Sicheng walked out of his hiding place.

"Hagrid, long time no see!"

It's true, he hasn't been to the Forbidden Forest much since his confinement ended.

I don't know if the little unicorn has grown up.

"Oh, Sicheng, long time no see!"

"How about we patrol the Forbidden Forest together tonight?"

Hagrid asked.

Sicheng smiled and waved his hand, and said:

"No, Hagrid, I can't just go into the Forbidden Forest, you know, Headmaster Dumbledore doesn't allow it. "

Hearing this, Hagrid no longer insisted.

Pull the two little wizards into the hut.

This was Hermione's second visit to the cabin, and the last time she had come was too hasty to take a closer look.

Now it looks a little shabby.

A large bed with the skulls of several unknown animals hanging on the wall.

There are also some long silvery-white manes, and I don't know what kind of animal they are.

It's just that it looks a little familiar.

As Sicheng walked into the hut, the long mane hanging on the wall shone silver.

At the same time, a translucent gauze also appeared on Sicheng's body.

Several people looked at Si Cheng in shock, especially the translucent gauze on his body.

The breath above gives them a sense of sacredness.


Hagrid muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, he shook his head and denied:

"No, no, it's just a breath image, not a unicorn!380"

"So what is it?"

Hermione looked at Sicheng, then at the long mane on the wall, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

Those are the tail hairs of unicorns!

An intact unicorn's tail hair can cost as much as ten Galleons.

There must be hundreds of them!

In other words, a mediocre decoration is worth thousands of gold galleons.

Could it be that other things are also such precious magic materials?

Just as Hermione looked around and counted Hagrid's belongings, Sicheng noticed the oval thing sitting next to the fireplace.

Is this the dragon egg?

"Hagrid, this must be a dragon egg!"

Sicheng asked out loud.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand towards the dragon egg.

It's just that I don't know if it's the unborn baby dragon who feels the breath on his body, or if it's a coincidence.

The dragon egg shook a few times.

Sicheng looked at the dragon egg, and a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Hagrid saw the dragon egg tremble, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold the dragon egg down.

This dragon egg is his treasure.

He has raised everything, but he has never raised a fire dragon.

Therefore, he didn't dare to have a little mistake.

"Hagrid, is this the egg of the Norwegian Ridgeback?"

Hermione looked at the dragon egg and asked suspiciously.

Then, as if she was sure, she said:

"Hagrid, you can't keep dragons in the house, does Headmaster Dumbledore know about this?"

When Hagrid heard this, the look in his eyes darkened.

However, he said stiffly:

"Know, I'm going to tell him, I'm going to say it......"

Seeing this, Hermione was about to say something, but Sicheng grabbed her little hand.

Hermione looked towards Sicheng, only to see Sicheng shaking her head.

Seeing this, Hermione didn't speak.

Harry and Ron were looking at Hagrid with a large bowl.

Looking at the dragon egg in Hagrid's hand to be exact.

"Sicheng, do you want to eat some rock skin cakes?"

Hagrid asked suddenly.

Harry and Ron shuddered when they heard Hagrid's words.

A gloating expression looked at Sicheng and Hermione.


Sicheng is trying to experience this so-called dark cuisine. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Can there still be British cuisine, which is nothing more than hard and excessive.

Hermione didn't see Harry and Ron's expressions, and when she saw that Sicheng wanted to eat, she nodded her head to say she needed some.

Soon, Hagrid brought a plate of small biscuits.

It's the size of a palm!

Hermione looked at the rock crust cake in her hand and knocked it on the table. []


Hermione grimaced, swallowing hard.

She looked at Sicheng and saw that he was eating vigorously, and couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

Could it be that this rock skin cake just looks hard, but it is not?

So, she tried to take a bite.

Hermione covered her small mouth, her eyes blazing, and she glared at Sicheng.

It's just that Sicheng still stuffed the rock skin cake into his mouth one bite at a time.

There was nothing out of the ordinary.

Listen to the clattering sound of the rock skin cake in Sicheng's mouth.

For the first time, Hermione began to wonder if her teeth were bad.

I can't even eat a rock crust cake.

Or is it that Sicheng's rock skin cake is not so hard!

Then, under the gaze of Harry and Ron, Hermione snatched the crust cake from Sicheng's mouth, and at the same time stuffed her own crust cake into Sicheng's mouth.


It's still the same hard.

Hermione covered her mouth, a mist spilling out of her eyes.

She still can't eat the rock skin cake, but why can Sicheng bite it.

Could it be that his teeth are better?

But how is this possible?

Sicheng has to drink hot chocolate every day, where will he be healthier than himself.

Could it be that there is some special magic about hot chocolate in the wizarding world?

Just as Hermione was about to drink more hot chocolate in the future, Sicheng stretched out her right hand and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, Hermione felt the rock crust cake in her hand soften.

Moreover, it seems to give off a milky taste.

"Sicheng, this is a softening spell!"

Sicheng nodded and said:

"You're just a little fool, you can't bite hard, won't you use the Transfiguration Charm to get softer?"

Hermione lowered her head and ate the crust cake in silence.

In fact, Hagrid's craftsmanship is not bad.

The rock skin cake tastes quite fragrant, but this hardness is completely made by him according to his own requirements.

As a half-blood giant, Hagrid's teeth are not ordinary.

But he forgot that not everyone was like him.

Harry and Ron looked at the two of them eating with relish, and they were also a little moved.

It's just that their transformation spell level is not good, let alone making the rock skin cake soft, even if it is soft by a corner, it can't be done.

They wanted to ask the two for help, but Sicheng only focused on the dragon eggs.

Hermione was visibly distracted, not knowing what she was thinking.

The two looked at each other, looked at the bowl in their hands, and immediately picked up two pieces of rock skin cake and put them in.

Hermione ate the soft, milky rock crust cake and thought about Sicheng's snap of her fingers.

It turns out that Sicheng can already cast a transfiguration spell without a wand?

The gap between himself and him has widened again.

She looked at Sicheng beside her, and a trace of complexity flashed in her eyes.

I really ......

At this moment, there was a sound of eggshells breaking in the house.

Everyone heard the sound and looked.

Came out?.

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