
Snape felt himself fall backwards to the ground.

My hands and feet are weak, and my mind is buzzing.

It was as if someone had punched him in the head.

He felt Blake standing up and walking in front of him.

Then pour something into your mouth!

Snape was startled, willing to struggle.

But it doesn't work at all....

However, just when he thought he was going to die.

He suddenly felt his strength come back.

The originally blurred vision also became clear again.

Snape looked up to see Blake standing in front of him.

"Sorry, Professor Snape, I did it on purpose.

"You've touched a part of me...special powers."

Snape struggled to his feet.

Bitter taste in mouth, tell him.

What Blake had given him just now was just an ordinary mind-boosting potion.

It can quickly revive a comatose person.

It's not what he was thinking just now, the bad potion.


At this moment Snape had no intention of understanding this power at all.


"What did you see?" Snape said coldly.

"Sorry, although this was not my intention, but... I saw it all.

Snape's face paled instantly.

"Get out!" Snape yelled, pointing at the door.

"Ding! Extreme anger detected!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a diamond treasure chest!"

Blake didn't refute this time, but left Snape's office directly.

Although, it was indeed an accident, not Blake's intention.

But after all, he accidentally saw other people's privacy.

If he stayed where he was, Snape might explode in place.

After seeing Blake leave silently.

Snape felt his heart bleed. "five forty"

Just because I touched Blake's power.

Many things that I dare not recall in the past, or deliberately forget.

In an instant, they were turned out one by one!

Now.....the memories are crystal clear again...

This is equivalent to tearing open the wound that has finally healed!

It broke our hearts.....

Blake walked out of the dungeon.

Then I looked back.

"What a poor fellow...... Until now, he still thinks that Lily broke up with him because of that mudblood..."

"As everyone knows, that Mudblood who blurted out was just the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"There is such a big difference in their respective values... Even if this hadn't happened, they would still have to go their separate ways in the end.

Blake saw Dumbledore paying at the entrance of his canteen.

He bought a small bow and a cup of full sugar milk tea.

"Heard from Severus, you're supposed to start your lessons today. Back so soon?"

Dumbledore said to Baker again: "Can you add more pearls for me? Thank you.

Baker, who was said thank you, was so excited that he almost lost his grip on the spoon.

Dumbledore conveniently placed the bow on his white beard.

Then the little bow automatically tied his white beard together.

Dumbledore looked at his beard, a satisfied smile on his face.

Blake scratched his head and said, "Well...professor, I seem to have screwed up again."

Dumbledore looked at Blake in surprise, and asked reflexively, "You... what did you do to Severus?"

"No...it's nothing, it's just...that...when he used Legilimency to train me, his consciousness was accidentally sucked into the one that gave me that kind of magic Near the crack

"His consciousness was ejected, and Legilimency was also rebounded."

"All those memories of him were seen by me...I...swear I really didn't mean it.

"So... I think Professor Snape probably won't want to see me anytime soon."

Dumbledore sighed, "It's really not your fault."

"It can only be said that that is indeed a hurdle he can't get through, forget it... let me teach you."

Snape's Legilimency bounced back, which was really unexpected.

It is estimated that Snape is still emoing in his office.

It is impossible to count on him.

"Come with me, we have to change places."

"You go to the principal's office too much, that person may be suspicious.

Dumbledore didn't intend to teach Blake in the headmaster's office.

"Um.....Actually, I've learned Occlumency," Blake said.

"Huh?" Dumbledore turned around, "Not that Severus..."

"Well, it was after that magical power knocked his consciousness away, and then I suddenly mastered it." Blake said.

Dumbledore met Blake's eyes.

After a while, he showed a surprised look.

Because he literally couldn't read any emotion in Blake's eyes!

If it was anyone else, Dumbledore would only have to take a look, without even using Legilimency.

He can know whether this person is lying or not.

And now, Dumbledore had deliberately used a little Legilimency.

