Michael has left.

Wade turned his head and looked at the window glass.

The figure in the glass has a pair of gray eyes. They are neither as deep as black eyes nor as bright as blue eyes. They are more like a quiet lake in autumn and winter, without any strong emotions.

Sometimes, people who look at him will have a particularly cold feeling, and people can't help but guess whether he is equally cold in his heart.

Through the reflection on the glass, you can see on the grounds outside the castle, a group of students carrying brooms, braving the rainy weather, walking across the lawn back to the castle. Their faces and bodies were covered in mud, as if they had rolled in the quagmire. They couldn't even see their faces clearly, but the thinnest figure among them was still particularly conspicuous.

Then, a man in a turban shrank from the cold and trotted across the field of vision.

After a while, another black bat-like figure strode into the castle. The sides of his robe were blown high by the wind, and the rain seemed to avoid him in fear. His face was gloomier than the cloudy sky, and all the students he met on the road ran away in panic.

Wade couldn't help but smile slightly.

Harry Potter.


Severus Snape.

Savior, Dark Lord, and former Death Eater.

Several people with contradictory identities and even murderous intentions are in the same castle, living in peace as teachers and students, just waiting for the moment when they finally meet.

Thinking of Michael's expression as if his soul had been baptized when he left, the corners of Wade's mouth raised slightly.

He cleared away the clutter on the table, organized his recent homework and notes, put on his schoolbag and headed to the astronomy tower.

——Of course, let Harry Potter join, and even try to help him improve his strength. Otherwise, if Voldemort is resurrected - or gains greater strength due to some butterfly effect or the like, who will resist it?

——Is it Vader, who is still very weak at the moment? Is it Michael who hangs out with girls all day? Or is it Dumbledore who was cursed and fell from the tower in the plot?

Harry Potter, despite all his shortcomings - such as recklessness, impulsiveness, lack of self-discipline, etc., even though he is good at only a few spells, and has not achieved excellence in other courses except Defense Against the Dark Arts... but he is It is undoubtedly a special killing weapon for ambush.

Not to mention when he was a baby, starting from school, Voldemort basically lost every year against Harry Potter. In the last year, Harry Potter had the help of God to find out Voldemort's hidden secrets in a very short time. All the Horcruxes that rose up finally completely buried the Dark Lord, but he himself was almost unharmed.

Be it the halo of the protagonist... or the son of luck...

Vader currently does not have the strength to defeat Voldemort, so he will never refuse such a friend.

Even if one day he is more powerful than Voldemort, he will not turn away Harry Potter - things are unpredictable, and Harry Potter is always a powerful trump card.

It was raining outside the castle, and streaks of lightning flashed across the sky. The bright light illuminated mottled shadows through the windows, flashing and disappearing suddenly.

"Bad weather, isn't it?"

Professor Murray poured a cup of hot tea, thought for a moment, added some milk and sugar, then sat on the chair and said comfortably.

"Yes." Vader was also holding hot tea and said with a smile: "But I also feel that this kind of weather is particularly suitable for sleeping in. Muggles call this uniform and continuous sound white noise, and think it can shield sound at other frequencies, thereby improving sleep quality.”

As he became more and more familiar with Professor Murray, Vader learned about the professor's attitude towards Muggles and no longer tabooed talking to him about Muggle theories and technologies.

"White noise..." Professor Murray thought for a moment and smiled: "They always have some wonderful and weird research, don't they? I also saw a... well, research report, it seems to be a study of the human ring finger The relationship between length and wisdom.”

"But there are also some very interesting studies, such as the interaction between dreams and reality, time travel, forms of alien life, etc." Vader thought for a while and said with some yearning: "They are still heading beyond the earth. Exploration, if interstellar travel can really be realized, I would really like to be a passenger.”

"I'm looking forward to it too, but at my age, I'm afraid I won't see that day. If you live well, it's still possible - or you can refine the Philosopher's Stone like Mr. Nick Flamel." Murray The professor chuckled and said.

Wade also smiled: "I have read in books that the magic stone can create the elixir of life - is Mr. Nick Flame still the same as he was when he was young?"

He still remembered that Nick Flamel in the movie was like a walking pale ghost, with bones so crisp that they could break at the touch of a touch. He wondered if it would be different in this world.

"Well -" Professor Murray pondered for a moment, then said: "I can only say - the elixir of life can indeed allow the owner to escape death, but the cumulative effect of six centuries is terrible, and the potion cannot completely offset it. This kind of effect——"

"Then such immortality seems to be meaningless." Wade tilted his head and thought for a moment before saying.

Professor Murray couldn't help but smile: "Only a child in your prime would say this without hesitation. When you are as old as me, you will understand that when people are approaching the end of their lives, they have to pay attention to death. Fear and attachment to life will make us fear death and long for a longer existence.”

"Would Professor Murray think so?" Wade couldn't help asking.

"I'm just a mortal, of course I would." Professor Murray stroked the teacup and said, "But Albus said something - death is a great adventure. No one knows what the world after death is like - it may be as terrible as the legend, or as beautiful as the legend, or just nothingness -"

Professor Murray seemed to recall something, paused for a moment, and suddenly murmured: "So I am afraid of death, but I also look forward to the arrival of that day - I will continue to go on and see what the scenery ahead is -"

Wade looked at him quietly.

Professor Murray suddenly came back from his contemplation and smiled: "It's too early for you to say this - by the way, do you have the answer to the question I left for you before?"

"Yes." Wade took the small box out of his pocket and put it on the table, saying in a disapproving tone: "But professor, this is too expensive."

"The value of a gift does not lie in how much it costs, but in how you will use it." Professor Murray said in a kind and encouraging tone: "Tell me what you think."

Wade opened the box: "This is a piece of bird snake skin - Steven introduced this creature to me. Its body can stretch at will. It can become as big as a dragon, or it can get into a small teapot. It usually feeds on insects and mice -"

Professor Murray nodded and asked: "Well, what else?"

Wade took a deep breath: "- is the best material for the traceless extension spell."

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