Hearing Harry's voice, Malfoy hurriedly turned around, but before he could do so, Harry knocked him away. Malfoy bumped into Goyle, who was giggling beside him, and they both rolled to the ground.

"Harry Potter!" Malfoy yelled angrily.

Ron also ran over and stood next to Harry, confronting the others. His mind was racing - Slytherins were outnumbered, maybe they should run to the library...

"Harry, don't—oh, Neville!"

When Hermione saw Neville's appearance, her lips turned white with anger. She hurriedly went up to undo the spell for Neville.

Neville finally stood up with Hermione's help. He was shaking all over and stared at the Slytherin student who was holding his wand - Theodore Nott.

Under his fierce and angry gaze, Nott's feet quietly retreated a little.

"Too much! You-" Hermione stared at everyone angrily and shouted: "How could you do this to him?"

"What does it matter?" Malfoy stood up, patting the dirt on his body, and cursed angrily: "You stinking Mudblood!"

Before Harry could understand what was happening, he heard Ron and Neville roar and they all rushed forward!

"You will pay for what you said, Malfoy!" Ron shouted.

"Don't say that word, don't!" Neville also showed unprecedented courage and anger.

Two fists smashed into Malfoy's face.

The exquisite-looking Master Malfoy screamed, and blood spurted out from his nose.

"How dare you!" Pansy Parkinson screamed, reaching out and grabbing Ron's robe, scratching his neck with her nails.

The surrounding Slytherins did not stand still. Goyle kicked Neville in the stomach, and Nott kicked Ron away.

Harry was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately. When Crabbe hit Neville on the head with his fist, he pounced on him without hesitation.

Slytherin and Gryffindor immediately got into a fight. They had no time to use spells and all spoke with their fists and kicks. After taking a brief advantage, the three Gryffindor boys quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Although Hermione didn't understand what Malfoy was cursing, she did not hesitate to use the spell she was most familiar with——


The wands were waved vigorously, and the Slytherins present felt as if their robes were choking their throats. They were involuntarily pulled up by their own clothes, and after being suspended in the air for two or three seconds, there was another "bang" Smashed to the ground.

The three of them, Harry, who was pressed to the ground and beaten, looked at her in shock.


Pansy hit her nose, she groaned in pain and cursed: "You damn Mudblood——"

Malfoy, whose face was covered with nosebleeds, rolled up from the ground, pulled out his wand, pointed it at Hermione and shouted: "Take a stick with your front teeth!"

"Stop!" Harry quickly took out his wand and quickly remembered a spell he had seen in a book before -


The two's spells flew across the air, and Malfoy's spell hit Hermione. The girl whimpered and quickly reached out to cover her face, but her front teeth had already begun to grow at an alarming speed, extending past her lips towards her chin in the blink of an eye; ha. Leigh's spell hit Malfoy. Due to his lack of skill, the power of the spell only made Malfoy fall back.

For a moment, spells were flying everywhere in the corridor, and students passing by kept away. But everyone soon discovered that most of their spells were not as powerful as their own fists and kicks, so the little wizards started punching and kicking them again.

Hermione's teeth had reached her chin. She wanted to leave, but was stopped by Pansy Parkinson, so the brown-haired girl bumped into her decisively and gave him a hard headbutt, causing both of them to scream at the same time.

"Immobulus! (All fixed!)"

Suddenly a voice sounded in the corridor, and everyone's movements were frozen. At first glance, it seemed a bit funny.

——The professor is here?

This thought flashed across the students at the same time, and they suddenly panicked.

Only Neville shouted happily: "Vader!"

Harry pushed Malfoy's face hard with one hand while still entangled with Nott. He was frozen in a particularly twisted posture. He tried his best to look to the side, only to see a slender figure stretched by the sunlight outside the window. silhouette.

"Neville?" Wade Gray said with a surprised voice: "And - um, Hermione - what are you doing?"

Before Neville could answer, he cast two spells in succession: "Stop the spell immediately! Release your strength!"

A group of people were finally no longer frozen in ugly postures, but their hands and feet were weak and their bodies were weak. Harry almost hugged Malfoy. He quickly broke away and looked at the person.

It was not just Vader Gray who came over, but also Michael Corner and Padma Patil from Ravenclaw, and Theo Mancini and Ryan Carrow from Hufflepuff.

The four colleges have cross-class classes. The students in the same grade are not strangers, but they are not very familiar either. They basically know each other but have not spoken to each other much.

But even so, Harry and Ron also knew that the few people in front of them were among the top students in class. They were often praised and given extra points for their colleges. They had never heard of any bad deeds, and they were not like Wes. Brothers Lai also violated school rules. Especially Wade Gray, there seems to be no professor who doesn't like him, and he is also the inventor of the Book of Friends...

Facing such peers, they naturally felt a sense of distance mixed with inferiority and powerlessness, as if an invisible shackle bound their hands, feet and temper.

The Slytherins also climbed up one after another. Under the vigilant gaze of Michael and others, they looked at each other and did not continue to attack.

Wade ignored these students. He was leaning down to pull Hermione, who had disheveled hair, up from the ground and check her long front teeth. Hermione wanted to block them with her palm, but it was not easy because the teeth were still growing and were almost up to her shoulders.

The slender white teeth flashed, looking both scary and funny.

The girl whimpered, touched her teeth in shock and fear, and tears came out of her eyes.

"It's okay, Madam Pomfrey will cure it in two minutes." Wade comforted her, then took off his robe and covered Hermione's head, "Padma, please accompany Hermione to the school infirmary."

"Okay, leave it to me." Padma responded decisively, helping Hermione leave, and by the way, she also helped her pull down her robe to cover the increasingly scary teeth, and also to block the prying and mocking eyes of others.

The girls left, and Wade turned to the others, smiled, and said gently: "So-who can tell me what happened here?"

His face was calm, but there was no smile in his eyes.

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