Of course, she also hinted at the marriage between Crow and Ronald. Crow was very angry after hearing this, but Ronald was quite satisfied with his mother's suggestion.

In this case, the relationship between the two parties intensified.

The relationship between Crow and Ronald also became increasingly close.

But Crow has not completely forgotten his nightmare and the Dark Mark, which makes him always feel that he owes Ronald a lot, but he does not have the courage to show off with Ronald.

They didn't even talk about each other's future, maybe because they didn't dare to talk about it, maybe because there was no need to talk about it.

At Hogwarts, their relationship was awkward.

This was Crow's initial thought, but later he realized that he really thought too much.

The relationship between the two was not noticed by the school or others. When they first entered Hogwarts, Crow would keep in touch with Ronald, but later on, the two rarely interacted with each other. Ci's courses are very intense. Every day he is racing against time to study, and he has no time to take care of other things.

Crow's nightmare still exists, and Ronald continues to fall into disapparition...

After an unknown amount of time, Crow woke up from his sleep. He rubbed his forehead and sat up. He opened the lampstand next to the fireplace and found an oil painting hanging on the wall, depicting a scene of a group of black bats flying. This is A sculpture.

On the back of this painting are written three words "Brooklyn" (Note 1). In this painting, Crow saw himself flying away from the window on a broomstick one night. This is Brooklyn. Address, Crow knew a Muggle lived here.

Crow looked at the oil painting carefully again, and he saw several green trees in the painting, which should be the wooden house where he lived when he was a child.

In his memory, the wooden house had collapsed and turned into a pile of ashes.

Crow picked up the quill pen, turned the oil painting over, and used red lines to outline the shapes of the trees.

This is Crow's favorite painting. It shows the scene where he and Ronald were playing when they were children, as well as the dilapidated house and the trees. Although the house is gone, he still remembers which tree he and Ronald were under. Playing hide-and-seek, he still remembers the scene where Ronald secretly drank, and the scene where he and Ronald were scratched by a wolverine.

Crow put down his quill and looked out the window on his chair.

The sky outside was dim and gloomy, and he suddenly felt a little tired.

I don't know how long it took before he calmed down and continued to think hard about how to help Draco Malfoy get rid of Ernie. He had decided that even if the Malfoys were unwilling, he would give it a try - maybe this would be helpful to the Malfoys. Where's the help?

As he had guessed before, the tradition of the Malfoy family is that the children of the family require 493 superb talents in spells, but the Malfoy family has never considered passing on this inheritance. They would not allow a freak like the Dark Lord or the Evil God to appear in Malfoy's bloodline.

Crow has always felt that the Malfoy family was very prejudiced against his father. This prejudice not only included his father's inability to control the overall situation, but also Mr. Malfoy's stupidity and cowardice.

In Crow's view, this prejudice is unfair, because Mr. Malfoy is a great wizard. He once repelled the conspiracy of Death Eaters and saved innocent ordinary people. These things are things that Voldemort cannot do. He only kills innocent wizards to get his happiness, and he has always been a tough leader. .

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