The Weasleys looked at Vader.

Wade thought for a while, and did not mention what he knew about the plot. He just repeated what he heard that day word for word.

He has a good memory in this life, and even though more than a month has passed, there is almost no deviation in the retelling of the conversation.

Invisibly, there seemed to be a chill rising from the soles of my feet. There was a long silence in the umbrella house, and no one spoke for a long time.

Finally, Fred broke the silence: "I gotta say—this joke isn't funny at all—did you get it, George?"

George nodded silently, his face unusually pale.

"So -" Ryan struggled to understand and frowned: "Professor Quirrell is not Professor Quirrell, no - should I say, a dark wizard has possessed him? He wants to kill Harry Potter? We The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is a Death Eater?"

He looked around at everyone, as if expecting someone to suddenly shout: "Did it scare you? Hahaha!"

But no one spoke.

Ryan sat down holding the table, and after a while he said with hope: "Should we - should we go find Professor Dumbledore? All Death Eaters are afraid of him. As long as Professor Dumbledore takes action, we will definitely be able to -"

Hermione shook her head slightly and said softly: "No, you don't understand, Ryan - 'He stepped on my corpse and became a big star' - think about this, Ryan - who else would say that? Woolen cloth?"

The blood disappeared from the boy's face bit by bit. Ryan clenched his fists and his body trembled slightly: "But - it's impossible - that person is dead, isn't it - everyone knows that he is dead - By Harry Potter…”

He seemed to have bitten his tongue suddenly, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Hermione looked at him pityingly. She could tell that the boy actually believed it, but he just didn't dare to admit it.

——It seems that if you don’t admit it, that person will not be resurrected.

This was nothing to laugh at, for she too felt a shiver.

Hermione, who was born in the Muggle world, should have had no interest in Voldemort, but she had read a lot of books before entering the wizarding world, so she understood better than most students born in wizarding families, that "whose name must not be mentioned" "Man" has caused many shocking tragedies.

Before that man disappeared, his power had reached its peak, and a terrifying shadow shrouded the entire British Isles. Even Dumbledore... The world said that the man was most afraid of Dumbledore, because the war never stopped. Burning to Hogwarts, but not even Dumbledore could stop the series of deaths.

This made Hermione subconsciously have a deep fear of that person, but when she wanted to say his name, she opened her mouth, but couldn't say it directly.

It seems like it will awaken some terrible monster.

"Float... I mean, the mysterious man -" Hermione looked at everyone and said: "If the mysterious man is really possessed by Professor Quirrell - I think we should tell Dumbledore! Vader, why did you do that at that time? Didn't you find Professor Dumbledore immediately?"

Vader thought for a while: "Maybe it's because... I find it hard to believe that Dumbledore knows nothing about this?"

Fred nodded: "Dumbledore must have discovered Quirrell's abnormality, but for some reason, he has not dealt with it."

George said seriously: "He knows everything."

"But what if?" Hermione asked back: "What if Dumbledore is just suspicious but still looking for evidence? He may think that Professor Quirrell just surrendered to the darkness and doesn't know that the mysterious man is in him! We should Find Dumbledore, tell the truth, and let him decide what to do!"

"Of course, Hermione, you are right." Ryan said, "Of course it should be done."

"Then why don't we act now?" Fred stood up resolutely: "I saw Dumbledore in the auditorium during dinner! He must be at school now."

But Hermione didn't expect him to be so decisive. She asked hesitantly: "Should we call Harry? I mean - the person the mysterious man wants to kill is him - Harry should know where the danger will come from - —”

Vader thought for a moment: "Like you said, Hermione - let Dumbledore decide."

Hermione thought about the "test" he said and nodded silently, her eyes full of worry, as if she was worried that Harry would be killed by Voldemort on their way to find Dumbledore.

Standing in the corridor, Wade took out a bright silver whistle and blew it.

A loud whistle penetrated the air sharply and urgently, and after a while, an owl spread its wings and flew over from the west tower, passed through the window, and landed accurately on Wade's outstretched arm.

"Cool!" Fred whistled.

The owl Ava tilted her head and glanced at him, then called "Cuckoo" twice.

Vader rolled up the written note and let Ava hold it in her mouth. He warned: "Give it to Professor Dumbledore, and then bring me his reply."

Ava nodded, spread her wings and flew away. Everyone watched as it circled in the sky, then spotted the window on a small spire and flew in.

Hermione bit her finger and said worriedly: "Professor Dumbledore will not take our letter seriously, right? Maybe I should write a more detailed letter in the letter to let him know that we are not messing around..."

Fortunately, Dumbledore didn't keep them waiting for too long - maybe only a minute or two, before Ava flew out of the window again.

The owl handed the reply to Wade. On the parchment, it was written in a long, thin, circle-with-circle font:

"Welcome to my office. The password is Cascading Sundae."

"Cascading Sundae?" George muttered, "I don't think I've seen this dessert in the auditorium."

Fred said, "There was one at the end-of-term dinner last semester. What were you doing then? By the way, you secretly stuffed a bottle of cockroaches into Mr. Monta’s body-"

"Let him think he bought a pile of cockroaches-" George remembered the prank at the time and laughed, "He never ate cockroaches again after that! Wait-you took the opportunity to steal my sundae?"

"How can you say it's stealing?" Fred argued, "I took it openly, but you didn't see it-"

The two of them were playing and joking, and they came to the entrance of the principal's office together. On the way, they happened to meet Michael who was coming back from the Quidditch field. He greeted him and naturally integrated into the team. No one thought there was anything wrong.

There was an extremely ugly stone gargoyle crouching at the entrance of the principal's office. Fred avoided George's attack, jumped to the front and said, "Colorful Sundae!"

The stone beast jumped to the side, and the wall behind it split in two. Behind it was a slowly rising spiral staircase. Several people walked in one after another, and there was a bang behind them, and the wall closed again.

The stairs took everyone higher and higher, and Wade was secretly amazed in his heart-in the Muggle world, escalators are of course very common, but this is the first time he has seen such a thing in the wizarding world.

So why should we be the same as Muggles in this regard? ——The elevator is always installed where the principal needs it.

When everyone was a little dizzy because of the stairs, they finally saw a shining oak door with a brass door knocker in the shape of a griffon.

This is Dumbledore's office.

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