Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 25 Is Voldemort A Mixed-Blood Wizard? {Ask For Monthly Ticket}

Outside the Leaky Cauldron.

Harry Potter's clothes tensed.

He looked timidly at the sloppy giant who was more than three meters tall beside him.

"Hagrid, will they really welcome me? After all, I am the redundant one wherever I am."

"That's how it is at Uncle Vernon's house, or in other words, in this world, I am a superfluous existence."

Harry Potter lowered his head in despair.

At only ten years old, he didn't know why he was rejected.

All I know is that I'm not welcome there.

Hagrid caressed Harry's head with his big hand.

"You may be redundant to the Muggle world."

Harry Potter heard this.

His expression became darker.

"Because you don't belong to the Muggle world, you belong to the wizarding world! Only here can you understand how important you are."

"The entire wizarding world needs you, and all wizards know your name."

"Harry Potter!"

Hagrid comforted her in a low voice.

"Come on Harry, come with me back to your world! The world that can truly accommodate you!"

Harry Potter swept away the previous haze.

Curiously, he followed Hagrid into the Leaky Cauldron.

Ding dong~

The crisp sound of wind chimes sounded.

But no one cared.

I just thought it was someone waiting to see Harry Potter.

"Professor Quirrell, you are the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. You should know about the Dark Lord, right?"

Crow said with a smile.

His words immediately shocked everyone.

The same goes for Hagrid, who just wanted to say hello to everyone.

The Dark Lord.

They haven't heard this title for more than ten years.

Hagrid looked down at Harry Potter with an inexplicable expression.

If not for this child.

They should still be living in boundless fear, right?

"Of course I know...a little bit, why do you...ask this?"

Quirrell bit the bullet.

He answered with a stiff face under the gaze of everyone.

{You idiot, relax, no one here will find out your identity, don't scare yourself! If he found me, how could he still be standing here asking you? }

Voldemort's angry voice entered Quirrell's mind.

Let the stiff-looking Quirrell relax a little.

【A strong feeling of irritation is detected! 】

[Get reward: golden treasure chest! 】

【A strong feeling of resentment is detected! 】

【Get rewards; gold treasure chest! 】

[Intense detected....]


It only takes a moment.

Crow then harvested two gold treasure chests.

A silver treasure chest!

Seven bronze treasure chests!

Now he has 28 bronze, 4 silver, and 2 gold.

Look at the treasure chest radiating light in the system.

Crow couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Sure enough, I want to stimulate these people with something that has been stored in their hearts for a long time.

This is true for pureblood families.

The same goes for Voldemort.

They are afraid of these things.

These things are their weakness!

"What do you want to ask, little guy? The Dark Lord is not a cool thing, so don't go astray by reading those messy books."

Hagrid walked up to Crow with a serious expression.

He warned him very seriously.

Then he greeted Quirrell with a smile on his face.

"Hi, Professor Quirrell, it's an honor to meet you here. Harry, this is Professor Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts!"

"Hello Professor Quirrell, my name is Harry Potter, please..."

Harry hadn't finished speaking yet.

The whole bar was already shaking.

"Harry Potter? Oh my God, Merlin's beard, I actually see Harry Potter!"

"Harry Potter, it's great to have you back. You know what? We've been waiting for this moment for ten years."

"Welcome back, Harry Potter, welcome home!"

Everyone rushed forward.

Surround Harry Potter in the middle.

All kinds of unspeakable excited sounds echoed in the bar.

Crow and Hermione were also pushed aside by the excited crowd.

"Who is Harry Potter? Why have I never heard of him? Is he a famous person? Why are so many people welcoming him?"

Hermione's brows were filled with curiosity.

There was a little bit of envy mixed in with it.

She had never experienced this feeling of stars overcoming the moon.

Even if it weren't for Crow's appearance.

She may only have the Grangers with her.

Not to mention this kind of all-star support.

This is why she craves recognition.

"Ha Harry Potter! Nice to see you here!"

Quirrell shook Harry Potter's hand excitedly.

"Thank you, Professor."

Harry Potter pulled his hand away unnaturally.

At the same time, he frowned and rubbed the scar on his forehead.

Do not know why.

He had just shaken Quirrell's hand.

The scars will sting.

It seemed to be reminding him of something.

"Oh Professor Quirrell, you haven't answered my question yet? I don't think there are really teachers who don't want to answer students' questions, right?"

"You are knowledgeable and talented, and you are a professor at Hogwarts. I don't think you can answer my questions, right?"

Crow interrupted everyone's cheers with a smile on his face.

【A strong feeling of resentment is detected! 】

[Get reward: golden treasure chest! 】

The smile on Quirrell's face faltered.

The cheering crowd also looked at the two men again.

The same goes for Harry Potter and Hagrid.

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