Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 80 This Hogwarts, I Don't Care!

The wizards around Hufflepuff's long table.

They clapped their palms frantically.

Even though their palms were swollen, they didn't put them down.

Many of them even had tears in their eyes!

For example, Harry.

He knew that his parents had also participated in the war against Voldemort.

In the end, they died at the hands of Voldemort.

His parents were so brave.

But he was afraid of being expelled and having his points deducted.

He had to swallow his anger and endure Snape's injustice!

It was too shameful!

Many people felt the same way.


Blake's words were too hot-blooded.

They were too much for the young people's tastes!

Hogwarts had never taught them to be wise and play it safe!

It was to not be afraid of power!

As soon as this sentence was said.

Everyone had an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

It was admiration for their seniors who were willing to die for them.

It was also a sense of responsibility to inherit their seniors' legacy!

Blake continued to speak passionately.

"We absolutely can't let our seniors' spirit of not being afraid of power wither in our hands!

"The grading system shouldn't become a weapon for Snape to turn himself into a privileged class!

"We have to unite!

We have to defeat Snape's sense of entitlement! "

Not far away, Beck, the house elf, was hiding in a corner.

He was tearing up as he described the heroism of his little master.

He reported everything to Grindelwald, who was thousands of miles away.

"That's great … It's like seeing my old master … He was so charming when he gave a speech …"

Rewind time 20 minutes.

After Dumbledore finished listening to Snape's story.

He knew what had happened.

"Um … Severus, I don't see Blake making any mistakes in this matter."

He took off his glasses and wiped them.

"It's time for you to change your personality."

Snape said with a straight face.

"Even if I was biased at the beginning, it's a fact that he was arrogant and talked back to the professor!"

Dumbledore put on his glasses.

"Students also have the right to question their professors.


"Not all reasonable questions are meant to contradict the professor."

"I won't expel Blake."


This matter ends here.

You can go.

"Don't forget, your main task is to keep an eye on the sender.

"You don't want that person to come back, do you?"

Snape's body trembled slightly.

"If you don't want to fire him, then at least lock him up …."

"Blake didn't do anything wrong, and you still want to lock him up?"

Professor Sprout opened the door.

He stormed in angrily.

"Snape, you've always been like this …"

"Deducting marks for no reason and punishing students for no reason. In the past, I never stopped arguing with you."

"But now!

If you dare to touch Blake, I'll show you what I'm capable of! "

Professor Sprout promised Blake that he wouldn't get into a conflict with Snape.


She had promised not to have any conflict, but what she meant was that she would not fight.

As for not scolding Snape, she hadn't agreed!

And …

Who said that only minor adepts held grudges against Snape?

Snape's actions had truly angered the honest Professor Sprout!

"Pomona … What are you …"

Dumbledore smiled bitterly at Professor Sprout.

"Albus, don't your own children know how to feel heartache?"

"Blake wasn't in the wrong!"

"Don't talk about firing and locking him up.

I won't even agree to deducting marks! "

"If you insist on punishing Blake today.

Then I'll know what to do in the future. "

"It's wrong to treat every student fairly."

"We should treat them unfairly."

Professor Sprout stared fiercely at Snape.

She had been the dean for so many years, but she had never been so angry!

She was openly protecting her own child.

Snape frowned and looked angrily at Professor Sprout.

Dumbledore said helplessly, "Calm down.

Pomona, I don't want to punish Blake.

Professor Sprout said, "Albus, we've always tried to implement the grading system as fair as possible."

"It's the same for every professor!"

"But Snape …."

"If we treat Slytherin's students the way he treats them, would Slytherin have won the School Championship for so many years?"

Anger flashed across Snape's face again.

"We won the School Championship with our own strength …."

Professor Sprout scoffed at Snape's words.


You relied on shamelessness!


"But your shamelessness is still very effective …"

Professor Sprout turned to Dumbledore and said,

"Just now, I awarded Blake 150 points for not fearing authority and standing his ground."

"So now Hufflepuff is in first place in terms of points."

