here allows him to touch the line of "control".

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