Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 251 Snape: Where Is My Pot? What About A Pot As Big As Mine? !

"Where are you going?" Snape was busy setting up the cauldron.

He watched Blake slip towards the door.

I couldn't help but called him.

"Of course I'm going back to do my homework. You know, I'm a very studious student.

Blake answered seriously.

The purpose of finding Snape had been achieved.

Of course I went back.

It was already very cold in the late autumn night.

If possible, who wants to stay in such a cold underground office...

It's better to stay in the warm Hufflepuff common room.

"The potion you researched yourself."

"It's going to be cooked completely for the first time. Don't you want to see it with your own eyes?"

Snape couldn't help but ask.

After the potion master prepared the formula, he boiled the finished product for the first time.

It's a very memorable moment.

If it were him, he would never miss it.

But Blake waved his hand,

"No need, I have already completed the data just now, so there will definitely be no problem with this potion.

"I can't help much by staying here. So, I'd better go back first.

There will be more of this homemade potion in the future.

In other words, there will be more moments for him to slowly witness.

In other words, this kind of rare moment to Snape will be seen by Blake often in the future.

There is no need to stay here in the cold...

Snape's mouth twitched again.

Does this guy really not care at all?

""850" Uh, Professor, what else is there?"

"Do you plan to make your recipe public or not?"

New potion recipes appear.

Researchers can choose to make it public or not.

If you want to confirm whether the potion is effective, you only need to take the finished product.

The magic potion recipes that ordinary wizards now learn.

The original owner has disclosed the recipe.

Blake grinned.

Snape saw the hateful smile and understood immediately.

This little bastard does anything that harms others but does not benefit himself.

Do you still expect him to selflessly disclose the formula?

It's impossible even to think about.

However, this is also normal.

Of course, the magic potion formula that I researched cannot be made public so easily.

Moreover, the potion formula like the one Blake studied.

Otherwise he wouldn't be willing to make it public.

After all, this is no ordinary recipe.

This is a magic potion that can extend your life!

He could already imagine how popular this potion was.

"Got it." Snape said simply.

Blake turned around with a smile and planned to leave directly.

Suddenly, Snape's voice came from behind.

"Should you clean up your things before you leave?

Snape looked angrily at the messy cups and plates on the table over there...

This little bastard wants to leave now, does he still want me to clean him up?

"Ahem...Professor, there are actually house elves..."

"You made the mess yourself, so you clean it up for me."

Snape's tone was irrefutable.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"After all, you don't want to get points deducted for breaking into the professor's office, right?"

"Hiss..." Blake said in awe, "Professor, you have transformed."

Having been caught, Blake had to stay and clean up the mess he had made.

Snape saw that Blake didn't rebel.

Satisfied, he continued to cook the potion according to the recipe.

Wait until he raises his head again.

Blake has left.

The desktop has also been cleaned very clean...

Even the tabletop is reflecting light, it's so clean.

Snape lowered his head in satisfaction.

It seems that I still can't be too polite to the guy.

Then the next second, he raised his head in confusion.

Something seems wrong?

He looked at the empty table again.

Hiss...where's my new cauldron?

Where’s a new crucible my size?!

Little bastard!

September went by in a blink of an eye.

It's October.

At this time, the weather has become colder and colder.

Even the breath he exhaled turned into white mist.

That night, Blake was hiding in the Room of Requirement.

He set up a table in front of the cabin.

Snape's new cauldron was placed on the table.

The red hot pot soup base is boiling.


Blake took a piece of meat from the pot and took a delicious bite.

Then he sighed comfortably.

In this kind of weather, there is nothing more relaxing than eating hot pot.

Kassandra sat opposite him, firing her bow left and right.

A slotted spoon in the left hand, a fork in the right hand...

There was no way she could use chopsticks as skillfully as Blake.

Only in this way can you barely eat the food in the pot.

"Sha..." On the other side, Hermione was spitting out her tongue from the heat.

This is because she mastered chopsticks faster than Cassandra.

So I ate more and faster, and it was so spicy that I choked on it.

Hermione picked up the water glass and prepared to drink.

But Blake handed over a glass of milk.

"Drinking this can relieve the spiciness, but it will make it easier to hold on."

Hermione took it and took a long sip.

My mouth suddenly felt better.

"I've seen it on TV before."

"It seems to have come from the East. It seems to be called "Wo Guo"

"I didn't expect Tutian to feel so good eating this!"

Hermione was a Muggle, so of course she had seen hot pot on TV.

"This is called hot pot, not hotpot." Blake corrected.

Cassandra finally fished out a lot of meat slices and put them back into her small bowl.

"Where did you get this pot?"

"Did you do it yourself too?"

"It's quite clever..."

Blake shook his head, "That's not true, I got this pot from Professor Snape.

Hermione and Cassandra's movements suddenly froze.

Suddenly I felt that this hot pot was no longer very fragrant...

Cassandra silently placed the pieces of meat on her fork back into the small bowl.

And Hermione was already covering her mouth.

