In addition to spells and transfiguration, Wade spent the most time on alchemy. While learning alchemy, he was also constantly deepening his understanding of several courses.

The book "Learning to Make Magical Items from Scratch" that Professor Murray lent him was completely different from other alchemy books. There was almost no boring history and theory, and there was no extensive writing on the relationship between the four elements. Instead, it started from the first line of words and talked about how to make various magic items.

From the common automatic ink-filling feather pen, moving photos, flying brooms, and howlers, to the Pensieve, magic mirror, invisible cloak, and guardian armor that few people could own, almost all the magic items Wade had seen or heard of could be found in the book. It even mentioned the Sorting Hat and the Time Converter, but the latter only had some guesses, but no specific manufacturing process.

And the magic items mentioned above could not be made by reading books - just like people who don't understand electricity or programming can't make a computer even if they have the full set of manufacturing processes. The complexity and danger of magic items far exceeds that of computers. Without the corresponding basic knowledge, even the simplest steps cannot be understood.

Wade studied with Professor Murray for several weeks, and listened to his comments on the homework and works of the sixth and seventh grade students every time. He also helped Professor Murray make a teaching aid for his class as an assistant. After a period of training, Professor Murray suggested that he could try to make the simplest magic items by himself - as long as three or five spells are properly matched, some wonderful effects can be produced, such as the automatic ink-filling feather pen and the howling letter.

Some ideas popped up in Wade's mind, such as he could let the feather pen automatically change the color of the ink when writing, or add the function of measuring the distance on the glasses, or make a dancing puppet - almost at the same time as the association, the manufacturing spell and specific steps were generated in his mind.

The spells and magic runes to be used are very basic, he has completely mastered them, and he should be able to succeed after practicing a few times at most. Wade has such confidence - but is he really going to do this?

In this case, what is the difference between his work and those student works that Professor Murray called "garbage"? They are all just copying others' ideas, completing the homework perfunctorily, but the work has little value.

This was Wade's first alchemy work. He didn't want to be so casual, nor did he want to end up in a garbage dump after handing in his homework.

At night, Wade's mind was full of thoughts, and he never fell into a dream. Between half asleep and half awake, he suddenly heard a rustling sound.

Wade sat up from the bed, took out his wand and waved it, and the oil lamp in the dormitory was lit, quietly emitting orange-yellow light.

It was very quiet inside and outside the dormitory, and there was a slight sound outside the window.

Wade put on his clothes and got out of bed, walked to the window, and then he found that it was snowing outside.

The goose feather snow fell, and the whole castle was shrouded in pure white. The thick snow covered all the messy things, and there was an extremely quiet and empty feeling.

Wade's mind flashed, and he suddenly thought of what he was going to do. When this idea came up, all other ideas seemed so fancy and superficial.

He returned to bed in a good mood and had a deep dream until dawn.


Wade originally thought that he had already done something outrageous by throwing Quirrell and making his face bleed, but he didn't expect that this was nothing at all, because the Weasley twins soon did something even more heart-pounding - they cast a spell on several snowballs, letting them chase Quirrell around and finally hit him on the back of the head.

Professor McGonagall was furious, and rushed out of the hall directly, deducting a full thirty points from the twins - that is, her own college! They were also punished with a month of detention - half a month before the Christmas holiday, and another half a month after the holiday.

The Weasley twins pretended to be repentant and apologized seriously, but as soon as they left the professor's sight, they became complacent.

"Why are you targeting Quirrell?" Wade asked curiously while standing in the corridor. For someone like him who knew the truth, the two's actions just now were simply pulling teeth from the tiger's mouth.

And although the Weasley brothers liked to play pranks, there was no reason for them to provoke the professor. After all, Gryffindors attach great importance to the score of the House Cup (because they will definitely be laughed at by Slytherin if they fall behind in the score), and even if Professor Quirrell deducted 200 points from them just now, no one would say anything.

Wade was very surprised - when did they become so ignorant?

The Weasleys stared at him for a while, and showed an expression of remembering something: "Ah, you are -"

"The library -"

"What's your name?" The two brothers asked together.

"Wade Grey, from Ravenclaw College." Wade said.

The twins suddenly realized - they had heard this name countless times from their youngest brother Ron. Every time after class with Ravenclaw College, Ron would talk about how a little wizard named Wade in the same grade was appreciated by the professors, and he must be the next Percy.

But from what they saw, Wade Grey was completely different from their brother Percy, and like them, he was an alchemy enthusiast, which made him very fond of him.

The Weasleys looked at each other, then came over and said, "Aren't you curious?"

"Quirrel always wears that big scarf--"

"No matter how the weather changes, he never takes it off——"

"We went to the kitchen and asked the house elves, and he didn't even ask them to clean the scarf—"

"So there must be some secret hidden under his scarf! No one can know it!" Fred Weasley said firmly: "Maybe it was some dark magic weapon that damaged his brain."

"It could also be an extremely ugly man with diarrhea——" George Weasley couldn't help but laugh, "think about that scene, it must be very funny."

"Don't bully Professor Quirrell just because he's easy to talk to!" Vader politely advised in a "Hermione-like" tone: "Do you dare to loosen Professor McGonagall's bun?"

"Don't say such scary things, okay?" Fred put his arm around Vader's shoulders with a familiar look: "And I also discovered something strange, do you know what it is?"

"What?" George asked in a flattering tone.

"I found out -" Fred looked at Vader and said in a long voice: "We have all talked about the suspicion about Quirrell's scarf, but you don't seem to be curious at all!"

Wade's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized that underneath the jovial attitude of the two brothers, there was an extremely keen intuition hidden behind them.

His eyes changed slightly, and George noticed it immediately.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "So you know?"

Vader crossed his arms, took a step back and leaned against the wall, squinting at the Weasleys: "So... this is an interrogation?"

George and Fred looked at each other and laughed at the same time: "Of course not!"

"You found the answer to the question earlier than we did, so we lost." Fred said seriously.

"But it's impossible to interrogate or anything. We will find out the answer ourselves!" George showed a bright smile.

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