"If Snape's behavior doesn't change in the future."

"Then I'll use this method to fight until the end."

When honest people lose their temper.

It was very scary.

Because when honest people lose their temper.

It meant that they had reached the limit of their tolerance.

So when honest people lose their temper.

They were often more impulsive.

More uncontrollable.

"Pomona, don't worry. I've already understood what happened."

"Blake didn't do anything wrong.

So, he won't be punished to any extent. "

At this moment.

The door to the principal's office opened again.

Professor McGonagall, coming in from the sidelines.

“ Albus!

I heard that you're going to expel Blake? "

"I think we have to clarify this matter first …"

Professor McGonagall hurriedly walked forward.

As soon as she entered, she saw Professor Sprout with an angry look on his face.

She thought that they had already decided to expel Blake.

“ Blake?

What Blake? "On the wall of the principal's office.

The principal from the Blake family.

Phineas Blake had just returned from a visit.

He heard this familiar surname as soon as he entered.


This isn't about your Blake family. There's a child named Blake. "

There was a portrait of the principal beside him.

"Uh … is that so?" Phineas' portrait was a little dazed.

Dumbledore looked at the anxious people.

"Don't worry, I've already understood the whole matter.

Blake won't be expelled. "

Hearing Dumbledore's words.

The professors heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then this matter …"

Dumbledore wanted to say that this matter would end here.


Professor Sprout said, "It's not over yet, Professor Dumbledore.

You have to make Snape promise that he won't deduct points again.

"Us professors."

No matter what school the students are from.

We've always treated everyone equally. Points will be deducted for mistakes, and points will be added for good work.

We've never tried not adding points for good work, but deducting points instead!

How can Snape be so unfair? "

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick both looked at Snape.

Obviously, they agreed with Professor Sprout's words.

Dumbledore nodded.

He looked at Snape.

“ Severus。

Shouldn't you make your stance clear? "

You're not good enough in terms of fairness. "

Snape snorted softly.

"Everyone has their own standards of judgment.

I don't think they're good enough.

"So, am I wrong not to add points?"

"Potioneering is an extremely rigorous subject."

"If there's even the slightest mistake, the magic potion that comes out can kill people!"

"So, I think that a mistake in brewing a potion is very serious."

"I'm just deducting points to teach them a lesson. What's wrong with that?"

Professor Sprout said angrily.

"What about Blake?

He has successfully created the boils solution. Why didn't you add points to his score? Why did you deduct points? "

Snape said nonchalantly.

"His crude Magic Potion isn't enough to earn me points."

He was standing less than 10 inches away from his classmate, but he didn't warn him. "

"Watch them make mistakes.

What's wrong with me deducting his points? "

"I'm just a freshman, and you're already mobilizing so many people against me."

"Hehe, aren't you guys exaggerating?"

Professor McGonagall grabbed the angry Professor Sprout.

She could see the shovel in her pocket …

"This is his first time brewing a magic potion!"

"You …"


The door was opened again.

It interrupted Professor Sprout's scolding.

Everyone walked in.

He saw that the office was full of professors.

A drop of sweat rolled down his face.

"Uh … I … I heard that Blake … is going to … be expelled?"

"I … I think … you can't expel him …"

Dumbledore looked at Quirrell in shock.

He didn't expect that even he would plead for Blake.

Voldemort must be interested in something from Blake!

Snape looked at Quirrell in disgust.

Then, he walked past the latter.

He was ready to leave.


Suddenly, a portrait of the principal on the wall spoke.

"Everyone, you'd better go to the auditorium … something big has happened."

He also had a portrait of himself in the auditorium.

So, he could see the scene in the auditorium.

"What happened?"

"Well … that little wizard named Blake thinks he's going to be expelled."

"So he's giving a speech in the auditorium."

"Speech?" A familiar figure flashed across Dumbledore's mind.

"Let's go!"

There was no time to say anything to Snape.

Dumbledore took the lead and walked to the auditorium.