Crucible... To be honest, it really holds everything.

Many of the ingredients for brewing potions are toad eyes, frog viscera, mouse intestines and other disgusting things...

If you say it's a magic potion, you can just drink it by pinching your nose.

No matter how disgusting it is, it's just a little disgusting.

However, cooking and eating food in a pot that has been filled with these things...

That would be a bit jarring.

"Um... Actually, this is a new pot. Professor Snape bought the wrong one."

"This was originally a hot pot, but before he started using it, I took it away."

"Think about it, if he bought the pot correctly, why would he let me take it away for so long?"

"Based on his character, Shan would just come here to seek bad luck on me.

Hear Blake say this.

Cassandra and Hermione finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the hot pot became fragrant again.

Blake took another piece of fat sheep and put it in his mouth.

Suddenly, Blake put down his chopsticks.

"You guys eat, I'm a little heavy for now."

Blake stood up and looked at the two girls in surprise.

He opened the dimensional door directly and quickly disappeared into the Room of Requirement.

"What did he do again?" Cassandra asked in surprise.

"It seems like a forbidden forest..."

Hermione just took a look at the scenery outside the dimension door.

It's dark, eerie, and full of towering trees.

It must be the Forbidden Forest.

"Oh......then it's okay. He went to the Forbidden Forest as if he were going home."

Cassandra said, relieved.

In Otherworld, those terrifying monsters were all made popular by Blake.

The dark creatures in the Forbidden Forest are even less likely to harm Blake.

At this time, a turtle was lying on the table.

He struggled to swallow a piece of red stuff into his mouth.

"What is it doing? Why does it eat chili peppers?"

"Blake said he likes to eat chili peppers, which seems to mean that if he eats chili peppers, he can feel warm without having to bask in the sun, and then he won't have to hibernate...

"This statement...isn't it a bit outrageous..."

Blake took a deep breath of the cool air of the Forbidden Forest.

The familiar fragrance of vegetation made all the cells in his body active.

Druids do feel very comfortable in the forest.

Suddenly, there were bursts of penetrating sounds from all around.

As dense as sand falling to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Blake smelled a fishy smell.

Blake casually cast a Bubble Charm on himself.

At this time, the surrounding ground also began to shake.

Immediately afterwards, a large and colorful spider appeared in front of him.

Xiaocai lay meekly in front of Blake.

It looks a lot bigger than half a month ago.

Blake patted its large paw.

Then he looked around.

At this time, many Acromantulas also appeared in the surrounding woods.

The big one is about the size of a carriage, while the small one is about the size of a hunting dog.

They surrounded the place densely.

"Good job, Xiaocai."

"It seems that you are about to succeed.

Yes, Blake suddenly came to the Forbidden Forest while eating hot pot because his Acromantula was looking for him.

At this time, another huge Acromantula appeared behind Xiao Cai.

Blake took a closer look and saw that it was the one he had casually put into the Forbidden Forest before.

Although after having Xiao Cai, I no longer use the druid's magic power to strengthen it.

However, the previous strengthening still transformed this ordinary Acromantula.

If it weren't for Xiao Cai's existence.

Then, it will be the new King of Acromantula.


Xiaocai made intermittent sounds.

Even Aragog learned to speak human language from Hagrid.

The talented Xiaocai only studied with Blake for more than ten days during the holidays.

Now I can barely speak some words.

Blake said, "It seems that you are in trouble."

In the Forbidden Forest, even if the hegemony of seeing and hearing is not turned on.

Blake could also feel that further away, there was another group of Acromantulas rushing here.

Although the group of Acromantulas gathered by Xiao Cai was quite large.

And the individual combat effectiveness is very strong.

However, the Acromantula is rushing this way.

The number is at least three to four times that of the current group of Acromantulas in 0.3.

Although Xiaocai

Although very talented.

But the development time is ultimately too short.

It is an alien spider that wants to win over a group of loyalists among Aragog's descendants.

It's really tough.

In such a short period of time.

It can pull up such a small Acromantula army in the Forbidden Forest.

This is already quite remarkable.

Now it seems that he is the real king of Acromantula in the Forbidden Forest.

It has begun to send its other descendants to quell the rebellion.

It cannot tolerate any of its descendants who dare to betray it.

And join the camp of other spiders to compete with it for territory!

"No wonder you asked me for help."

"There are so many spiders on the other side, it's really hard for you to defeat them.

"In this case, I will help you."

Xiaocai was so excited that her two big claws were tapping rapidly.

Make a "ta-da-da" sound.

There is still a gap between its power and Aragog.

However, if it can withstand this wave of attacks.

Effectively eliminate the opponent's vitality.

Then it will be on par with Aragog.

Without anyone else.

Blake stopped hiding his strength.

The school uniform robe he was wearing instantly transformed back into a cloak.

Immediately afterwards, Blake's whole body floated up.

He was suspended in the air, arms crossed.

Then a huge Seraphim Shield covered all the Acromantulas on our side!

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