Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 11 Diamond Treasure Chest? {Requesting Data On The First Day}

Mr. and Mrs. Granger were about to get up but were blocked by Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall shook his head.

He motioned to the two of them to continue reading.

Looking at the girl next to Malfoy.

Professor McGonagall's eyes flashed.

Are you a member of that family?

But why was she with Malfoy?

Hermione was about to continue her rant but was blocked by Crow.

She looked at Crow confused.

I don't understand why he is stopping me.

Is it possible that he is also afraid of this Master Malfoy?

Just when Hermione was a little disappointed.

But he saw Crow taking a step forward to block him behind him.

"I don't know what Malfoy is, and I don't want to know. But I know your family is probably very uneducated!"

"Maybe your parents are very uneducated, otherwise they wouldn't be able to teach you a character like this!"

"You think you are very noble, but in fact, in the eyes of others, you are just a ridiculous clown! The status of the monkeys in the zoo is comparable to yours!"

Crow's cold words echoed in the store.

Several people, including Professor McGonagall, were stunned on the spot.

This is the first time anyone has said it.

The Malfoys are the monkeys that everyone admires.

This is no longer a slap in the face of the Malfoy family.

Instead, they were pressing their faces to the ground and rubbing them.

The kind that still stomps on both feet.

[Two strong emotions of shock were detected! 】

[Get rewards: diamond treasure chest, gold treasure chest! 】


【Strong happy emotion detected! 】

[Get reward: golden treasure chest! 】


【Strong anger detected! 】

[Get reward: golden treasure chest! 】


[Two happy emotions detected! 】

[Reward: two bronze treasure chests! 】

A series of prompts echoed in Crow's mind.

But he didn't care.

He just stared at Malfoy indifferently.

If Malfoy provokes others.

He might not care.

But he had a conflict with Hermione.

This made it impossible for him not to take action.

What Malfoy family?

What twenty-eight purebloods?

Is it important to have your own treasure girl?

"Do you know who you are insulting? Damn Muggles! Today I will let you know what Malfoy is!"

"Dole, let him know what regret is!"

Malfoy glared at Crow.

"I obey, little master! Dole will definitely make this person pay the price for insulting the Malfoy family!"

An ugly-looking elf in tattered clothes appeared next to Malfoy.

He pointed a bony finger at Crow.

"Shattered to pieces!"

A slightly hoarse and cold voice sounded.

A gray light shot out from between his sharp fingers.

Rushing towards Crow at great speed.

"Crow, get out of the way!!"

Hermione exclaimed.

Although I don’t know what the effect of the Shattered Bones Curse is.

But just by the name, you know it's not a good thing.

She struggled to push Crow away.

But he found that the thin Crow seemed to have grown up where he was.

No matter how hard she pushed.

Crow didn't move at all.

Professor McGonagall and Angeloi saw this scene.

Just about to take action to block the blow.

But Crow raised his hand.

"Levitation spell!"

A wooden board about 60 centimeters in the distance flew towards me at a high speed.

Stand in front of Crow.

bump! !

The broken bones hit the wooden board.

Beat the wooden board directly into a sky full of sawdust.

Professor McGonagall and others opened their eyes in shock.

[Four strong emotions of shock detected! 】

[Reward: one diamond treasure chest, two gold treasure chests, and one silver treasure chest! 】

[Two strong emotions of shock detected! 】

[This goal has reached the upper limit today! 】


"Casting spells without a wand? How can you, a Muggle, cast spells without a wand? An illusion, it must be an illusion!"

Malfoy exclaimed.

Several people came back to their senses from the shock.

The blonde girl put away her wand without leaving a trace.

Looking at Crow with interest.

He's obviously a Muggle.

Not even a wizard.

It is actually possible to cast spells without a wand.

What a... peculiar guy!

"Doll, you are a loser! If two Muggles can't solve the problem, what's the use of raising you? Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you take action quickly?"

Malfoy scolded Dole angrily.

"I'm sorry, little master, Dole will go and deal with this Muggle who insulted the noble Malfoy family right away! Turn into powder...Professor McGonagall!"

Dole trembled in fear.

Then he tried to attack Crow again with the Bone Crushing Curse.

But he was only halfway through his spell.

Then he saw Professor McGonagall who had appeared in front of Crow at some point.

Doll immediately put away his magic in panic.

He saluted Professor McGonagall with a hint of fear.

"McGonagall Minerva? How is that possible? There was no one there just now. I mean, Professor McGonagall, I..."

Malfoy's eyes widened in shock.

After discovering that it was really Professor McGonagall.

He was a little incoherent and wanted to explain.

But he didn't know how to explain it.

Professor McGonagall must have used some hidden magic just now.

He didn't know how much the other party had seen.

If you have witnessed the whole process.

The explanation becomes feeble.

Malfoy clenched his fists and glared at Dole.

Dole also lowered his head in self-reproach.

If only he had known Professor McGonagall was here.

Will definitely tell Malfoy.

Malfoy would never do such a thing.

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