But, he couldn't see any emotion in Blake's eyes.

This is exactly how Occlumency has been introduced!

Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that you have indeed mastered it."

Now that the hardest entry has been taken care of.

The practice after that is much easier.

"Then... we can proceed to the next stage," said Dumbledore.

"Um...what's the next phase?" Blake was slightly puzzled.

Now that he has started with Occlumency, he can only rely on Blake to continue practicing.

In other words, there is no need for people to teach, but it seems now.

Dumbledore still seemed to insist that Blake go somewhere with him.

Blake followed Dumbledore out of the Great Hall.

Even left the castle directly.

At this time, because it is the weekend.

Most of the senior students go to Hogsmeade.

So there are only a few scattered students by the Black Lake.

After all, there are many things that are not available in convenience stores.

Also, not many people want to be in school when they can go out and relax.

Dumbledore took Blake directly to the Whomping Willow.

Blake knew right away where Dumbledore wanted to take him.

Screaming Shack.

In order to cover Remus John Lupine's identity as a werewolf.

Dumbledore purposely planted a rare Whomping Willow here.

And under the Whomping Willow, there is a secret path.

At the end of the secret passage is the Shrieking Shack.

Remus John·Lupine comes to the Shrieking Shack every month when the moon is full to go through the painful transformation stage.

I have to say, this is indeed a good place to hide.

Otherwise, there is no way to hide Lupin's identity.

Dumbledore drew his wand and flicked it.

A small stone flew past and hit a scar on the trunk of the Whomping Willow.

The swaying branches of the Whomping Willow stopped immediately.

"Come on." Dumbledore called to Blake.

Blake knew about the screaming shack though.

But it is indeed the first time.

"That.....Professor, won't we be noticed in broad daylight?"

"It's okay, Blake, there's actually a distraction spell around the Whomping Willow."

"Unless someone follows us closely, we cannot be seen from a distance.

"They will subconsciously ignore what's going on on our side."

Blake nodded.

He also said why he was so careless.

It turned out to be prepared.

Otherwise, according to Blake's habit, he would have to turn on the invisibility function of the levitating cloak before approaching the Whomping Willow.

The secret path is hidden at the root of the Whomping Willow tree.

Dumbledore dragged open a panel next to a thick tree root, revealing the door below.

"Professor, what's this place?" Blake asked just in time.

Because he wasn't supposed to know about Screaming Shack.

"Here..." Dumbledore had a nostalgic look on his face.

"This is where it was originally built for some...very special reason."

"It's deserted now, and few people know about this place, so this place is the best choice.

Seeing that Dumbledore didn't want to say any more, Blake didn't ask any more.

The secret passage is not narrow, and it looks very dry.

Blake could just walk right in.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, had to duck his head to get in.

At the end of the secret passage is a wooden door.

Because it's been a long time.

So that wooden door is completely decayed.

Dumbledore chanted softly, "Back to the original."

The rotten door immediately changed from rotten to clean as before.

Blake could even smell the fresh wood of the new furniture.

Dumbledore was the first to push the door open and walked in.

"Wait a minute, I'll go in and clean up first."

"Okay, sir."

When Blake stood at the door, he had already seen what it was like inside.

This is a not too big room.

The furniture inside is very complete.

There was even a bed against the wall.

However, these furniture have been dormitory by the years.

Even those wooden floors looked bumpy.

When Dumbledore stepped in.

Blake even heard a few cracks of wood snapping.

Dumbledore waved the Elder Wand gracefully like a conductor.

In the next second, everything in the room seemed to go back in time.

Furniture floors are quickly being restored to like new.

The thick dust also gradually disappeared, and finally became spotless...

About five minutes later.

Dumbledore beckoned Blake in.

The Screaming Shack at this time is completely different from before.

If someone is to see the furnishings in the room.

Definitely think it has just been renovated.

Blake couldn't help sighing secretly, the Great Wizard is amazing, and he is so good at doing housework

In the Screaming Shack, it wasn't exactly the same as before.

