Aslan's magic workshop was indeed very efficient. When Wade went out, he already had the first edition of "The Book of Friends" in his hand.

This is a preliminarily determined collection that is related to at least two people and at most fifteen people. The cover is much more beautiful than Wade's handwriting. The font is bordered with gold and reflects the slightly swaying lisianthus. The internal pages use different colors and flowers to show the difference. For example, sunflowers for two people, tulips for three people, daylilies for four people, violets for five people, etc., are all flowers that can symbolize friendship.

In Wade's opinion, this "Book of Friends" is already very exquisite, but Marchionne is not too satisfied.

"This is the version for women, they should dust it with a little powder."

"Are there other versions?" Vader asked.

"Of course." Marchionne said: "There are versions for men, which will be printed with pictures of green pine trees, crowns, scepters, bows and arrows; there are also animal versions, which will be printed with unicorns, phoenixes, fire dragons, and pegasus. One category; the children's version includes velvet velvet and fairies; the novelty version includes dementors and three-headed dogs; the Quidditch version will feature famous Quidditch stars and broomsticks; and there are also buildings Edition, Veela Edition, Order of Merlin Edition, Academy Edition..."

He mentioned dozens of types in one go, as if he could come up with a lot of money-making ideas without even thinking. Finally, he said: "There are all kinds of patterns to choose from. Many people will buy a few more books for collection even if they don't need them." Go back. But we currently have the most flower templates, so I’ll make this one first. If you don’t like it, you can give it to your female classmates. When other versions are printed, I’ll give you a few sets.”

Wade shook his head: "What do I need so much for?"

"You can keep it yourself!" Marchionne said with a smile, "It's also good to give it to classmates to get closer!"

"I don't like to please other people."

In other words, his life has not reached the point where he needs to please others to continue. This has been the case in his past and present lives.

"It's not a favor, but if someone does you a little favor, you can repay it with a friend's account. It doesn't need to be too much, just a set for two or three people." Marchionne gave instructions like an elder brother. He: "This thing costs almost nothing to you, but it is a relatively precious gift to others. You will be very happy if you receive it. Also, Vader——"

He touched Wade's soft hair and said, "We are not a lone star in the night sky. There are always times when we need help from others - how can you get it if you don't give it first?"

"Although what Marchionne said makes sense, if it makes you feel embarrassed, then there is no need to imitate him." Professor Murray suddenly said: "Blindly imitating others will only make you lose your own judgment. All you need to do is Just be good to yourself - a lone star is naturally lonely, but if it is the sun, there will naturally be stars around it. "

"Well, maybe you are right, Professor." Marchionne shrugged: "But I always think that there is nothing wrong with having a good relationship with most people."

"You have been thinking about how to make money all day since the first grade, but Wade is not a businessman, he is an alchemist - enjoying loneliness, pursuing the unknown, and being in the company of knowledge. This is the character of an alchemist! Don't use your Unscrupulous business practices have come to contaminate my students," Professor Murray said unhappily.

"Hey, you are slandering, professor!" Marchionne protested, and immediately gave an example: "If I really do whatever it takes to make money, then I should ask the technical department to adjust the use period of the Friends' Account to one Years later, users would have to buy new ones every year, so that the gold galleons would really continue to flow. But I didn’t do that, which proves that even though I’m doing business, I still have noble moral character!”

"But you must have thought about it, right? Otherwise you wouldn't blurt out such a vicious method."

"——It's not illegal if you think about it."

Their next stop was naturally Gringotts.

It was already evening, and there were very few wizards shopping in Diagon Alley. Instead, some sneaky guys in black robes began to appear. Almost all of them walked into a dark and gloomy alley.

"Don't look over there! That's Knockturn Alley, the favorite haunt of dark wizards."

Marchionne blocked Vader's view, and at the same time wrapped his arms in wide sleeves, Vader's whole body was almost covered by him, while Professor Murray walked on the other side of him.

Several people arrived at Gringotts smoothly, and an elf standing near the door bowed to them.

"Good evening, gentlemen."

"Good evening." Marchionne extended his hand and said, "Mr. Wade Gray needs to rent a new vault."

"Vade Gray?" The goblin looked up at Vader, who was almost half a head taller than him. He did not question his age, but nodded and said, "Okay, I understand - which one should I rent?" Plant a treasury?”

"Please introduce the types and prices to Mr. Gray first."

"Please come over here—"

Wade followed the goblin and Marchionne to go through the treasury procedures, while Professor Murray came to another goblin who was sitting on a high stool writing.

"Long time no see, Griphook."

"Hello, Professor Murray, is there anything I can do for you?" the goblin named Griphook said respectfully.

"I want to get something from my vault." Professor Murray showed the key.

"Okay, wait a minute - I'll get the jingle."

The goblins imprisoned a fire dragon in the underground vault to deal with those with bad intentions. The jingle piece allows the goblins and customers to travel safely through the vault.

The first time Wade got on the legendary trolley, Michael once described it to him - as if it was going to knock your brains out.

The stroller looks narrow, small, and very simple, but it is not crowded even if it seats two adults, a child, and two goblins. The pull ring flicked the armrest connected to the front of the car, and the cart clicked away.

"Close your eyes and don't open your mouth!" Marchionne seized the moment and shouted to Wade.

Wade didn't ask stupid questions and immediately complied.

The trolley slid down the steep slope, getting faster and faster, and gradually you could hear the icy wind whistling past you. The road in the middle must be particularly winding, because their bodies are involuntarily swaying left and right, as if they are trying to throw people away. Fortunately, he kept his eyes closed, and the dizziness was greatly reduced. Marchionne's arm was firmly stuck in front of his chest, as if adding a safety lever to him.

After an unknown amount of time, the cart finally stopped. At this time, several people's faces were already pale, and they held on to the railing for a while before Wade and Marchionne could climb out of the car.

As for Professor Murray, he still needs to go further down to get something from his vault.

"Okay, let's set off." Griphook said, turning the lever on the trolley again.

Another goblin named Culler was standing on the roadside, with a "317" sign hanging on the vault door next to him. He held the bronze key with his slender fingers, inserted it into the keyhole and turned it a few times. The chains suddenly came alive and crawled around, and the vault door opened.

Wade stood at the door and looked inside. The empty vault was like a huge cave, with not even a weed in it.

"This will be your vault from now on, Mr. Wade Gray." Kuler handed him the key and said, "Please be sure to keep your key."

Wade took the key, which had a slender silver chain on it, just enough for him to hang around his neck.

"A bit empty, isn't it?" Marchionne said with a smile, and then signed a document and handed it to Culler: "Transfer fifty thousand Galleons from my vault to vault No. 317."

Kuhler took it expressionlessly and said, "Okay, please wait a moment."

It seemed that within just a few breaths, a tinkling sound suddenly sounded in my ears. Vader was looking for the source of the sound when he suddenly saw tens of thousands of Galleons falling from the sky, like a heavy rain in the vault. They hit the ground with a clanging sound, forming a golden hill, shining with dazzling golden light under the torch.

Marchionne smiled and said: "One day, this place will be filled with gold galleons, right?"

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