The topic of house elves did not continue, because Hegel pulled the Thestral who had hitched the carriage and approached through the morning mist.

"Hello, Hagrid, thank you for preparing the carriage for us." Professor Murray said gently and politely.

"Nothing, Professor!" Hagrid said cheerfully: "It's a pleasure to help you - well done, kid."

He lowered his body to greet Wade.

"Good morning, Mr. Hagrid." Wade said, looking up.

The gray eyes looked cold and peaceful, making the superficial impression in Hagrid's mind suddenly become concrete.

"Oh, you are... you are... Vader from Ravenclaw, right? Harry told me that you..." Hagrid looked at him curiously, and then said in confusion: "Uh... you should be one grade?"

He looked at Vader and then at Professor Murray, obviously troubled.

Although Professor Murray smiled, he said in an unmistakable tone: "Vade is my student, and I want to take him to Hogsmeade to practice alchemy."

Hagrid scratched his hair.

Although he didn't understand why he went to Hogsmeade to learn alchemy... But after all, he only went to third grade in school and didn't even fully understand basic magic. Who knew what conditions were needed to learn alchemy?

So Hagrid hesitated for a while and didn't question it again. He patted the Thestral's neck soothingly, seemed to whisper something to it, and then said: "Professor Murray, Vader, you can get in the car. This kid will take you to Hogsmeade. Wait until it's over." It will bring you back later.”

"Okay, thank you, Hagrid."

Professor Murray said politely, he got on the carriage first, and then said: "Come up, Wade."

After both of them were seated, Yeqi stepped on the thin mist and the morning light, and the carriage creaked out of the school. Behind them, Hagrid pushed hard on the huge oak door, closing it.

Thestrals stretched their black wings from time to time, as if they wanted to fly, but in the end they still walked quietly on the road.

"Can you see the Thestrals?" Professor Murray asked suddenly when he saw where Wade's eyes were.


"Who did you see die?" Professor Murray asked, and then immediately added: "Oh, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to answer."

"...It's a Muggle friend." After a long time, Wade said: "Many years ago, he fell ill and passed away... I watched that scene happen, and saw his parents in pain and despair, but there was nothing I could do... "

His eyes were dark and somewhat hollow, as if he was still immersed in the grief at that time.

Professor Murray patted his back comfortingly and said softly: "I understand - when a friend passes away, it's like losing a part of yourself, but time will slowly heal everything... Maybe your friend's parents have also moved on. Overcome the haze and even had a new child.”

"Well... maybe that's the case..." Vader was a little distracted and said softly, "I hope that's the case..."

The carriage moved forward in silence, and Hogsmeade gradually emerged from the mist.

Because it was not a Hogsmeade weekend, this small village seemed very quiet, with only two or three people wearing wizard robes walking on the streets. Far away, they saw the Three Broomsticks pub.

The orange light shines through the windows of the tavern, making it look warm and bright. Through the glass, you can see the crowds inside. It seems that there are many customers early in the morning.

Wade jumped off the carriage and looked back.

"Go in, kid - I'll be in in two minutes." Professor Murray said as he sat in the car: "If everything goes well, I don't have to show up. But if the guy is late, don't hesitate, just shoot him... Huh, just a werewolf...I'll introduce you to a better one."

The old man's protective and overbearing words made Wade couldn't help but laugh. He nodded and said, "Of course, I will remember it, Professor."

Pushing the door open, the wind chimes tinkled. The tavern was brightly lit in the early morning, and two hungover wizards were lying on the table, probably asleep.

A graceful lady was standing at the bar, directing a rag to clean the table. When she heard the sound, she immediately raised a warm smile, but when she saw a student who was obviously not up to the height standard, she came over with some surprise.

"Child, today is not Hogsmeade weekend, right? Did you sneak out of school?" She walked over and asked somewhat seriously.

"I made an appointment to meet here and applied with the professor." Wade said, already seeing the wizard sitting in the corner, he nodded: "Excuse me, ma'am. Please give me a non-alcoholic drink. ”

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the corner.

Remus Lupin, this man was more haggard and older than he imagined, and it looked like he must have had a hard time over the years. He looked at Wade who was approaching, his eyes gradually widened, and his originally calm face showed obvious shock.

" are..."

"Vade Gray." Vader stretched out his hand and said, "I think my father should have introduced you to him?"

"Yes, yes..." Lupine shook hands with him at a loss, "He said you had some business that needed help, but I thought... uh... I thought you should be older... …”

"I can understand that many people think that first-year students should know nothing."

Vader said, choosing to sit across from Lupin. The embarrassing thing is that the chair in the bar is relatively high. After he sat on it, his feet were dangling in the air.

Ved propped his hands on the chair, moved back, and looked at Lupin nonchalantly: "Let me introduce myself again. I am the inventor of the Book of Friends, Ved Grey, a first-year student at Hogwarts. I think you also know that this invention has brought me a lot of profits. I will have other cooperation with Aslan Magic Workshop in the future-ah, thank you, ma'am."

"Please enjoy."

The tavern owner, Ms. Rosmerta, smiled, put a glass of butter beer on Ved's table, looked at Lupin again, and then left. After Ved thanked him, he looked at the yellow color and creamy foam and suddenly fell silent.

——Butter beer is actually a non-alcoholic beverage?

Then what knocked him down last time? Really two chocolates with alcohol?

——Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Butter beer must have alcohol, otherwise what is beer?

Maybe the lady didn't hear his request clearly.

Wade retracted his gaze, recalled, and returned to the previous topic: "--So I need an agent to communicate with Aslan Magic Workshop on my behalf. In addition, because my personal learning progress far exceeds the current content taught in school, I also need a magic teacher."

Lupin thought about the content of the recruitment advertisement: "--Do you want to learn the Patronus Charm? And Animagus?"

"More than that." Wade said: "There are also Disillusionment Charm, Apparition, and memory spells, etc. I want to learn all the magic I don't understand."

Lupin was silent for a while, but still asked: "--Including dark magic?"

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