Crow lay down again, feeling the warmth around him, and he couldn't help but reach out and hug Ronald.

Ronald was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I will protect you, Crow, just wait until Christmas is over."

Crow hummed and fell asleep again.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already dawn. Crow felt that his whole body was sore and his stomach was unbearably hungry, but he no longer wanted to eat. He wanted to take a bath, clean up and then replenish his food. Now he needed a bucket of water to soak his body. ,restore energy.

Crow pushed the door open with all his strength, and he smelled the rich fragrance wafting in the air.

He was surprised to find smoke rising from the kitchen in the living room 520. Crow looked at the clock hanging on the wall and it was now 7:50 in the morning.

He hurried into the kitchen, and sure enough, Alyssa was preparing breakfast and Hermione was sitting at the dining table.

"Ah!" Hermione screamed.

Alyssa stopped and turned her head in surprise: "Hermione, you..."

Crow looked at the ring on Alyssa's neck, which was the engagement ring he gave her.

"What are you doing? Mrs. Alyssa, didn't we tell you not to wear this ring yesterday? It will cause some trouble...

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Alyssa shouted angrily, "Crow, have you really forgotten that we just got engaged and you want to abandon me?"

"We're not engaged!" Crow shouted in panic.

"You don't admit it?" Alyssa glared at Crow, then turned to Hermione and explained, "Hermione, listen to me, Crow..."

"Mrs. Alisa." Hermione said calmly, "Since he doesn't remember, forget it. He doesn't want to be with you anymore, so let go of his arm. 17

"What do you mean, you two... you two are brother and sister, you are brother and sister." Alyssa roared.

Crow stood there blankly. He saw that Alyssa was wearing the ring he bought for her on her neck, but it was hanging on Hermione's neck at the moment. Obviously, what Hermione said was correct, and he did not remember it. (bjfc) Well, maybe they are really just brother and sister.

Crow turned and left. His legs seemed to be even more sore. He held on to the wall at the end of the corridor and moved slowly. His heart was in a mess. He couldn't believe that he would like a man. This was simply ridiculous.

He walked outside the bathroom and saw his face in the mirror with flushed cheeks, confused eyes, and beads of sweat on his forehead. He felt hot all over, and he couldn't even think. This was the first time he had encountered this situation. He Don't understand what's going on.

Just as Crow was hesitating to knock on the bathtub glass, he heard a familiar singing voice.

It's Draco Malfoy's singing voice!

Crow quickly ran to the bathroom door, and he heard Draco's singing: "You will always fall in love with me, baby, we are destined to be happy, you are so beautiful, and I am as warm as the sun, why do you always have to Run away..."

"Draco!" Crow shouted loudly, but Malfoy did not answer him. He still sang, "Don't you love me? Why do you still miss that love if you don't love me?...You The person you love is not me, so you choose to run away, right?"

Crow's breathing became heavier and heavier, and he felt hot all over. He had never felt like this before, but he didn't want to become crazy, so he tried his best to suppress this restlessness.

"No, it won't..." He murmured to himself, "It won't be like this..."

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