Chapter 47 Gift - Book of Friends

The time in school is heartbreakingly short, and the time to leave school comes almost in the blink of an eye.

When the first-year students lined up and left behind Hagrid, the few students who chose to stay in school stood by the window and looked at them with envy. But in fact, Wade is also envious of these students - they can stay in school freely for two weeks, have almost exclusive access to the library and potions classroom, and can consult professors at any time, which is almost a one-on-one tutoring .

Vader sighed.

If Fiona hadn't been looking forward to the day he came home a month ago, Wade would have really wanted to stay in school.

Of course, it feels good to be home.

After being away from home for half a year, the longing and love accumulated by his parents burst out almost the moment they saw him. Fiona hugged him at least ten times a day and kissed his forehead lovingly from time to time. Ferdinand was a little more reserved, but he touched his hair and patted his shoulders from time to time.

During the few months at school, Wade grew three centimeters taller. Because he climbs stairs all day long and sits for a long time, he will exercise for ten minutes to half an hour. Over time, his body becomes stronger and he can even see more obvious abdominal muscles.

But all these good changes can only be seen in two words in Fiona's eyes - "lost weight."

Mother touched Wade's face and said distressedly: "Did you not eat enough at school? Just wait, I will prepare a big table of delicious food for you today!"

She was ready to get to work.

Wade looked at the mirror - the eleven-year-old boy in the mirror still had some baby fat on his face that had not faded away. He looked a little round, fair and rosy, and looked good.

Ferdinand sat next to Wade and asked with a very serious look on his face: "Vide, in your letters you have always only reported the good news but not the bad news. Now tell me the truth - is anyone in school giving you a hard time?"

Wade also said seriously: "No - this is true. Ravenclaw itself is an independent college. Most of the classmates only care about ability, not many people care about blood, and I have been in several I am the first in my grade in every class. Professor Flitwick, the dean of our college, likes me very much, and Professor Murray. He devotes two hours a week to teaching me alchemy, and even invited me to join him before the holidays. 's private party.”

"That's good, it sounds like you have met some good teachers." Ferdinand smiled: "Are you happy in school?"

"Of course," Wade smiled: "I'm very happy."

Before Christmas, Wade mailed out all the gifts. When he woke up the next morning, he came downstairs and saw gift boxes piled under the Christmas tree.

Fiona walked over to him, hugged his head, kissed his forehead hard, and said happily: "Thank you, dear. I like the gift you gave me very much."

Vader gave her a bottle of beauty potion he brewed himself, which was a finished product approved by Professor Snape.

Ferdinand also nodded, "A great magic razor. But does the parchment you put in the gift box have any special use?"

"This is the alchemy work I completed independently - the Book of Friends." Wade said with a bit of pride.

He took out a book that he had bound by himself from his pocket. On the cover was written "Book of Friends" in both Chinese and English. When he opened it, the top of the horizontal line on the first page was the handwritten word "Family". On the right side, "Name" is written in smaller font, followed by a horizontal line.

Wade took out a quill pen and gave each of his parents one, and wrote his name on the right side of the pen.

"Our three friend accounts are related. Write the name like this, and then I write what I want to say here -"

He wrote a line in the blank space below the line - "Merry Christmas."

Fiona let out a small exclamation, and saw a line of words appearing on the parchment in her hand:

[Vade: Merry Christmas. 】

"Oh, I get it."

Fiona quickly wrote her name in the upper right corner, and then wrote below: [Merry Christmas, baby. 】

The same words also appeared on the parchment of father and son.

Ferdinand understood: "It's like a forum?"

Home computers have been around for many years, and the price only costs a few hundred pounds. Naturally, the Gray family bought one early, as they are all familiar with computers.

"Yes, it's like an Internet forum." Vader spread his hands, "Because the carrier is just a piece of paper, it seems a little more magical. It can't transmit video and sound. In fact, it's not as good as the Internet, but it is not affected by the magic magnetic field. so that you can contact me at any time even if I am at school.”

To be more precise, "Book of Friends" is a magical version of WeChat. It's just that nowadays, things like MSN Messenger, WhatsApp, QQ, WeChat, etc. have not yet been developed, which makes Wade's "Book of Friends" very advanced.

"I have to say, this is the best Christmas gift I've received this year, Vader." Ferdinand's eyes sparkled: "But what's even better than this is that you really learned something at Hogwarts. -I'm proud of you, kid."

Fiona soon became addicted to "online chat" like most people who come into contact with communication software for the first time. Even if Vader and Ferdinand were less than two meters away from her, she would always use the friend account to communicate.

Soon, text began to appear on other pages of Vader's Friendship Book.

The second page is associated with SSC members.

[Michael: Hello? 】

[Padma: Merlin, I really saw what you wrote. ]

[Hermione: Can you see what I wrote too? Oh my god, it really appeared! How did you do that? I didn't see a similar spell in the book! ]

[Padma: Forget about the book, Hermione, today is Christmas, you should be happy. ]

[Michael: Wade, I thought you were just starting to learn alchemy! You should have told me earlier that you made such a great thing! ]

[Theo: I read the instructions and just figured out how to use it - it's amazing! This is the best magic item I've ever seen! ]

[Ryan: ...I'm so shocked that I don't know what to say. Just write a sentence to prove that I saw it. ]

[Neville: I accidentally fell off the sofa, and my grandma thought I received some dark magic item and almost confiscated it. ]

[Wade: Merry Christmas, everyone. ]

His words seemed to ignite the frying pan, and everyone's messages popped up one after another. They soon discovered that the space occupied by each line of text was limited. It would take about one or two seconds for each sentence to disappear after reading. At most, only fifteen lines of text could be displayed on the page at the same time. The "online chat" was forcibly limited in speed, so that there would not be a situation where "999+" unread messages appeared in just a few minutes.

In a few minutes, they quickly learned to send emoticons without any guidance, and it seemed that they would not be able to stop for a while.

Wade turned to the third page, which was the house-elves page. The house-elves who had a close relationship with him all received one. They carefully tried to write words on the parchment and wrote many words of gratitude to Wade.

Next came Professor Murray, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape. Except for Snape who gave a "barely usable" evaluation and Professor Murray reconfirmed the invitation in two days, everyone else praised his wonderful ideas and said that they could also tutor him during the holidays.

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