Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 2 He Died Young And Was Taken Home By Hermione, A Lolita! {Requesting Data On The First Day!

Lily Street, 444.

A stark white room filled with dolls and books.

Crow slowly opened his eyes on the soft white bed.

Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling above, the soft bed beneath him.

There is a familiar fragrance on your breath.

Crow frowned and sat up.

I met Hermione and broke the big meat buns she bought.


system! !

Crow's eyes widened suddenly.

"Emotional treasure chest system? You can change the name to cheating system! Whose system can knock out the host as soon as it appears?"

【Helpless emotion detected! 】

[Insufficient emotions, unable to obtain the system treasure chest. 】

Hear the cold sound of system machinery.

Crow's mouth twitched speechlessly.

The wool comes from the sheep and is used by the sheep!

This system knows how to recycle!


After secretly muttering a few words, Crow fell into deep thought.

Absorb information from the system.

He already has a basic understanding of the system's functions.

Emotional treasure chest system.

simply put.

It's Crow who makes others produce various strong emotions to get rewards.

As long as the opponent's emotions are strong enough, there is a chance to obtain various treasure chests.

The grades of treasure chests are divided into: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and King!

Emotions that can trigger treasure chests include excitement, anger, hatred, speechlessness...

Of course, not all treasure chests produced are useful.

The stronger the person who produces the treasure box is, the stronger his mood will be.

The more valuable the treasure chests produced are, the higher their level will be.

For example, angering two people at the same time, one is Dumbledore and the other is an ordinary passerby.

If both of them are equally angry.

Then what Dumbledore produced might be a king-level treasure chest.

Ordinary passers-by may not be able to produce treasure chests.

Comparing the two, it’s a clear decision!

Because one is a Muggle and the other is the top white wizard!

"Making others feel various emotions...let others break their defenses?"

“The emotion must also be generated by a capable person to be valuable.”

Crow's eyes flickered slightly.

"It's hard to say how happy or excited you are, but it's very easy to make someone angry and break his defense."

"Are you sure it's called the emotional treasure chest system, not the death system?"

Think of the consequences of angering those people.

Crow had already figured out where to bury himself.

"Crow, wake up!"

Just when Crow was speechless, a clear voice sounded.

There was unconcealable joy and excitement in his voice.

Crow looked up.

I saw little lolita Hermione standing at the door holding a plate.

There was unconcealable excitement on his little face.

【Strong excitement detected! 】

[Reward: Silver Treasure Chest! 】

Tile grass!

The legendary treasure girl!

How long have we known each other?

I gave myself two silver treasure chests!

Crow exclaimed in his heart.

There was a frown on his face, pretending to be confused.

"Hermione? Where is this? Why am I here?"

"Whose bed is this? Why does it smell so good? And is this...a handkerchief?"

"Well, it smells good and soft!"

Hermione, who walked to the small table carrying the dinner plate, was a little confused when she heard the question.

She didn't remember there was a handkerchief on her bed...

Could it be...! !

Hermione's eyes widened and she turned around hastily.

I saw Crow holding a piece of pink cloth and looking at it.

Occasionally I would smell it out of curiosity.

Hermione's breath hitched at the sight.

His little face turned red instantly.

Her beautiful eyes were full of shyness and anger.

【Strong shyness detected! 】

[Reward: Golden Treasure Chest! 】

Golden treasure chest!

Treasure girl is indeed a treasure girl!

Not long after we met, I contributed two silver treasure chests.

Now even the golden treasure chest is out.

If only there were more treasure girls like this...

He seems to have found the correct way to open the system!


Crow couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

There was a look of confusion on his face.

He played with the soft fabric in his hands.

Hermione quickly dropped her plate when she saw this.

He rushed to the bed in a hurry.

He grabbed a small pink piece of fabric and stuffed it into the closet.

After doing this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

But the shame and annoyance on his face did not dissipate at all.

That's her...

Before she could question Crow in embarrassment.

Crow pretended to be confused and asked proactively.

"Is the fabric just now important to you? Sorry, I didn't mean to touch it."

"If you feel dirty, I can wash it for you."

Crowe's words made Hermione's question stop in her mouth.

She eyed Crow suspiciously with squinted eyes.

He looked at him with a sincere look in his eyes without any hesitation.

It's like he really doesn't know what it is.

Hermione could only close her eyes helplessly and stop thinking about it.

Maybe he really doesn't know what it is!

【A strong feeling of helplessness is detected! 】

[The target’s emotional treasure chest drops have reached the upper limit today! 】

[Please host choose another target! 】

Crow was not surprised when he heard the system's words.

Each person can only provide three treasure chests per day.

He already knew this after absorbing the information from the system.

It's just a pity that I missed a treasure chest.

Maybe it’s another golden treasure chest!

When he thought of this, Crow felt so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe.

Although I don’t know what’s in the treasure chest.

But the products produced by the system must be high-quality!

Things will definitely not be bad! ps: I’m going to bed with my new book, please be favored! Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and review votes!

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The author is extremely grateful. I feel the same about the bullying. Thank you!

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