From afar, Dumbledore could hear the warm applause from the auditorium.

… 0 begging for flowers …

Then, he heard Blake's voice.

Dumbledore asked everyone to stop.

Because he wanted to hear what Blake had to say.


"Snape wants me to pack my bags."

"Because tonight, I'm going to be kicked out of Hogwarts!"


It shouldn't be like this! "

"Hogwarts taught us not only knowledge, but also the spirit of bravery and resistance!"

"Do you remember the Wizard War from more than ten years ago?"

"Fearing power and living a peaceful life have never been taught at Hogwarts!

"Our seniors have used their blood to prove this point!"


"Young wizards of the academy!

"We should unite!"

"Together, we should bravely say no to injustice!"]

Because of Dumbledore's temporary obstruction.

So, the professors listened to most of Blake's speech.

When they heard Blake mention the people who sacrificed their lives.

Professor McGonagall and the others' eyes turned red.

Too many people died in that war.

And many of them were personally taught by them.

They were still so young back then!

Not fearing power and bravely resisting was the spirit of Hogwarts, not protecting oneself …

Ou … this child said it so well.

Brave faces flashed through Professor McGonagall and the others' minds …

They were all people from their memories …

It was the opposite of the touched and sad faces of the other professors.

Snape's face alternated between red and white.

He didn't expect Blake to take the opportunity to incite the others to boycott him!

Dumbledore's expression was the most complicated.

The figure on the stage and the cheers of the audience …

Blake's impassioned and generous figure in his speech.

It gradually overlapped with the figure in his memory …

Dumbledore's heart flashed with nostalgia.

"Albus … we should go out now."

Professor McGonagall's eyes were red as she spoke to Dumbledore.

"Ou … I'm sorry, I know."

Dumbledore's thoughts were pulled back.

Then, he led the professors out.

Blake stood on the long table and incited the emotions of the young wizards around him.

When the system notified him that a few golden treasure chests had been received.

Blake knew it.

Dumbledore and the others must have arrived.

As expected, not long after.

They appeared at the teacher's seat.


Professor Dumbledore is out. "

"Let's go and tell him our wishes now!"

Blake had just finished his sentence.


The young wizards all gathered together.

Cedric was the first to speak up.

"Professor Dumbledore, I hope you can cancel Blake's expulsion!"

Lee Jordan also said loudly, "That's right!

Professor Dumbledore, apart from that, I hope you can take Professor Snape's unfair actions seriously!

Snape glared at Lee Jordan.

But now, Lee Jordan and the other small wizards had been incited by Blake for a long time.

The blood in his chest was boiling.

They wanted nothing more than to flatten the Underground Classroom and capture Snape alive.

Therefore, Snape's gaze was enough to make students tremble in fear.

How could he scare people now?

Instead, it provoked even more people's anger.

"Professor Dumbledore, why didn't Slytherin criticize me when I was grounded for the same mistake?"

"Professor Dumbledore …"

Blake slowly jumped down from Hufflepuff's long table.

Now, the situation was set.

The others would speak up for Blake.

He didn't need to do anything at all.

He looked at the professors who were surrounded by a large group of young wizards.

Blake shook his head.

He turned around and walked out of the auditorium.

As the saying goes, leave when the matter is done, hide your achievements and reputation …


"Pa!" Baker, the house elf, appeared in front of Blake.

His face was full of admiration.

Blake waved his hand.

"Help me pack.

I'm going to be expelled! "

"I don't want to stay at Hogwarts!"


Young master. "

Baker immediately ran back to Blake's dormitory happily to pack.

Of course, Blake knew that he wouldn't be expelled.


If you want to put on an act, you have to go all the way!

Didn't Snape say that I'm going to be kicked out of Hogwarts tonight?


I'm ready to go!

What, not expelled?

You want me to go back?

I'm not going back!

I want to go back to the orphanage!

I did well there, at least I had candy to eat.

It's not like here.

If I did well, I would have points deducted!

I would be insulted!

You want me to go back?


Get Snape to apologize to me personally! '

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