Their eyes met.

After a moment, Wade walked forward again, asking, "Did you see it just now?"

"Yeah." Griffiths nodded and said, "When I was visiting, I happened to see you and the house-elf... The sign of a good house-elf is that it does not let wizards discover its existence, and the house-elfs at Hogwarts have always been the best - many students have never seen an elf until they graduate!"

Griffiths commented with a smile: "Naive little fools, they thought the castle had some magical housework magic that made their dirty clothes and shoes clean!"

"Whether it will be seen by others is not the criterion for judging good or bad." Wade defended his little friend: "The harpy is also very good."

"You are right." Griffiths nodded and said in agreement, and the fact that he did not refute a word made people feel a little weird.

There were no portraits in the corridor ahead, and Griffiths had to stop and watch the little wizard of Ravenclaw go away.

"——A Ravenclaw who made friends with the house elves?"

He said to himself, and suddenly laughed: "Really just friends?"

Wade suddenly found that the professors' attitude towards him became more gentle, and even Professor Snape gave him two extra points for the first time - you know, in the previous potion class, even if Wade's potions were almost perfect every time, Professor Snape would give him one point at most three times out of ten.

Wade really wanted to take a picture of the astonished expressions of the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs in the classroom.

Professor McGonagall, who was always strict, also let Wade stay alone after class and gave him a list of books.

"Transfiguration is the most magical magic." Professor McGonagall said with a smile: "If you can read these books carefully and understand them deeply, you will definitely go further on the road of Transfiguration."

"Thank you, professor." Wade looked at the list of books. He had not read most of them, but--

"The last few books seem to be in the forbidden area of ​​the library."

"That's right. When you finish reading the previous books, you can come to me--" Professor McGonagall looked at him expectantly and said, "I will sign your approval slip."

Professor Flitwick naturally needs no mention. He promised that Wade could borrow any book from his private library at any time, and every time Wade went to ask questions, the candies and desserts on Professor Flitwick's table would be more abundant than usual;

Professor Sprout's smile became more friendly, and she also lent Wade a few books on herbology after class.

So Wade's time began to become more and more tight.

In the morning, he would fly directly from the tower to the eighth floor of the main tower on his broomstick, and one of Zoe and the other two would rush to help him return the broom to the dormitory.

He would transform the Room of Requirement into a fitness equipment or a swimming pool to exercise, and then transform it into a study to read books, prepare for his homework, and then have breakfast. During this time, there was always a house elf guarding nearby. If someone passed by nearby, they would remind him in the friend book to prevent him from bumping into anyone when entering and leaving the Room of Requirement.

After that, if he had classes, he would naturally go to the classroom first; when he had no classes, Wade basically spent all his time in the Room of Requirement.

If he wanted to practice magic, the Room of Requirement could provide relevant books and targets for spells; if he wanted to practice potions, there would be various types of crucibles, scales, fuels, measuring cups, etc., but he still needed to prepare the materials in advance; if he wanted to study alchemy and the "gifts" and "tests" given to him by Professor Murray, the various alchemy equipment was even more complete than that of Professor Murray.

After dinner and before curfew, this is almost the fixed activity time of SSC. They gather in the umbrella house to practice spells, complete the homework that has not been completed during the day, discuss and solve problems with each other, or just sit together and chat.

In fact, with Wade's advanced learning progress, none of the SSC people can provide any valuable help to his study. This can be regarded as Wade's personal after-school tutoring class, and it doesn't charge money.

But not everything needs to be thought from the perspective of mutual use and utilitarianism.

The time spent with these partners is also very precious to Wade. Here, his brain and spirit can be fully relaxed, and he can also put down some thoughts that have been weighing on his mind. He can talk and laugh casually, which relieves the fatigue of a whole day of high-intensity study.

Moreover, seeing that the originally clumsy Neville and others have made significant progress under his guidance, this joy and satisfaction even exceeds the joy of learning a new magic himself-after all, Wade is accustomed to the latter, and the former is always a surprise every time it appears.

Positive emotions are always contagious. Every time the Umbrella House activity ends, everyone has a smile on their face.

"It would be great if we could suggest to the principal to postpone the school curfew for another hour." Padma packed up her books and said happily, "I have never felt so happy studying before."

Even Neville nodded. As long as he was in the Umbrella House, he didn't even feel that studying potions was painful anymore.

He still made mistakes frequently, but his friends around him would correct his mistakes in time, and no one scolded him.

"Next week is the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, right?" Michael looked at the people from the two colleges with a searching look in his eyes.

"Yes." Hermione sighed worriedly: "I heard that Professor Snape will be the referee."

"Then you are miserable." Padma said sympathetically: "Professor Snape will definitely not judge impartially - everyone knows how much he hates Gryffindor, especially when there is Harry in the team of your college. ·Potter.”

Almost no one in the entire school knew about Snape's targeting of Harry Potter.

But several people who had been to the principal's office last time looked at each other with similar understanding in their eyes.

At noon the next day, Hermione gave a signal in the auditorium, and several people gathered in the umbrella house with tacit understanding to talk about this matter——

"Professor Snape should be sent by the principal to protect Harry Potter on the playing field, right?" Ryan said, "Although Professor Snape has a bad temper, Professor Dumbledore must trust him so much. Because he is trustworthy."

Michael played with his Quidditch star model, watching the little puppet being poked down and getting up again and again. He added with a smile: "Of course, point deductions and protection - these two things can be done at the same time without conflict--"

Ryan sighed: "There are so many professors in the school, why does the principal send the one who hates Harry Potter the most?"

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