At least, on the opposite side of the bed, the small open space was stretched!

"A little unmarked stretching spell." Dumbledore said, "I think training spells or something needs some space."

"Professor...you mean training spells?" Blake understood.

Dumbledore didn't just want to teach himself Occlumency, but other things.

"Yes, Blake, as long as you maintain Occlumency, your level will get higher and higher, and you don't need special training anymore."

"Or, you just keep resisting

My Legilimency is like special training. "

"I asked you to come here mainly to teach you other magic."

Blake looked at Dumbledore in surprise.

Since he is going to be brought here to teach magic, what kind of magic is going to be taught, do you still need to guess?

But, a white wizard like Dumbledore wants to teach himself black magic?

No matter how you think about it, it feels a bit weird.

Shouldn't he firmly prevent himself from learning or touching black magic?

Dumbledore pulled up the armchair and sat down.

He turned to see Blake still standing where he was.

"Come and sit, Blake, we're going to be in this place for a long time.

Saw Blake come and sit down, but still had that weird look on his face.

Dumbledore sighed softly.

"I really don't want you to be exposed to black magic, but.....rather than letting others teach you, and propagating some weird ideas to you by the way, it is better to let me teach you. It is better

"Moreover, I always believe that the purpose of learning black magic is not how to use them. It's about prevention.

Dumbledore tapped on the table, and there were stacks of desserts on the table.

"Dark magic...for example, a sharp sword with a spike on the hilt."

"In addition to being sharp, you will also hurt yourself."

"Take the Cruciatus Curse that Quirrell wanted you to learn that night."

"It's a spell used purely to torture people."

"It seems to have infinite power, but if you want to maintain the power of the spell, you must keep your emotions in this state of torture for pleasure.

"And other black magic, such as the death curse, can only be used if there is a hatred that wants to put people to death."

"Blake...these are sick emotions."

"If things go on like this, irreversible changes will occur in the psychology of the caster! Finally, the temperament will change..."

"These are the thorns of the dark arts against themselves."

"If you must learn black magic, then remember, you can't do it."

Blake asked suspiciously: "But...... If you want to learn black magic, these thorns are unavoidable, right?"

Dumbledore smiled: "Actually, of course it can be avoided!"

"Huh?" Blake looked at Dumbledore in shock.

If these side effects were to be ruled out...

"Yes, I have a way to make these emotions invisible. And the power will not be weakened in any way."

"However, Blake... The reason why black magic is called black magic is not only because it can bring 4.9 damage to the caster, but also because it can bring difficulty to others.

Unspoken, irreversible pain and hurt!"

"So...you can learn more about black magic, but before using this power, you must be cautious......cautiously!"

.......You can't be sure if this kind of magic will fall on someone you care about..."

When Blake saw Dumbledore's last words, a look of pain flashed across his face.

He guessed that at this time, Dumbledore might have thought of Arianna?

"So, when I teach you black magic, I will focus on two points."

"First, how to prevent the dark devil from stabbing yourself.

"Second, how to tell when to use this magic!"

Blake nodded, showing that he understood.

Dumbledore took a sip of his juice, then continued.

"Magic...whether it's black magic or ordinary magic."

"In many cases, what is the most important thing that affects the effect of a magic?"

Blake thought for a while, "Emotion?"

There was an appreciative look on Dumbledore's face, "That's right! Blake... I thought you could say spells or gestures or something."

"However, for a powerful wizard who is proficient in wandless spellcasting and silent spells, spells and gestures are not at all the deciding factor, emotions are!"

"As I said just now, black magic is powerful because of their extreme emotions! Hate! is the most common emotion in black magic!"

"Hate, can't wait for the other party to die, can't wait for the other party to be tortured..."

"However, you have to know that hatred is not the only emotion in this world!"

Blake nodded, "You mean to replace hatred with other emotions?"

"True, not true." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Do you know what love is?".

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