A sharp whistle sounded and all the train doors were closed. The front of the car sprayed steam and began to move forward with a clang. Wade waved out from the window and watched his father's figure gradually go away.

He turned around and sat down, his heart heavy.

The Book of Friends felt faintly warm. After opening it, I saw that there were several more sentences on the first page——

[Fiona: Is the road going smoothly? The train should have already departed, right? 】

[Fiona: Miss Ava seems a little unhappy. I think it may be because you didn’t bring her with you. 】

[Fiona: Is it cold on the train? 】

Wade smiled, took out his pen and replied sentence by sentence——

[Vide: We had a smooth trip. The train just left, and dad should be on his way home already.

If Miss Ava is unhappy, maybe you can feed her some dried fish? That was her favorite snack. I remember it was on the second floor of the cabinet. Or some scarabs or dried locusts, and she'll be happy too - just don't eat too much, or it may cause gastrointestinal problems.

Of course, you must know these.

In addition, there was probably a warmth charm to maintain the temperature on the train, so it wasn’t cold and the scarf was also very warm.

I will remember to take more photos. 】

"Hi, Vader!" When Vader was about to stop writing, Michael poked his head in and said happily: "I knew you should be in this direction - guys, here!"

He waved in the other direction, then dragged the box into the car and said excitedly: "It's big news, isn't it, Wade?"

"——What?" Wade was a little confused.

"Of course it's the Book of Friends!"

Michael pulled out his wand, let the box float to the luggage rack and put it away. He sat down and said, "Before school started, my parents were in a hurry to buy a copy! When they knew I had a whole copy in my hand, they all I was so surprised! But I thought it was a secret among SSC members, but I suddenly heard that it was on sale in Diagon Alley - so the rumor is true, right?"

"——What rumors?" Wade found that after not seeing each other for three weeks, he couldn't keep up with Michael's topics.

"Oh, we've all heard about it. Some people came up to me and asked me, because they knew we were in the same grade -" Theo also entered the door at this time, and continued: "-but I have to say, they all look like I didn’t really believe it, I thought someone was lying!”

"Hi, Vader. Long time no see -" Ryan followed in and said, "I guess you rarely look at the SSC chat page?"

"Well - because I still want to read a book..." Wade asked.

"I guess that's it, otherwise you wouldn't be able to say nothing -" Ryan shrugged: "Let Theo explain, he knows better."

Theo Mancini, although his surname is not among the legendary Twenty-Eight Saints, he is actually a pure-blood and is relatively well-informed.

"That's right, there were rumors before the Book of Friends came out -" Theo looked at Wade and said, "They said that there will be a new, cheaper, and more convenient communication method that may break the Today's loose structure among wizards makes the relationship between people closer——"

Michael said: "I guessed at that time - whether they were talking about the Book of Friends -"

So even though he had a Book of Friends in his hand, he didn't dare to give it to his parents or friends. Instead, he kept it at the bottom of the box. Every day, he took out the Book of Friends and secretly chatted with his friends on the pretext of saying that he needed to study, and told them not to use the Book of Friends as a gift. The account is revealed.

But at that time, except for Michael, whose friend list was all in his own hands, everyone else had at least given one page to their parents. So everyone hurriedly patched up the matter and told their parents to keep it a secret.

Unexpectedly, after two or three days, the gossip seemed to spread all over the world, and everyone knew about it.

"In those days, our Floo powder was used up several times faster than usual." Ryan said: "Many people wanted to get involved. My father said he knew a pure-blood noble who tried every means to get it. Agency to the Americas——"

"But the owner of Aslan's magic workshop - Marchionne is a cunning and unpredictable character - this is my grandfather's assessment." Theo continued: "He said that Marchionne is like a hyena. , if anyone messes with him, he will take the enemy’s intestines out of his… ass.”

Mancini's grandfather's words were actually more vulgar, and Theo was too embarrassed to repeat them, so he just kept it vague.

"No one dared to mess with Marchionne - no one had ever taken advantage of him. However, some people said that Marchionne also obtained the authorization for the Book of Friends patent from others, and the inventor also Just a first-year student at Hogwarts—" Theo looked at Vader.

"Someone is trying to find you like crazy. I was really afraid of hearing your name at that time, Vader." Ryan said with a bit of worry.

Theo continued: "But the great alchemist Terence Murray publicly stated at a banquet that the inventor was his student, and he would never tolerate anyone causing trouble and trouble to his students. If It would be considered an insult and a provocation to Terrence Murray for anyone to go around him to find his students—"

Ryan added: "It was only after this that I learned that Professor Murray has a very high status in some fields - and there is also Dumbledore in Hogwarts -"

At this point, a witch who was pushing a cart selling snacks passed by the door. They stopped talking and everyone bought some snacks.

Then the interrupted topic continued.

"Professor Dumbledore also said that he hoped everyone could respect his students, otherwise he would have no choice but to defend the rights of his students - suddenly everything was calm again."

Theo said as he unwrapped the chocolate frog: "I heard that those who have ideas are now looking for Marchionne again. Maybe they think that the cost of provoking Marchionne is lower - oh, my chocolate frog!"

The frog jumped out suddenly, and Theo hurried to catch it but failed to catch it. Finally, Wade stopped it before it jumped out of the window.

"Thank you, Wade."

Wade handed over the chocolate frog and asked, "So... my name hasn't been spread?"

"Most people don't know. Many of them thought I was a sixth or seventh grade student!" Ryan said, "But I guess it shouldn't be hidden from those pure-blood nobles - even if Professor Dumbledore and Professor Murray say so, but Wade, you'd better not be alone in school -"

Michael put his arm around Wade's shoulders and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we will be inseparable like conjoined twins - by the way, brother, it is rumored that Marchionne spent a lot of Galleons to buy the usage fee - some people say that you are rich enough to rival a country, is that true?"

When the other two avoided the topic, he asked frankly.

Wade tried to speak calmly and not to sound boastful: "It's not that exaggerated, only 50,000 Galleons."

Michael grinned as if he had a toothache: "50,000 Galleons! I have never seen so much money in my life!"

Theo smiled relaxedly: "Some people say it's a million Galleons! What nonsense--"

Rian suddenly pressed his shoulder, and Theo stopped talking immediately.

There was a knock on the door outside the carriage.

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