[Vade: Dad, if you determine that he is a trustworthy person during the interview, please tell him - I will meet him at the Three Broomsticks pub in Hogsmeade village this Saturday morning. 】

[Ferdinand: Can you leave school? 】

[Vade: I have a way]

[Ferdinand: Is it safe? 】

[Vade: Don’t worry, Hogsmeade is always under the watchful eye of Mr. Dumbledore. 】

There is a moving magical photo between the pages of the book - the love in the parents' eyes and the happy smile on the child's face are all permanently recorded by the camera.

Ferdinand stared for a long time before closing the friend's account.

Although the words disappeared from the paper, they were engraved in his mind.

When bidding farewell at the station, the father and son faintly unveiled a veil called "whitewashing the peace." From then on, Wade gradually began to write some facts that had been hidden from them in the friends' account.

For example, Slytherin still advocates the supremacy of pure blood and often conflicts with Gryffindor; for example, he plans to start practicing more difficult spells with several classmates to prepare for the future.

Vader also asked Ferdinand for help and published a recruitment advertisement in the Daily Prophet. The delivery address was a guest room in the Leaky Cauldron - Ferdinand reserved this room for a month and would come every day after get off work to read the letters he received. . The bar owner Tom looks difficult to get along with on the outside, but he is actually a warm-hearted person who helps him organize various application letters every day.

The conditions listed in the advertisement were very harsh, but the salary was only average. Even so, there were many letters sent from all directions every day. Vader specifically reminded him that some wizards would include curses or harmful potions in the letters, so that he should not open the letters himself.

In fact, there is no need for Vader to remind him that Ferdinand himself is very wary of magic. He specially spent a sum of money to ask the bar owner Tom to help check whether the letters were safe. Ferdinand believed that it was possible to open a bar in a traffic thoroughfare like Diagon Alley and operate it safely with extremely poor hygiene until now. Boss Tom's magic level must be quite high.

In the letter, some people attached their grades when they graduated from Hogwarts and asked for a salary increase; others boasted about their abilities, but could not provide any effective proof other than their own bragging.

But it didn't matter. From the beginning, Ferdinand knew that this recruitment advertisement was actually for one person - Wade heard the wizard's name from somewhere, and insisted on hiring only this person. No matter how beautiful someone else’s resume is, it’s impossible to get hired.

And now, that person is finally here.

Ferdinand decided to take care of this for his son. If this guy named Remus Lupin was just a facade, or if his character was questionable, Ferdinand would not let him stay with his son under any circumstances.

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk!"

There was a knock on the guest room door, and the boss Tom's voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Gray, Mr. Lupin has arrived at the bar."

"Okay, I'll come right away." Ferdinand took a deep breath, straightened his collar, and walked out.

Arriving at the bar on the first floor, Ferdinand, under the guidance of Boss Tom, saw the man - brown hair mixed with white hair, and an extremely worn wizard robe with a few patches on it. He looked young, but his face was haggard and old, like one of those middle-aged unemployed guys holding up signs in Canary Wharf looking for work.

Ferdinand frowned.

A wizard who seemed to have problems even with his basic ability to make a living - this was his first impression of Remus Lupin.

According to Ferdinand's understanding of magic, it should be much easier for wizards to make money reasonably and legally than for Muggles... How bad do they have to be to not be able to afford new clothes?

Or...does he think wearing a little shabby clothing will arouse more sympathy from his employer?

But this is who Vader wants to find.

Ferdinand walked over anyway.

The wizard noticed the movement from a distance and looked up keenly. Although he looked exhausted, his eyes showed calmness and peace, and his movements of holding the wand quickly and covertly made him look very alert.

Ferdinand suddenly understood - this was indeed the man Wade had been waiting for for a long time.

"Hey, that's weird."

Padma muttered as she flipped through the newspaper during breakfast time.

"What's weird?" Michael, who was eating pie, asked vaguely.

"A recruitment advertisement I saw in the newspaper every day has disappeared." Padma tilted her head, as if trying to find the missing advertisement in the newspaper.

"We've hired someone!" Michael said nonchalantly.

"Impossible!" Padma said doubtfully: "We also discussed it in the dormitory. It's 10 Galleons per week. Logically speaking, we shouldn't be able to recruit wizards of that level -"

Wade said nothing and finished his breakfast quietly.

After class, Wade walked up the stairs alone. The changing stairs took him to the fifth floor. After searching for a while, Wade finally found the person on the other side that Marchionne mentioned in the letter. What a tall mirror.

Wade tapped the mirror with his wand and whispered: "mostrar la verdad (the true manifestation)!"

The mirror suddenly flipped over, revealing a dark passage behind it. Vader lit up his wand with a fluorescent spell, walked in and took a look, and was stunned.

There was only a few steps of open space in front of him. Further forward, the passage completely collapsed. Gravel, bricks and soil blocked the originally spacious passage. Traces of black magic could even be seen on the walls.

Someone used a very dangerous explosive spell here to completely blow up this secret passage.

Wade exited silently, restored the mirror, and then took out the Book of Friends.

[Vade: The passage collapsed. 】

[Marchioni: What? I could still use it when I was in school! Didn't the castle's magic prevent it from collapsing? 】

[Marchioni: Forget it, I also know a secret passage behind the portrait of Paracelsus on the sixth floor. It's easy to find him. He wears a furry red hat and is chubby. He likes people to chat with him. If you talk to him about alchemy or divination, he will be willing to tell you anything...]


I always feel that Marchionne’s life as a student was also colorful.

He climbed up the stairs and easily found the portrait that was so boring that he clasped his fingers. Wade was about to talk to him when he suddenly felt a hidden gaze. He turned his head and saw Mrs. Loris squatting on the ground, licking her paws and staring at him dimly from the corner of her eye.

Mrs. Norris is the pet cat of the castle administrator Filch. Just like her owner, she is old and thin, and her fur has lost its luster, but she is still sensitive and responsive. Once it finds a student who violates the rules, it will rush to find its owner so that the students who violate the school rules can be punished. Like Filch, he is hated by most of the students in this school.

A man and a cat looked at each other.

Students walking in school in broad daylight certainly do not violate the rules. But as long as he opens the secret passage, Mrs. Norris will definitely recruit Filch.

The most important thing is that Filch should also know the existence of this secret passage, so it is no longer safe to enter and exit this secret passage.

Vader prepares to leave.

"Hey, Vader!" Fred and George popped out of nowhere. They greeted enthusiastically and took Vader away with them.

Fred put his arm on Wade's shoulders and asked quietly:

"Are you looking for the secret passage to the castle?"

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