Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 394: Even If The Opponent Has One Veela, Or Two? !

Cassandra bit her lip.

"But...but...who can be proud in front of you?

"You... can't compare with me." Blake said, "I'm not a normal person. I came from a laboratory.

"Maybe my badass dad put something in my brain to strengthen my brain.

"So, you have to compare yourself with people like you."

Blake couldn't explain his system, so he had to throw the cauldron to Grindelwald and his future self.

After Cassandra heard Blake's words, she also felt that it made sense.

Just like humans cannot compete with computers in terms of computing speed.

Cassandra can't compete with Blake, a "non-human" guy.

Thinking of this, Cassandra's confidence, which had been hit by Blake, gradually recovered.

When Blake saw a familiar smile appear on Cassandra's face.

He knew that the original Cassandra was back.

This time Cassandra suddenly did something like this, and then was destroyed by herself.

It still hit her self-confidence to some extent.

Blake didn't want Cassandra to be such a proud person.

He was beaten into a submissive person.

He needs the person next to him to have his own temper.

Instead of always obeying 197 yourself.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to hear the truth in the future.

"I like your gift very much."

Blake carefully put the seed into the plant bag.

Cassandra was very happy to see Blake's actions.

My achievements over such a long period of time have been recognized.

There is nothing more joyful than this.

"Then let's continue opening the gifts."


Blake was about to pick up a gift.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cassandra quietly pulling a gift aside.

If Blake's eyes hadn't been enhanced, he really wouldn't have noticed her little movements.

"Ahem, let's split this portion."

Blake smiled evilly and looked at the gift that Cassandra pulled behind him.

Cassandra's face fell, and she said angrily: "Isn't it okay if I don't want this?"

"Why?" Blake glanced at the famous name on the gift box.

"Fleur Delacour..."

Okay, what else does Blake not understand?

"Please don't associate with her anymore. She is not a good person."

"She is a Veela. People say that Veela can turn into a monster sometimes when she is angry and grumpy!"

Cassandra tried her best to persuade Blake.

"What a coincidence, I'm not a good person either."

"Besides, Fleur only has Veela blood and will not turn into a monster.

Blake smiled at Cassandra's words.

Cassandra found that her provocation had failed.

He had no choice but to curl his lips and take out the gift box hidden behind him.

"Don't say bad things about others casually. From now on, you must be good sisters."

Cassandra immediately became furious again. She was so angry that she opened her small mouth and bit Blake's shoulder.

Forget it Granger.

Hibiscus? No!

"Hey... be gentle! I'm not afraid of pain, just be careful of your teeth! Don't knock them out!"

Blake carefully took off the Cassandra hanging on his body...

"How about you don't want Furong? I can accept anything else."

Cassandra rubbed her teeth that were sore from biting Blake's shoulder and said aggrievedly.

"Don't be like this, you are all my wings!" Blake showed a loving smile on his face.

Cassandra felt annoyed again.

Now, Blake really doesn't hide anything from her.

But she would rather Blake act in front of her like he did before!

This philandering carrot is so irritating!

She thought of Fleur's ridiculously beautiful appearance.

I immediately felt distraught.

If Fleur came, she was worried that Blake would be so obsessed that he couldn't find her.

Just when Cassandra was struggling.

Blake had already happily opened Fleur's gift box.

This gift box contains gifts from the two sisters Fleur and Gabrielle.

What little Gabrielle gave to Blake was a doll as big as a palm.

It looks like she is dressed a bit like Gabrielle back then.

The doll also held a note in its hand.

The note read in crooked English: "Let this Gabri accompany Brother Blake, otherwise you will definitely be very lonely.

The English on the note was obviously written by Gabrielle herself.

Many words are misspelled, but Blake's name is not.

Cassandra looked at the note and felt her scalp numb...

"You...couldn't you be...both sisters..."

"Ahem, actually I don't have such thoughts, do you believe it?"

Blake said a little guilty.

In fact, he was very careful about Furong.

But Gabri... it was an accident that he met Gabri...

She was accidentally put into her master ball once, which was also an accident...

"Do you think I believe it..."

Cassandra was even more distraught.

A Fleur with Veela blood is already difficult to deal with.

What's more, there is an almost identical Gabrielle who also has Veela blood!

Blake had put down Gabrielle's doll and picked up Fleur's gift.

That's a beautiful wand handle.

It seemed to be made by Fleur herself.

Blake took out his wishful wand and put the wand handle on.

The theme color for this wand handle is black.

It really matches the color of the Ruyi Wand.

Cassandra: It's very eye-catching and I want to throw it away.

Next, Blake opened many people's gifts.

Most people get food as gifts.

Among them, most are desserts and candies.

Because everyone knows that Blake likes sweets.

However, Blake didn't dare to eat the candies sent by the little girls in school.

Those little girls really dare to put love potions in candies.

This potion is placed in the candy and is very hidden. Even Blake can hardly see it unless he looks carefully.

Blake and Cassandra opened the presents for a long time.

Then suddenly I remembered something was missing.

"Haha! Granger didn't give you a gift!"

Cassandra clapped her hands happily.

Blake said sadly: "Hermione didn't give me a gift, why are you so happy."

"You don't care about me."

"Maybe he's still angry." Blake guessed.

"Haha, maybe, I'm disappointed in you! Then I won't play with you!"

Cassandra said happily.

Your opponent loses one! Happy!


"Stab it!"

The sound of the dimensional door opening came out.

Hermione took a step forward.

The smile on Cassandra's face solidified instantly...

"Blake, happy birthday!"

Hermione spoke softly to Blake as if she hadn't seen Cassandra.

Then she took out a small gift box from her pocket. .

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