Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 292: Has Snape Also Awakened The System?

"Hair from someone else's wife?"

Blake could clearly see a flash of resentment in Snape's eyes.

"She could have been no one else..."

Snape's lip trembled.

At this time, his heart felt as painful as a knife.

He didn't even care that Lily didn't choose him.

But...why James Potter...

Snape was heartbroken...

Blake had no choice but to take the small bag from his hand.

He looked at the hair in the packet.

A handful.

I don't know how Snape got it from Lily.

However, this amount should be enough to kill.

At the very least, relying on his biotechnology and the biological petri dish is enough.

Saw Blake put away the small package.

Snape's lips pursed, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

"Can you just take half?"

"In case you fail..."

Blake said helplessly: "The chance of failure is still very small..."

"Tsk...what is there to be reluctant to part with?"

"I'll just give you a living little Lily later."

Snape's lips tightened, "No...it's still different..."

"It's like you said, that's not her anymore."

"This bit of hair is the last thing I miss about her..."

"Alright alright......"

Blake had no choice but to return half of the hair in the small bag to Snape.

Watch as Snape carefully put the half of his hair back into his pocket.

Even Blake couldn't help but feel sad for him.

A childhood sweetheart married an enemy, who the hell was he supposed to talk to?

Snape quickly recovered from his sad mood.

"How long will it take you to... be completely successful?"

Blake replied: "I still have an experiment to complete. Once the experiment is completed, it can officially start."

"My experiment has just started and may take three months.

Snape nodded, he finally chose to believe Blake.

Anyway, he has nothing to lose now.

Snape put the small package away and stretched out his hand towards Blake.

Blake couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "What?"

Snape's tone returned to his previous calmness, "Didn't you say you wanted to give me money to open a store?"

Blake's face fell. Are you asking for money?

You old boy, you recovered very quickly!

However, since it was a promised thing, Blake would not go back on it.

He reached into his robe and used its cover.

Take out a bag of gold galleons from the system warehouse.

"There are five thousand gold galleons here. The store must be located in Diagon Alley."

To open a store in Diagon Alley, five thousand gold galleons is really more than enough.

In the original work, Harry donated one thousand gold galleons from the Triwizard Tournament to the Weasley twins.

Then the Weasley twins used the thousand gold galleons to open a huge joke shop in Diagon Alley.

Snape weighed the money bag in his hand, then opened it and took a look inside.

This wave of operations left Blake speechless for a while.

"Can I still lie to you?"

"That's not possible..." Snape tied the money bag and put it in his arms. "I'm afraid that if you don't have enough money, you will try to gain my wealth.

"Do I need to care about your wealth?" Blake felt like he was being looked down upon.

Isn’t it cool enough that I just casually took out five thousand gold galleons?

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you send me to Diagon Alley quickly?" Snape instructed Blake.

Blake cursed and opened a dimensional door, allowing Snape to go to the opposite corner.

He gets angry now when he sees this coffin face.

Blake even wondered if this naughty Snape had also awakened the emotional treasure chest system.

Because this bastard is really annoying sometimes...

Blake walked out of the cabin with a melancholy look on his face.

Old Lepp came over with a pipe in his mouth and talked?"


"Why doesn't Agatha come with you?"

"Oh, I asked her to clean up the mess that fell into the alley. 11

"Knockturn Alley? What happened in Knockturn Alley?"

"It's nothing, I accidentally demolished half of Knockturn Alley..."

"Oh...huh?" Old Rip stared at Blake, and then smoked his pipe vigorously.

He heard the key words.

It was Blake who demolished half of Knockturn Alley, not Agatha.

Ha, this little guy is really not simple.

"So it seems that your purpose of going to Knockturn Alley has been achieved?"

"Yeah..." Blake took out the suitcase.

Then he took out a large and beautiful cabinet from the suitcase.

Bode, who was not far away, saw the cabinet and ran over immediately.

"Vanishing cabinet? Blake, you actually brought back a disappearing cabinet!"

Bode looked at the large cabinet in front of him happily.

"This is a rare thing...if it weren't for its complicated workmanship and expensive materials, it would be difficult to popularize."

"There's nothing going on with Floo fans today!"

Bode looked at Blake and asked: "There are usually two disappearing cabinets, where is the other one? We have to know where the other one is before we can use this disappearing cabinet.

"I know where the other one is. When Professor Snape opens the store, we can put the other one in that store."

"How long will it take?" Bode said regretfully.

He had only heard of the vanishing cabinet, but had never seen one.

Let alone using it myself.

Therefore, he actually wanted to try it now.

"Well...if you're in a hurry, it's not impossible..."

Blake pondered for a while and said, "Agatha is rectifying Knockturn Alley."

"I believe she has dominated Knockturn Alley now."

"So, if you're in a hurry, we can also put another disappearing cabinet in Knockturn Alley."

When Bode heard that another disappearing cabinet was going to be placed in Knockturn Alley, he quickly shook his head.

A place like Knockturn Alley...eating people without spitting out their bones.

It is a place where villains gather.

He is just a weakling. If he has to walk through Knockturn Alley every time he goes down the mountain...

Bode felt scared just thinking about it.

"What does it matter? At that time, Knockturn Alley was our territory, and you still worried about someone harming you?" Blake said with a smile.

Bode still shook his head, "Since you can pass through Diagon Alley safely, why would you risk going to Knockturn Alley? What if there are new ones among those guys who don't recognize me?"

Bode's approach is called highlighting a sound one.

Blake touched his chin, "I can understand your thoughts, but as a wizard, you still have to have a little bit of self-protection.

Bode's expression suddenly changed.

As smart as he is, he can easily guess what Blake wants to say next.

"Do you have to?"


"Then...can it not be Agatha?"

"No, she is the best candidate.

Bode suddenly turned pale.

At this moment, he suddenly felt...

Being a teapot at St. Mungo's is quite happy...

Actually, in Blake's mind.

Although Bode is a research-oriented talent.

But you can’t have no ability to protect yourself at all.

Therefore, let Agatha teach him how to duel when she has time.

In fact, it is a very correct decision.

Immediately afterwards, Blake went back to Hogwarts again.

Then he took away the disappearing cabinet from Hogwarts.

He handed the Hogwarts Vanishing Cabinet to Agatha, who was showing off her skills in Knockturn Alley.

Instruct her to hide the disappearing cabinet in the potion store once it is completed.

Then use some magic to hide it.

After Agatha did as she was told.

Blake returned to the Room of Requirement.

This short period of time passed.

I don’t know what happened to the creature in the biological petri dish.

This thing has the blood of a lot of powerful creatures added to it.

Blake was looking forward to this creature.

Enter the Room of Requirement.

Blake passed through the poisonous tentacles all over the mountains and plains.

Then he entered the newly opened laboratory.

In the center of the laboratory, the biological petri dish was quietly placed there.

Blake came to the biological petri dish and saw only the biological petri dish.

The lump of flesh and blood was still the same as when he left, and there seemed to be no change at all.

Blake carefully observed it many times and found no change in this thing.

"Did the experiment fail?"

Blake rubbed his chin.

For the biological petri dishes produced by the system.

He is still very confident.

If it is not a problem with the biological petri dish.

Then it must be the problem with the stuff inside.

Maybe, it just looks like nothing has changed on the surface!

Blake was observing it.

Quietly opened the eyes of reality.

Then, I clearly saw the strangeness of that lump of things.

First, it has a heartbeat.

However, the interval is very long, almost every second.

Secondly, it is conscious!

Blake found that when he observed it for a longer time.

Its heartbeat has obviously accelerated!

Is this the emotion of fear?

Blake touched his nose with interest, then turned and left the laboratory.

Of course, Blake would not give up observing this strange life form so easily.

He was just doing an experiment.

After Blake walked out of the laboratory, the Eye of Truth activated again.

The next second, in Blake's eyes.

The solid walls of the laboratory became transparent like glass.

At this time, the thing in the petri dish confirmed that no one was in the laboratory.

Finally something changed again!

Because it actually moved!

Blake discovered that not only did its heartbeat change to once per second.

Moreover, there are actually things similar to blood vessels in the meat ball, blooming like flowers in its body.

There is blood flowing in the tube

This creature has undergone such a huge change in just a short moment.

This surprised Blake.

What surprised him most was not the biological changes in this creature.

What surprised Blake the most was how intelligent this thing was!

You know, this thing isn't even fully formed yet!

There is wisdom before it is formed. This thing is incredible.

The most terrifying thing is that the creature in the biological petri dish should be sleeping until Blake wakes it up!

But this creature has obviously woken up long ago!

And he even played hide-and-seek with himself!

If this was placed in some horror movie, it would definitely be like a big boss.

But now...

A smile appeared on Blake's face.

His figure suddenly disappeared and reappeared, already in the laboratory.

The meat-like creature was stretching its body in the petri dish.

But Blake suddenly appeared!

The weird creature's movements suddenly froze.

Then it quickly shrank into a ball again and turned into the way Blake saw it at the beginning.

"Well, he is wise, but not very tall."

Blake gave a very pertinent evaluation directly.

Hiding when you see someone, is this any different from a stupid ostrich that buries its head in the sand?

Blake didn't hesitate and put his hand directly on the petri dish.

Then Druid magic was poured directly into it...

It is best to conquer this unknown creature as soon as possible.

Only its name appears on the system panel.

Blake will feel at ease!.

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